One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 299 Master and Disciple

The whole world was of course deeply shocked by this news.

That's the Navy Headquarters.

Eight hundred years since the World Government established the Navy Headquarters, this organization has been suppressing the entire sea.

They may have failed before, but never such a disastrous defeat.

Even the arrogant Rocks Pirates, even the Roger Pirates who achieved unprecedented achievements, have never pushed the Navy to this point!

The two fleets commanded by the three generals were completely defeated. Except for General Kizaru who narrowly escaped due to his ability, all other expedition personnel were captured!

It even includes two monster pirates who have just joined the Shichibukai!

Before this, everyone on the sea undoubtedly believed that the navy would win the final victory in this war.

Before this, who could have imagined that the final result would be like this!

The navy actually suffered such a disastrous defeat!

"Is this man Black Wrist Zefa so scary?"

"Did he have planned it for a long time, but he just hid his power when he was in the navy!"

It is difficult for people not to have such conjectures. After all, the newspapers did not explain Brett's role in this battle. He did not even appear in the newspapers at all.

People at sea had no idea that Brett was involved in this matter.

People are just surprised that a man whose arm was even cut off by a pirate before suddenly became so strong now?

After all, among the group of people he captured, in addition to the three generals of the Navy Headquarters, there was also the pirate who cut off his arm before.

However, the conjecture about Zefa is not the focus. The real focus is the changes in the world situation after this battle.

"Are you kidding? The Navy has suffered such a disastrous defeat. Can it still protect our safety in the future?"

The kings of many participating countries screamed in panic.

If the navy can't protect them, then why should they be alone in this chaotic era of great pirates?

If the navy cannot provide them with protection, why should they pay huge amounts of money every year to become members of the government?

"The navy has suffered such a disastrous defeat, and the rise of the NEO navy has become unstoppable! What will this world look like in the future?"

Many people are already quite pessimistic about the future of the sea.

After all, in the government's propaganda, Zefa is a betrayer of justice and a villain with evil intentions.

His victory was, of course, the defeat of justice and the epitome of the collapse of the world structure.

As a result, the whole world fell into panic.

People are afraid of changes in the world and the coming of the future.

Can the world government still rule the world as it has for eight hundred years? Can this world still be as stable as it was in the past?

It's not just the civilians on the sea who are thinking about this matter, the kings of the various participating countries are also deep in thought.

Could it be that the NEO Navy, a force that no one cared much about before, really has the power to change the world?

The government's affiliated countries became panicked, and of course, the world government's non-affiliated countries in the New World that had joined the NEO Navy became excited at this time.

They seemed to have made the right choice.

Such a powerful force is completely enough to protect them from being harassed by pirates in the new world.

"Has our hope finally appeared!"

In the New World, a country that is not a member of the World Government, the white-haired old king almost burst into tears, "Has someone who can protect us in this chaotic sea finally appeared!"

Because of their powerful strength, Zefa and the NEO Navy he commanded became the hope of many people at this time.

In the new world, the monsters were also shaken by this battle.

"I actually won!"

Charlotte Lingling held the newspaper with astonishment written all over her face, "These two guys, Brett and Zefa, are actually able to do this!"

Although she thinks that no one in the sea can defeat her, but if she wants to defeat the three generals plus two Shichibukai and a bunch of lieutenant generals, her Charlotte family may not be able to do it.

But that guy Brett did it. Even after winning the victory, only Kizaru was allowed to escape, and everyone else was captured.

This is simply a miraculous result!

"Mom, mom, this is not such bad news. The World Government is probably having a headache right now!"

Charlotte Lingling grinned.

Despite some conflicts, Brett is still a close partner of the Charlotte family.

Katakuri below pursed his lips and said nothing.

Indeed, this is not bad news.

"Mom, mom, the new world is about to undergo great changes. I need to contact that bastard Brett as soon as possible!"

The country of Wano, the capital of flowers.

Because Onigashima has been basically destroyed, the Beast Pirates can only place their headquarters here.

"That bastard!


Kaido, who was beaten up by Bright before, is still wrapped in bandages, "I can't spare him!


There was already an irreconcilable conflict with that bastard, and coupled with what that guy did in Wano this time, Kaido already hated Blood to the core.

"But Mr. Kaido, it's not easy to defeat that guy."

The man, who was also wrapped in thick bandages, said in an angry voice.

He was also seriously injured after being punched by Brett.

When Onigashima collapsed, if Kaido hadn't rescued him, he would have sunk to the bottom of the sea and drowned.

"Bah, bah, bah, that guy Brett is indeed a real monster,"

There was laughter, and the man in the feather coat said with a smile, "However, it may not be completely unbearable. At least the government is on our side now, isn't it? How about trying to cooperate? I can As a middleman, no matter what, I am still a member of the Shichibukai, and the government should be very welcoming."


Kaido snorted coldly, "Is there any news about that bastard Quinn? Haven't you found any trace of those idiots in Yamato?"

After the Beast Pirates returned home, they immediately started a sweeping search operation, vowing to uncover all the enemies hiding in this country and then completely destroy them.

"As for this," Jin paused, "we are still searching."

"Let that bastard speed up, it doesn't matter how many people die, I just want to see the heads of those bastards in front of me!"


An island in the new world.

In a dark prison, among a row of cages made of solid alloy, two men, one red and one green, were bound by chains and tied to the ground.


Footsteps sounded.

somebody is coming.

"Ah la la,"

The cyan man opened his eyes, "Teacher Zefa, are you here to laugh at the fallen disciple?"

"I just want to chat with my idiot apprentices."

The visitor sat cross-legged outside the prison.

"Stop saying stupid things,"

The red man said coldly, "I don't think there is anything else to talk about between us."

"Don't be so absolute,"

Zefa smiled and said, "Let's talk about this world."

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