The country of music, Eligia, which was once a country of world-famous musicians, is now in ruins.

After that night five years ago, the once prosperous country was now nothing but ruins.

The large theater that attracted the attention of the world every time a concert was held was now in decay, covered with dust and overgrown with vines.

But on this day, another group of musicians came here, and they will hold a long-lost concert here.

"The Grand Theater in Eligia was once the dream of many people."

Standing on the dusty stage, Tezzolo looked around at this magnificent theater. The seats that were once filled with audiences at every concert were now empty, and some were just traces of time.

His Majesty the King of this country, a man named Gordon stood next to Tezolo, "The last performance was more than five years ago. If I think about it carefully, I can barely remember what it was like back then. "

"It doesn't matter, let's have a better concert today!"

Tezolo patted Gordon on the shoulder.

The two of them felt like old friends at first sight. This was probably the sympathy between musicians.

"Let's clean up the place first."

Brett said.

He opened his hands as if to embrace the world.

Then a faint mist began to spread, and then strong winds began to blow.


Uta couldn't help but raise her hands to hold the two buns on her head to prevent them from being messed up.

The crazy wind swept through the entire venue in an instant, and all the dust accumulated here was swept away.

The strong wind even picked up the sea water at the next moment, and started to wash them at the venue.

"So I've always been curious, what kind of ability are you, bastard?"

Tezoro stood behind Brett with a surprised look on his face, looking at this guy carefully.

But no matter how you look, there is no sign that this guy has transformed into a dragon. He has not used the fruit ability at all.

So how did this bastard attract the wind?

Even now that I think about it, it was very wrong when this guy exploded with lightning from his body without using his abilities.

What's going on with this guy?

Tezolo was completely confused.

"Don't worry about it, it's just a trivial matter."

Brett turned back and said with a smile.

Taizuoluo, whose hair was blown by the strong wind, looked up and looked at the huge venue that was being cleaned by the water flowing in the strong wind. He twitched the corner of his mouth.

This scale is already comparable to that of a natural devil fruit user, right? You tell me this is insignificant.

Brett smiled.

As his body became more mature, the abilities carried by the blood factors residing deep in his body became more and more powerful.

The strong winds caused by using the fog fish's ability to release clouds and Visalia's wind control technology are indeed quite astonishing in terms of scale, and may not be more powerful than the strong winds caused by Brett when he transformed into a red dragon. Weak.

It didn't take too long, and the entire venue was cleaned up by Brett. Although the ruins have not been repaired, some of the style of the past can still be vaguely seen.

"Okay, we can start now."

Brett smiled.

"Okay! Let's get started!"

Princess Otohime hugged little sister Uta affectionately and raised her right hand high in joy.



The other members of the idol group cheered happily.

Those who can stand here are all musicians who really love music and have certain emotions for this country called Ailigia.

Although there was no audience this time, it was a joy to be able to hold a concert in this theater.

The concert began. Brett, Tezolo and Gordon retreated to the audience first. The members of Allstars began to prepare. They couldn't wait to start performing.

"Look forward to it,"

Tezoro crossed his arms across his chest and said with some pride, "While I was busy working on the movie, they prepared a lot of new songs, and you are the second and third people to hear them."

"I am looking forward!"

Gordon, who looked a little half-dead, was very excited at this time. His eyes reflected the grand occasion of this country back then, as if he had returned to the past.

"Then, King Gordon,"

Tezoro looked at His Majesty the King and said seriously, "How about we also perform on stage? Can you please accompany me!"

This man was also the musician whom Tezoro admired when he was still young.

He wanted to hear this man's music with his own ears.

Gordon was stunned for a moment, and then he finally nodded, "Of course!"

"Stop the small talk, it's already begun."

Brett motioned to the two guys to shut up.

On the stage, the music has started.

Apu reached out and struck various parts of his body.

His fruit ability played its most important role at this moment. Although he was just one person, he brought a feeling like a band.

"It's coming!"

Although little sister Uta is young, she is quite stable in the typhoon. Even though there are only three people in the audience, Brett, she is still very dedicated and greets everyone in all directions.

"This is our new era!"

The prelude of the song titled "New Era" has already been played.

The next moment a moving song sounded.

"We choose our own future~"

"Try to take a new path~"

"If I changed the world..."

It's Otohime!

As the lead singer of the band, she sang the music of nature without hesitation.

"This is!


Gordon's eyes widened.

Such singing! The difference from the experience during the live broadcast is huge!

No wonder the Princess of the Mermaid Kingdom was able to beat Uta to become the lead singer of the band!

Such a song that speaks directly to the heart!

"Amazing! It's really amazing!"

The corners of Gordon's eyes were even a little moist.


Brett smiled.

Strictly speaking, this is not actually singing.

But it doesn’t matter.

As soon as Otohime's voice fell, the melodious music suddenly became fast and rhythmic, and Uta's voice also sounded immediately.

"Say goodbye to all those who oppose us~"

The little girl walked to the front of the stage, and her slender body began to dance to the music.

"No one has the ability to stop the changes brought about by music~ You can't stop the magic~"


Tezzolo couldn't help but wave his fist vigorously, "How about it, Brett! Gordon! This is music from the new era!"

Brett just smiled.

Gordon was so excited that he almost burst into tears.


It's really great!

"He was dancing.

How long has it been since you listened to such moving music?

Uta, if that's the case, you can realize your dream, right?

But at this time, deep underground in the island castle, in the dim light, a purple light suddenly moved on a certain sculpture.

On the stage, the beautiful music finally came to an end. When the song ended, everyone in the orchestra bowed to the audience.

"Okay, now it's time for my performance!"

Tezolo jumped onto the stage without hesitation.

He snapped his fingers, and the golden sand flowing from nowhere directly condensed into a piano on the stage.

"Your Majesty Gordon."

He looked at the king in the audience.

"Then please leave the accompaniment to me."

A world-class musician, King Gordon takes the stage with a smile.

How long has it been? Such a stage performance.

"Come on! Gordon!"

Backstage, Uta, who had just stepped off the stage, waved her little fists and cheered for her teacher.

"Huh? This is-"

At this time, Apu saw something at his feet.

He subconsciously picked it up. It was a stack of yellowed manuscripts.

"Music score?"

He raised his eyebrows, where did the music score come from?


"Music score?"

Otohime and Uta came closer.

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