One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 310 The Demon King of Music

Gordon was already sitting in front of the golden piano. His slender index finger flicked the keys smoothly, and the piano suddenly made a series of pleasant sounds.

Gordon couldn't help but smile.

He is a man who truly loves music, Mr. Tezzolo. Most people cannot make such a piano out of gold.

He turned to look at Tezolo who was adjusting his collar.

Tezzolo also turned around, he smiled and said, "To Maria, of course it's no problem, right?"


King Gordon smiled and nodded.

To Maria, this is a very famous love song in the world, which is equivalent to Binx’s wine in the world of pirates. As long as there is a little love for music, there is no one who does not know this song. Condition.

As the former king of the Kingdom of Eligia and one of the top musicians in the country, Gordon certainly had no reason not to play this song.

Tezolo cleared his throat, Gordon's hands were already on the keys.

Music is about to rise melodiously.

But at this moment, Brett's eyes suddenly changed, and he turned to look at the back of the stage, where the backstage of the theater was.

Almost at the same moment.



Weird music suddenly started, and in an instant it was echoing in the sky.

As the music played, an ominous purple mist filled the air from the back of the stage.

"This-this is!


Gordon was stunned for a moment, and then the next moment, the smile on his face had completely disappeared, replaced by only incredible panic and confusion.

He stood up with a cry and looked up at the purple mist gathering in the air above the stage.

"Hey hey hey, what is this!"

Taizuoluo couldn't care less about his discomfort at being interrupted from singing, and his eyes widened.

Purple mist is gathering, and an ominous behemoth gradually takes shape.

"Brett, is this the unexpected situation that you bastard said might happen?"

Tezuolo couldn't help but grit his teeth, it really happened!

Is it another prophecy made by Brett's scumbag girlfriend?

This should be it, right?

Brett thought this, and in the next moment his body was wrapped with electric light, and in just an instant he had jumped across the stage to the backstage.

Fortunately, nothing happened here. Everyone was just a little frightened and looked a little pale.

Apart from--

"Britt, come and take a look!"

Princess Otohime looked up at Uta, who was floating in mid-air and wrapped in mist with her eyes tightly closed. When she saw Bright arriving, she screamed in panic.

"She just sang a song and then all of a sudden—"

Time goes back to about a minute ago.

After Apu picked up the sheet music that came from nowhere, everyone in the band came together.


Princess Otohime read out the name of this piece of music, then blinked her big eyes and said in confusion, "It's music I've never heard of before. But,"

She looked at the music score and said, "It seems very powerful?"

"Oh! Is this the music score?"

Little sister Uta's eyes widened, "I saw it once in the palace, but then I couldn't find it again!"

Her mood became a little depressed.

It was the night the country was destroyed, the night she was abandoned.

"He actually appeared in front of me again,"

Uta gathered her emotions and took the sheet of music from Apu's hand with a smile, "It seems that I fell asleep from exhaustion before finishing the song last time. Let's try again this time."


Princess Otohime smiled happily and said, "Let's practice a little first, and then we'll perform on stage!"


Little sister Uta nodded heavily, and then she looked at the music score and pondered for a while.

The next moment, she opened her mouth,

"With a wandering heart, dark clouds began to cover the sky,"

At this moment, her eyes suddenly changed, but her body continued to sing.

"The rain and my bitter tears started to fall..."


It was at this time that a terrifying aura brewed in her body.

The ominous purple mist began to spread in all directions in an instant.

Time returns to the present.

"I see."

Brett nodded, "You guys go outside first. It's very dangerous here. Leave the rest to me."


Princess Otohime didn't hesitate at all.

She is a very gentle woman, but not stupid.

She knew that if they insisted on staying now, they would only hinder Brett.

When Otohime and others hurriedly left towards the edge of the island, the monster in mid-air had gradually taken shape.

He wears a top hat and has fluffy yellow hair. His body is made up of various musical instruments, and his arms are like piano keys.

Tezoro jumped to Brett's side while carrying Gordon. He looked up at the monster in mid-air and exclaimed, "So what the hell is this!"


Gordon almost gritted his teeth and said, "The devil has been sealed in this country!"

"Demon King?"

Tezuolo twitched the corner of his mouth, "This world is really amazing. Does such a thing actually exist?"

Brett also had the same feeling as Tezoro at this moment.

Shouldn't this world be a world of Devil Fruit physical skills and technology?

Where did this devil come from?

"After being sealed, he is just a sheet of music!"

Gordon continued, "Normally, there is no power, but if the person with the singing fruit ability sings this song, the devil will be released!"

"A person with the ability to sing fruits? Wait——"

Tezuolo was stunned for a moment, "You don't mean that?"

"That's right,"

Gordon nodded painfully, "It's Uta."

Tezuolo twitched his lips.

I really don't know anything about this disciple. She is actually an esper, and she seems to be an incredible esper now.

"I was too careless, I didn't expect him to show up again!"

"You mean again?"

Brett looked up at the demon king who raised his head and began to roar, his voice shaking the sky, "That means it has appeared before, right?"

"So," Tezolo also reacted, "this was the thing that destroyed this country five years ago?"

Gordon nodded and said with shame, "Red-haired Shanks, that man with a mind as broad as the sea, made me tell a lie in order not to make Uta feel guilty."

"Is that so?"

Tezoro nodded, and he couldn't help but cast a sidelong glance at Brett.

This bastard must have already guessed it.

"So what should I do with Bright now? This thing looks like it's not easy to deal with!"

Uta's body had been completely swallowed by the monster. The monster lowered its head at this time, staring at them with scarlet eyes, and a wicked smile on its clown-like face.

"Of course I will fight against the Demon King as a hero!"

Bright's body was wrapped with lightning, and his body was ejected.

Charlie said she would have a hard time facing this guy.

You will know if you try it or not.

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