One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 301 The lion opens its mouth

"This is a great opportunity, isn't it?"

Brett smiled and said, "I just thought that there were too many captured navy ships and I didn't know what to do with them. The government just came to our door."

"I think so."

Zefa also laughed.

It was originally planned to release the redundant naval soldiers, but now the government is rushing to negotiate.

Doesn't this mean that the lion will open his mouth severely?

"Then I will reply to them now." Brett said.


On the other side, in the office of the Five Old Stars, the center of the world government.

"Your Excellency Wulaoxing, you have received communication from Brett,"

A CP0 agent respectfully entered the room of power and solemnly said to the five old men, "They have agreed to the negotiation requirements."

"very good."

The bearded Wulaoxing nodded.

Just be willing to negotiate.

If Brett and Zefa choose to fight to the end and directly execute all of Sakaski and the others, then the government navy will really be dumbfounded.

"Did you track Brett's location?"

The five old stars in white robes and holding swords asked impatiently.

"terribly sorry,"

CP0 shook his head, "The opponent's counter-reconnaissance methods were very good, but we were unable to locate Brett's whereabouts through communications."

"It's not surprising. That guy Zefa was once a high-ranking official in the Navy."

The bearded Five Old Star snorted coldly, "Besides, aren't that bastard Morgans and Brett also in a cooperative relationship? I don't need to say more about his skills in intelligence."

"I just feel a little pity."

The five old stars in white robes said so.

"Yeah, what a pity." The blond Wulaoxing agreed.

If Brett's location can really be located, then the next thing will be very simple.

All it takes is that adult to take action, and then all Brett and Zefa can be sent to heaven in an instant.

However, their location could not be found.

"It's a pity that it's useless now. Let the Navy prepare for negotiations with Zefa!"

The bearded Wulaoxing said solemnly, "We have already lost enough face this time, and the government's majesty has been shattered, but at least let's recover some losses to the greatest extent possible."

On the island in the new world that Zefa had chosen as his temporary residence, in a certain room, Brett and Zefa were sitting with a telephone bug in front of them.

Although it requires negotiation, it is of course impossible to talk face to face.

Brett and Zefa are not crazy, that would be too dangerous.


The phone bug started ringing.

Brett and Zefa looked at each other, then reached out and answered the phone.

"Is it Zefa?"

A calm man's voice came from over there.

Both Brett and Zefa are no strangers to this voice, especially Zefa. It can be said that they are very familiar with it.

"Warring States period?"

Mr. Zefa's voice was very calm, without the excitement of talking to old friends again, nor the vigilance of a conversation between powerful enemies.

"You bastard, you really gave us a big problem this time."

Marshal Warring States over there sighed, really like the tone of chatting between old friends. …

"What's the point of talking about this now? Do you still want to play the emotional card?"

Zefa snorted coldly, "From the moment I left the navy, our stance has taken precedence over friendship."

The Warring States Marshal on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment.

Then he said, "Understood, let's officially start negotiations now."

Brett watched this scene quietly.

Although Mr. Zefa was merciless in his words, you could clearly hear that he was actually very touched in his heart.

No matter how he said it, they were still close friends who had walked hand in hand since his youth.

"How are Sakaski and the others doing now?" Warring States asked.

"You don't have to worry about this. Although they are enemies, I am not crazy enough to take action against them."

Zefa said, "If you don't believe it, then I can let you talk to them after the negotiation."

"Of course I believe you on that,"

The Warring States Marshal's answer also made Brett lament that the once close comrades-in-arms were now at odds with each other and would fight in the future.

It's sad.

"Then Zefa, our request is that we hope you can release all the prisoners."

Marshal Warring States arrived.

"This is impossible,"

Zefa flatly refused, "Do you think I'm an idiot? Warring States, if you release Sakaski and the others back this time, I might be the one who is arrested next time."

"So within the scope of its ability, the government will agree to all your requests." The navy marshal said solemnly.

wcxsw/62714/"Sword Comes"


Zefa flatly refused, and finally captured Kuzan and Sakaski, which greatly weakened the navy's power. Such an opportunity would most likely not appear again, so how could he let the tiger go back to the mountain.

"Prisoners can be released, but only for officers below the rank of major general and lower-level naval soldiers."

"If you want to do this, then we have nothing to talk about, Zefa!" Mr. Marshal's tone also became angry.

"Then this negotiation ends here."

Zefa was not used to the Warring States period at all.

This war was their victory, but now the world government has nothing to do with them.

So why compromise with the government and the navy? It’s them who should compromise!

Zefa raised his hand to hang up the phone.

"Wait, Zefa, wait."

The final result, of course, was that Warring States couldn't stand it anymore, "Is it true that we can't discuss it anymore?"

"There is no need to discuss this matter. You should know our current position, Warring States." Zefa said seriously, "I am very serious about being an enemy of the government, so don't treat it like a child's play."

The other end of the phone was silent again.

"We get it,"

The voice on the other end of the phone was a different person, a calm but slightly older woman's voice, "Then let's start today's negotiations with the people you mentioned."

"First? Crane," Zefa couldn't help shaking his head and said in a funny tone, "You don't think that one day I will change my mind, do you?"

"Who can say for sure about this kind of thing?"

Lieutenant General He on the other end of the phone said, "Set your terms, Zefa, what do you want?"

"Very good, this is the attitude that negotiation should have, so I won't be polite,"

Zefa said bluntly, "I want fifty demon-slaying order-level warships, as well as supporting weapons and equipment, plus gold equivalent to 10 billion beli!"

"Fifty warships?"

Lieutenant General He exclaimed, "Zefa, are you a little too greedy!"

Compared with the requirements of warships, 10 billion beli is just a small head.

That was a Demon-Slaying Order-level warship, and ten of them together could easily destroy a small island!

"Or you can choose to refuse."

"...The warship can be given to you, but the officers with the rank of lieutenant general must be returned to us!"

"The maximum number is several generals, and the ransom will also be increased!"

Brett watched as they exchanged words over the phone.

really interesting.

Once close friends, now they are at odds with each other for their respective beliefs.

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