One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 303 People surfaced

"Is the World Government going to conduct a large-scale military conscription?"

In the Mermaid Cafe on Fish-Man Island, Brett was drinking a cup of coffee and flipping through the newspaper in his hand.

There was actually a look of surprise on his face.

"Generally speaking, an admiral has the highest combat power of the World Government."

Boss Xia Li, who was sitting opposite Bright, said calmly, "To give out all these positions, it seems that the World Government has indeed made up its mind this time."


Brett nodded with deep understanding, "The navy's losses this time are too serious. If nothing is done, the government's combat power will be too scarce."

"But, can we really recruit people like this?"

The waiter on the side, Ms. Mermaid, was a little surprised and said, "That's a navy admiral. Even if he's not as good as our Deep Sea Emperor Director Brett, he's still one of the few strong men on the sea, right?"

"Can such a guy really be recruited casually?"

Even if there really are those kind of hidden strong men in the world, will they really be moved by the conditions of the world government?

Is it necessary for a guy with that kind of power to accept government control? On their own, there is nothing they can't achieve in the sea.

"Who knows about this kind of thing."

Brett snorted softly.

Two monsters were indeed recruited in the original work, but I just don’t know if I can recruit them at this point in time.

If I remember correctly, that guy Fujitora joined the navy to disband the Shichibukai, but now because of his arrival, the Shichibukai in this timeline are basically useless.

Crocodile's conspiracy is far from being exposed. Does Fujitora have any reason to join the World Government?

As for the Green Bull, there were too few scenes of that guy appearing in the comics that Brett read.

The only thing that can be seen is that the guy is a loyal lackey of the World Government Celestial Dragon, at least on the surface.

It is possible that this guy will respond to the government's call.

"It might be a little troublesome later, Brett."

Charlie gave Brett a meaningful look and then said.

Brett was stunned for a moment, then opened his eyes slightly, "Charlie, what do you mean?"

"But again," the pale-skinned woman's lips curled up slightly, "everything will eventually move towards a better future."

Brett also smiled slightly, "Then let me speed it up."

It is now six years before the Straw Hat Junior Brother went to sea, and eight years before the year when the final battle in the comics may have occurred.

But Brett doesn’t think it will take more than eight years.

This recruitment announcement by the Navy has indeed caused a sensation in the entire sea.

This is really shocking.

It wouldn't matter if he was just a lower-level naval officer, but the problem is that even the position of general of the headquarters has been posted.

As long as their strength and character can pass the assessment, they will be able to take office immediately and jump from ordinary civilians to real high-ranking officials in the world government.

In addition to being shocked, the more obvious emotion among the people on the sea was worry. …

"Is the government navy crazy? If you pick a random person on the sea, can he really hold the position of general?"

\u0026 id="wzsy" href="/12472/"Heaven Comes"

"The admiral is the strongest guardian of justice and the highest combat power of the government! Even if he is strong enough, if he harbors evil intentions, won't it bring about a disaster?"

"Is it because Zefa and the NEO Navy have put too much pressure on the government? I feel like they have gone crazy!"

"What will this world look like in the future?"

It is really difficult for people on the sea not to be alarmed by this incident.

However, some people are also optimistic about this.

"The world government would make such a choice, there must be their considerations, right?"

"Even if it is to supplement combat power, when we really want to recruit generals, we will definitely give priority to their character!"

That's what they said.

"So, the World Government has ruled the world for eight hundred years. Among ordinary people, their prestige is still too high. Even now that they have been hit hard, many people have gradually lost confidence in them, but more people have also lost confidence in them. I believe they are still the unshakable world government."

In Brett's office, Taizolo said with a smile, "Why don't you think about it carefully. Is it really that easy to recruit a strong man at the level of a general?"

Regarding the outcome of the battle in the New World, Tezuolo took a gloating attitude.

The more the world governments are weakened, the closer they get to their eventual overthrow.

Glancing at Tezolo, Brett said casually, "Is it really impossible to recruit him?"


Tezolo was stunned for a moment, and then he said in shock, "Hey, Brett, what do you mean? Do you have any inside information?"

"Who knows,"

Brett smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. What you should be concerned about now is when the movie will be released."

After the final editing, the previous spy movie is now completely completed and is just waiting for its final release.

"Asshole thing,"

Tezolo cursed, Brett, this bastard, always hides his head and refuses to explain clearly, just like the Riddler.

"I have informed Morgans to prepare for his promotion,"

He hummed, "But there have been too many big news recently, damn, you guys have stolen the limelight."

"Ha ha."

Brett couldn't help but chuckle, "Then just wait a little longer, there will definitely be big news next."

If you want to promote a movie, of course you have to avoid these explosive events.

"So, do you think the government really-" Tezuolo still couldn't help but ask.

"Just wait and see, the results should be available soon."

Brett said so.

An island in the first half of the Grand Line.

"The government wants to recruit generals,"

In a certain pub, people were expressing their thoughts on the latest news, "That's great. If I had that kind of ability, I would definitely apply!"

"If you're an admiral of the navy, you're really a high-ranking officer with good treatment."

"Don't be stupid. Being a general is not as comfortable as being a pirate. With that kind of strength, you can dominate no matter where you go in the sea."

"Hahahaha, that's right!"

People were laughing and laughing.

All they can do is judge.

But there are people who can get involved.

A corner of the tavern.

The man wearing a purple coat, with his eyes closed tightly, and a hideous scar on his forehead, had a smile on his lips.

"Admiral? Now that the navy has suffered heavy losses and the power to safeguard justice has been unbalanced, this position really needs to be filled."

"Besides, only by standing at a high place can we see the world more clearly."

Another corner of the world.

"Hey, hey, hey, recruit a navy admiral, isn't it possible to become a master in one leap! Then I can't miss it!"

"Hahaha, no, Aramaki, you lazy guy are finally ready to take action! Are you ready to mess up the government too?"

"Don't say such stupid things. When we meet again in the future, you must respectfully address me as General!"

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