One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 304 Fujitora, Green Bull

In the year 1514 of the Haiyuan calendar, it came to an end amidst the vigorous recruitment of the navy.

There have been so many world-shaking events during this year.

In particular, the war between the World Government and the NEO Navy has caused profound changes in the situation of the entire world.

In the new world, the NEO navy has announced its rise, and several non-member countries that were originally part of the world government have joined their ranks.

Coupled with some scattered areas and islands, the sea area under the jurisdiction of this organization is no longer smaller than that of several pirate emperors in the New World, and the number of soldiers under its command has exceeded 50,000.

Coupled with the large fleet obtained from the government, this army is undoubtedly strong and strong, and some people are beginning to call them the uncrowned new emperor.

As their opponent, the Navy seemed a little quiet.

Two admirals and several lieutenant generals are still imprisoned in the NEO Navy's prison, and the Navy has taken no other action except launching a large-scale recruitment.

People at sea are saying that the navy and the world government are already afraid of the NEO navy.

At this time, the headquarters of the navies who were afraid of the NEO Navy.

Marshal Warring States looked at the two men in front of him, his eyes a little suspicious.

Both of these men stood out in the vigorous recruitment process that lasted for more than a month. As long as they passed the final assessment and received the nod from the five old stars, they would be able to take up the post of general immediately.

"Hahahaha, please give me more advice in the future! Marshal of the Warring States Period!"

Wearing a pair of sunglasses, thick lips, and messy black hair, the shirtless man greeted Sengoku with a smile.

There are four Chinese characters tattooed from his chest to his lower abdomen, which are in Death River's heart.

Warring States pursed his lips.

Why does he look like a little gangster, and his flattering attitude is no different from that of a scumbag who bribes and seeks promotion through the back door.

Can such a guy really shoulder the responsibility of a general?

Zeng Guo, who felt a little disgusted in his heart, turned his head and looked at the other guy.

This guy also had a smile on his face.

Although he is blind, he looks much calmer and more reliable.

"Just call me your life, Marshal Your Excellency,"

The man wearing a purple coat and holding a blind stick in his hand said with a smile, "I also hope to contribute to justice."

Warring States nodded secretly.

Compared with that little bastard Huang Mu, this blind swordsman who has been in his life is more suitable to become a general.

It's not that he doesn't have enough strength. In fact, to be able to reach this point has been tested both in his life and Aramaki's strength.

In terms of strength alone, they are definitely worthy of the title of general. The Warring States Period was surprised that these two monsters were actually able to be recruited from the private sector during this major conscription.

He originally thought that there might be no harvest this time, but who knew there would be such a big harvest.

But it's not over yet, it's better to say now is the most critical time.

Rather than strength, what is really important now is to examine their moral character.

As the people on the sea say, if the generals of this department do not have qualified moral character, it will undoubtedly only bring about a disaster. …

Looking away from the two men, Warring States took a deep breath and said solemnly, "So, are you ready for the final inspection?"

tsxsw//24/24305/"Eternal God Emperor"

"Hahaha, isn't that of course?"

The man named Aramaki nodded repeatedly like a chicken pecking at rice, "If you accept the assessment sooner, wouldn't you be able to become a general sooner?"

Warring States couldn't help but curl his lips slightly.

Although his strength is very strong, his character is too inferior.

"You can start at any time, I'm always ready."

Lifetime also smiled and nodded.

Fishman Island.

"latest news,"

Tezoro hurriedly came to find Brett, "The Navy's recruitment seems to have come to fruition! Damn it, it seems that there are really two candidates entering the final inspection stage!"

Brett glanced at him sideways, "You're really well-informed."

"Is now the time to talk about such things?"

Tezolo said angrily, "The point is that the Navy may really need to add two generals."

"so what?"

Brett said casually.

"What do you mean so? Brett, you bastard, why are you still indifferent?"

"Does it mean that if I strongly object, the Navy will stop recruiting?"

Brett smiled and said, "What we have to do now is not to rush."

"Yes. So Brett, what's your solution?"

"Just adapt to circumstances. There is no change from the past. As long as there are no problems with Mr. Zefa and don't let Akainu Aoji and the others escape, then the navy will not be stronger than the past navy."

"You bastard!"

Tezzolo looked at Brett, who looked calm, and finally said, "You are so arrogant!"

This attitude of not taking the navy seriously at all makes people really don't know what to say.

Facts proved that there was no problem with Tezuolo's intelligence, but two days later, the entire sea was detonated again.

A new general is born!

This was the headline in every newspaper on the sea that day.

There is no need for the government to go out of its way to bribe various newspapers to publish news. If such news is not published, it would be a fool among fools. No newspaper can miss such big news.

The large-scale conscription has paid off. With Akainu and Aokiji still unable to escape after being captured, the government has recruited two generals from the private sector to once again replenish the navy's strength.

"Admiral Fujitora! Admiral Green Bull! The conscription really has an effect!"

people exclaimed.

"The real names are Yisheng and Aramu, I've never heard of them! Could it be that the government is deceiving them in order to stabilize the people's hearts? How can it be that strong men of the general level appear so easily, and there are two of them at once!"

Of course, some people are full of doubts about this.

"I know this person all my life! He is a ranger who often moves in the first half of the Grand Line. He is a boundless monster with a strong sense of justice and great strength!"

Not everyone has heard of their names.

However, no matter what attitude the people on the sea held towards this, new admirals were born.

In the war more than a month ago, the navy's severely damaged strength was replenished.

Many people are looking forward to whether the navy, which has restored the establishment of three generals, will once again launch a war with the internal and external navies.

"It's not that easy."

Brett put the newspaper aside casually, smiled and said to Neptune and Jinpei who came to discuss the next countermeasures with him, "With the lessons learned from the last time, how dare they start a war again before they are sure of dealing with me?" ?”

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