One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 298 Shocking World

Navy G-5 base.

The base commander looked in disbelief at the slightly embarrassed General Kizaru in front of him, who was talking to the headquarters.

Did he hear it wrong?

How could General Kizaru say such outrageous things!

That kind of thing could only happen in his dream!

But unfortunately, he was neither dreaming nor hearing wrongly. Kizaru was indeed reporting the magical thing to the headquarters with a look of regret.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Sengoku, this time we have indeed suffered an unprecedented defeat."

Finally, Kizaru said apologetically.

On the other end of the phone was Marine Fando from the Navy Headquarters.

Marshal Sengoku, who commanded the entire navy, was already livid at this time. His hand holding the microphone was trembling, and he almost crushed the microphone.

"Okay, I understand. Now you have a good rest. We will discuss the specific countermeasures here."

He hung up the phone.

"How could this happen!


Zeng Guo, who was still very calm on the phone just now, couldn't help but scratch his rounded afro with both hands. He directly scratched the hair into an extremely messy mess, which looked like a bird's nest.

Even though they acted separately this time, it was still a combination of two generals, one general and two Shichibukai!

Brett and Zefa are just two people, how can they do such a thing?

Is it just the overwhelming power of that bastard Brett?


Because of Brett's incomparable strength, even compared with the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, he is still an overwhelming force.

The Warring States Period was somewhat decadent.

This level of power is probably not as good as that of him and Garp when they were young, and even monsters like Roger Whitebeard and Rocks are not as good as that.

I'm afraid no one in the world can defeat him, defeat that guy Brett!

Warring States couldn't help but have such thoughts in his heart.

"Now is not the time to be depressed, Sengoku."

Fortunately, Marshal Warring States did not face such shocking facts alone.

Although Lieutenant General Karp had gone to the G-1 base due to the collective dispatch of the generals, the chief staff officer of the Navy Headquarters, Lieutenant General Big Crane of the Navy, still stayed at the Navy Headquarters.

The old lady of the lieutenant general sitting on the sofa opposite said with a solemn face, "You should understand, right? What kind of situation will the navy face next?"

The Warring States Marshal was silent for a moment.

Yes, if this incident spreads to the sea, it is impossible to imagine what kind of blow the navy and the authority of the government will suffer.

In the eight hundred years since the establishment of the World Government, when has the navy suffered such a disastrous defeat?

How can people on the seas of the world still believe that the navy has the power to protect justice and protect them?

"Let's report this matter to the government first and see what they have in mind."

Warring States sighed, and then he said, "Then we can discuss how to rescue Sakaski and the others."


"Are you kidding? The navy is a bunch of trash!"

As expected, the Five Old Stars got furious, and the bearded Five Old Star even kicked the coffee table away.

"This is truly a situation that was never imagined before!"

The blond Wulaoxing was also very anxious, and walked around in the spacious office uneasily, "Who would have thought that Brett guy could actually do this!"

Although I have repeatedly overestimated the power of Brett, it seems that I still underestimated him!

"There is no point in regretting now. The key lies in how to deal with the aftermath of this matter!"

The bald Wulaoxing sat solemnly on the sofa, "How to minimize the impact of this defeat, and how to rescue Sakaski, Kuzan and others!"

Of course, the Five Old Stars know what kind of impact this failure will have on public opinion on the world government after it spreads to the sea.

The navy, which is ostensibly the most powerful force under the government, has suffered such a disastrous defeat. How can the participating countries believe that they can rely on them to protect their own safety?

"Are you going to expose Brett's role in this?"

The bearded Wulaoxing said in a condensed voice.

"Are you crazy?"

The blond Wu Laoxing didn't hesitate and directly rejected it, "You don't want to watch that bastard Brett bring a rock of dynamite to Mariejoia to detonate it!"

"Even if that lord can take care of him, do you want all of us to be buried with him?"


The bearded Five Old Stars were speechless.

Yes, that bastard Brett is not only overwhelmingly strong in personal strength, he even has a devastating weapon in his hand.

"There's nothing we can do about Brett's bastard for the time being."

The sword-wielding Wulaoxing said helplessly, "If you want to deal with that guy, you have to wait until the Vegapunk fishman potion is successfully researched, so that our people can have the ability to fight underwater."

"Or, as that adult said, find a way to trick them into moving the Fish-Man Island to the sea."

"It's better to think about how to rescue Sakaski and the others now."

The Navy's losses this time were really too great.

It was not just the two generals who were captured, but also nearly ten lieutenant generals, and twenty or thirty senior officers at the level of major generals and brigadier generals.

It is no exaggeration to say that in this battle, the navy lost at least one-third of its strength.

Coupled with the two newly released Shichibukai who rushed to the street at the speed of light, the government's losses were too great.

If Akainu and Qingzhi cannot be rescued, then it will not be an easy task to make up for this part of the power.

"No matter what, that bastard Zefa is Sakaski and Kuzan's teacher. He shouldn't do anything to them."

The bearded Wulaoxing said, "How about trying to negotiate with them."


The bearded Wulaoxing asked, "Does that mean we have to compromise with them?"

"Otherwise, is there any other way now?"

The bearded Wulaoxing asked, "If there is a way to directly deal with them, then it doesn't matter even if all the captured navy are sacrificed, but the question is, is there one?"

Everyone was silent.

Yes, is there?

That guy Zefa is not the point at all. The key to the problem is Brett.

As long as the monster hiding in the deep sea cannot be solved, all the government's efforts will be in vain.

While Mariejoia fell silent, the sea began to boil.

World Economic News prints newspapers as soon as possible and then delivers them around the world.

The navy's war against the NEO navy came to an end, but it probably exceeded everyone's expectations.

"How could such a thing happen!


"The navy was defeated, and the two admirals Akainu and Aokiji were captured!


"Am I dreaming?


The world was shocked.

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