One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 308 Gordon, concert

The battleship floated on the sea outside the island, and Brett stood on the deck, quietly looking at the island not far away.

The first thing that comes into view is a huge performance venue.

Huge pillars made of glass-like material curve upward and cross each other to form a dome, covering the venue below.

In the center of the venue is an inland sea, and at the end is a luxurious stage, surrounded by densely packed seats.

It's just that Brett's eyes are really sharp, and he can tell at a glance that this luxurious venue is full of decay.

Some places were probably in dilapidated condition due to the attack five years ago, while more places were covered with a layer of vegetation and looked like they had been baptized by time.

“I still remember reading in the newspaper when I was little that the world’s top singers were holding concerts at this venue.”

Tezolo stood next to Brett. He also looked at the huge venue and said in a daze, "At that time, I was thinking that when I grow up, I must hold a concert here. I want the whole world to listen to my singing.”

Brett vaguely remembered that Tezoro's life was not very fast when he was a child. Although he had always liked singing, his mother hated his singing, and the guy even ran away from home because of this.

"It's not too late now," Brett said.

"Hahaha, that's right!"

Tezoro laughed.

"Stop chatting and go take a good look at this island first!"

Princess Otohime walked over with a smile, "I can't wait to see where Uta grew up."

"Then go ahead."

Brett twisted his neck, "I'm ready too."

"This is really true,"

Tezoro also moved his body. He snapped his fingers, and a large amount of gold powder floated in the sky in the cabin. "Britt, you are sure there is nothing wrong with you, right?"

"Anyway, leave everything to me."

Brett chuckled.

The warship docked at the coast, and everyone disembarked and set foot on the island that had been deserted for five years.

"Okay, Uta, you can go find the person you want to find."

Princess Otohime smiled and patted Miss Diva on the head.


The little girl slapped Otohime's hand away, and then ran towards the interior of the island impatiently.


I'm back!


She shouted happily.

Brett and others followed her towards the depths of the island, passing through the dilapidated residential areas, moving along the winding road, and arrived in front of the classical castle located at the highest point of the island.

"Just yo."

Probably after finally hearing Uta's voice, the castle doors, which were still covered in dust, opened, and a slightly older figure walked out.

"Uta! Is it Uta?"

The man's voice was filled with considerable excitement.

"It's me! I'm back!"

Uta happily greeted her, "You saw it! I'm already a world-famous singer!"


The man named Gordon nodded excitedly, "I left Eligia once to buy phone bugs. I watched every game you played!"

"That's great Uta! It's really great Uta! You have successfully moved the world with your voice!"


Tezzolo, who was walking behind, was thoughtful, "I've heard of this name before. It seems to be the last king of the Kingdom of Ailigia. It was originally the best music festival in this country. Is he actually still alive?"

"So it seems that the only two residents of this country mentioned in the newspaper back then were him and Uta."

"So, that is to say,"

Brett raised his eyebrows, "He is Uta's true teacher, right? Indeed, only such a man can teach a disciple like Uta."

Tezoro glared at Brett fiercely.

Brett laughed.

This guy has always regarded himself as the teacher of little sister Uta, but unfortunately, he has never been recognized by Uta. This is something that this guy has always been very angry about.

"Welcome everyone,"

After chatting with Uta for a few words, Gordon turned to look at Brett and others behind Uta. He said happily, "Everyone from Allstars, Mr. Tezolo and Mr. Brett, thank you for your support to Uta. of care.”

I thought this place was very closed off, but it turned out that I still knew the news from outside.


Princess Otohime smiled and said, "After all, Uta is so cute, I really want to have a daughter like this."

Little sister Uta looked like she was taking it for granted, and Brett sighed inwardly. It seemed that she was completely used to it.

"That's right,"

Tezuolo also smiled and said, "I have always regarded Uta as a disciple. As you know, this child has a talent that can be called a dream."

Uta rolled his eyes in response to Tezolo's statement.

"Hahahaha, it's true. This child has unparalleled talent. She was born to sing!"

Gordon was very happy. Is there any better news than recognition from the company boss?

"Anyway, in order to welcome everyone, let me hold a banquet!"

The last monarch of the music kingdom said happily.

After Uta left, he would probably feel lonely living here alone.

Of course Brett is in a good position.

But it is said to be a banquet, but it is actually an ordinary family banquet. After all, the island has only one resident population, Gordon, and there really is not much food reserves.

Gordon felt very apologetic about this, "I'm really sorry. If it was to welcome everyone, it should have been a better banquet."

"It doesn't matter,"

Brett smiled nonchalantly and said, "Since we have come to the country of music, if you can't fill your stomach with delicious food, let's fill it with beautiful music."

Since Uta's attribute is a singer and this country is a country of music, of course, the monster in Xia Li's prophecy is also related to music, right?

"You're right!"

Taizolo slammed the table hard, "Let's hold a concert on this island that was once the dream of all musicians in the world!"

I just said that I would hold a concert here! The opportunity has come now!

"Of course there is no problem!"

Gordon said happily, "In other words, it's really great. This country hasn't had a concert for a long time!"

That was once a common sight in this country.

Just as they said, after the short banquet, the group of people arrived at the dilapidated Ailigia concert venue, preparing to hold a simple concert here.

Although it cannot be broadcast live due to security issues, Tezzolo is also planning to record the concert and then sell it.

But, I'm afraid it won't be that easy.

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