Zefa sat cross-legged on the ground. He looked at the two disciples imprisoned in the dark prison and felt incomprehensible in his heart.

These two guys are his proudest disciples.

Coupled with Porusalino, although the three people have different personalities and different behavior styles, there is only one thing: their pursuit of justice is the same.

There is no doubt that teaching these three guys is one of the proudest things in Zefa's life.

He had never thought before that one day he would be the enemy of these disciples.

"About the world?"

Akainu was still tightly bound to the ground by the chains, and the shackles of the sea stone wrapped around his body prevented him from exerting any power at all.

Even though he tried to make his tone cold and stern when speaking, he still looked extremely weak.

"Do you think it's still time to play the master-apprentice game? Bastard old man!"

Akainu is already in his forties this year, and he is no longer the stupid young man who just joined the navy. He does not care at all about Zefa's remarks.

"You're not trying to persuade us to surrender, are you?"

The man with the most fiery abilities but the coldest heart sneered and said, "Stop talking nonsense. You have abandoned justice, so what qualifications do you have to speak nonsense in front of us now!"

Qing Pheasant remained silent, not saying a word.

"There's no need to refuse so quickly, just think of it as a chat to pass the time,"

Zefa didn't care much about Akainu's attitude. After all, in addition to being master and apprentice, they had also worked together in the navy for decades. He really knew this guy's character very well.

He smiled and said, "It's been a long time since we had such a chat, right?"

Akainu snorted.

But he didn't say anything more.

What he had to admit was that when he first joined the Navy, the man in front of him was an idol to him.

The man he once called Teacher Zefa was an important guide on his path to the navy.

"So Teacher Zefa,"

Unlike Akainu who directly addressed Zefa as an old man like Akainu did, Aokiji seemed to be much more polite. He sighed quietly, "What else is there to talk about between us now?"

"Let's talk about my next plan."

Zefa said, "It should be self-evident to you what kind of impact we will have after we win this battle."

Aokiji and Akainu were both silent.

That is of course too obvious.

This time's defeat greatly reduced the strength of the navy and the government's prestige. On the contrary, Zefa and his NEO navy became famous.

"The Navy cannot truly represent justice. After all, you are just subordinates of the World Government and minions to maintain the rule of the Celestial Dragons."

Zefa said, "So I want to establish a new navy, which is the NEO Navy."

"This victory is the best opportunity. The helpless people in the New World should have realized that we can be their guardians."

"I will establish an alliance similar to a world government in this sea area and invite many non-member countries to join. Of course, they will need to provide financial support, and we will protect them in this chaotic sea area. .”…

Qingzhi couldn't help but sigh in his heart when he heard this.

After this battle, it was almost natural for Teacher Zefa to want to achieve such development.

The prestige gained by the NEO Navy is enough to easily win the support of those precarious governments and non-member countries.

Should I say that Teacher Zefa deserves to be Teacher Zefa?

Even after leaving the navy, he is still practicing his justice.

It's just that such justice...

"Old man, are you too arrogant?"

Compared to Aokiji, Akainu's attitude is much worse, "Who do you think has protected this world for eight hundred years? Who has fought against evil to the death in this long history and always protected the peace of the world?"

"I think you have been brainwashed by that guy Brett!" Akainu sneered, "You want to leave the Navy, I have nothing to say, but if you have to become enemies of the government and the Navy, you know what that means. What are you talking about? It will only give bastards like Brett an opportunity!"

Zefa sighed, this bastard boy is really stubborn.

It's almost like he used to be himself.

"I used to think that even if the world government did some bad things, in the end they were the ones who protected the world for eight hundred years, preventing evil from running wild."

He said, "But now I understand that protecting the world, protecting the people on the sea, and upholding justice are not the main purposes of the world government."

"Maintaining the rule of the Celestial Dragons and maintaining their authority is the primary goal of the world government."

"You don't know what the Celestial Dragons look like, right?"

Even Akainu could only remain silent now.

As a general of the Navy Headquarters, he knows very well what the Celestial Dragons are like, and he has attacked many times because of the Celestial Dragons' affairs.

In a nutshell, even Akainu himself, a loyal supporter of the World Government, is deeply disgusted by the crimes of the Tenryu people.

"That's what I mean,"

Zefa said, "The navy supported the government in the past just because the government is the only organization in the world that is willing to maintain order and protect peace. Even if it has to endure the extravagant desires of the Tianlong people and do whatever they want, as long as it can protect more people. enough."

"But it will be different after that. I just want to tell you that because we are here, there are no Celestial Dragons on our heads."

Qing Pheasant was slightly startled.

Akainu snorted angrily.

When Zefa came out of the prison, he happened to bump into Brett who came to see him.

"How about it?"

Brett asked with interest.

If these two generals can really be made to switch sides, then the next war will be much easier.

"These two brats are no longer brats,"

Zefa shook his head and chuckled and said something very convoluted, "It is impossible to sway them with words."

"I guess so."

Brett smiled in agreement.

That was the highest level of the Admiral Navy Headquarters, and he was first-rate in terms of strength and belief.

"But it doesn't matter. I didn't expect them to make any changes," Zefa said casually.

"By the way, the World Government has sent a message."

Brett said.

Although they are completely hostile to the World Government, due to previous threats, the two sides still maintain a superficial harmony, and even communications are not completely cut off.


Zefa sneered, "Let me guess, you want to negotiate with us, right?"

"This loss is too great for the navy and the government."

Brett smiled and said, "So of course they want to work hard to recover their losses."

"So Brett, do you think we should agree?"


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