One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 313 Father and Daughter

As the distance quickly shortened, other people on the Fish-Man Island battleship also noticed the approaching ship.

"That ship is!"

Apu's eyes widened, "Redfors!"

That ship is not unknown on this sea. On the contrary, in this new world, there are few people who do not recognize this ship and the pirate flag flying on it.

"The Sword Comes"

Because the owner of this ship is really famous.

People say that he is the man most likely to become the new emperor. He is a powerful man who sails across the sea with a broken body and an incompetent body, making countless heroes hate him.

The name is, Red-haired Shanks.

"Shanks, is Mr. Shanks here?"

King Gordon was extremely surprised.

Uta's father is here!

"It's really a redhead!"

Apu said in surprise, so the reinforcements Mr. Tezoro mentioned were the Red Hair Pirates?

But why did this gang come to help?

Apu knew that Fish-Man Island and the Whitebeard Pirates were allies.

Director Brett's partnership with the Charlotte family is no secret either.

But why is it not them but the red-haired pirates?

Could it be that Director Bright had even secretly formed an alliance with the Red-Haired Pirates without anyone knowing?

That's really terrible.

The red-haired pirates were already approaching, and Gordon couldn't wait to run to the side of the ship over there, waving his hands and shouting loudly.

"Mr. Shanks, I'm sorry that I failed to live up to your expectations and let things end up like this!"

"It's okay, there's no need to blame yourself, Your Majesty Gordon."

The red-haired man put his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist. When the two ships were almost abreast, he turned back with a smile and said, "Just leave the rest to me."

"Stop talking nonsense, Shanks."

Tezolo said loudly, "You know what you should do."

The red-haired man nodded slightly, "I'm really troubling you this time."

"Don't say stupid things,"

Taizuoluo snorted coldly, "Don't forget, no matter how you say it, Uta is also my disciple."

"Ha ha."

The redhead laughed, "Then, I'll do it!"

The next second, he had ejected from the deck, flying forward on the water he stepped on.

"Okay, there's no need to worry anymore. If this guy comes, there will be no problem."

Tezoro nodded.

"Mr. Tezoro, you said that the person who is more suitable to awaken Uta than me is this Mr. Shanks?" Princess Otohime said in surprise.

"Didn't I say that?"

Tezoluo smiled. There was no need to hide the matter anymore, and the people here were all his own people, so there was no need to hide anything.

"Uta is Shanks' daughter!"


The red hair was already flying forward on the sea surface, and finally landed on a fragment of the island that had not had time to sink.

In mid-air, Brett, who was fighting the Demon King, took a moment to look down, "You came so fast, Shanks."

"I can't help it. The matter concerns Uta, and I have no reason to linger."

The redhead smiled.

At this time, the Demon King's attack came again, and his huge claws flew towards the red hair.

The famous sword Griffin at the red-haired waist was instantly unsheathed, and dark lightning wrapped around it.


An explosion that shook the sky.

The ground beneath the red-haired feet shattered, but the Demon King's arm was also bounced back by him.

"The rest is up to you, Shanks."

Bright breathed out and blasted the Demon King backwards.

Although it can't cause damage to him, it can still be done to force him to move.

"Go and wake up your daughter, and leave the containment to me."

"What a reliable man!"

The red-haired man smiled, "Then you have to protect me!"

Before he finished speaking, he had already ejected into the air and rushed directly towards the Demon King.

"hold head high!"

The Demon King who had stabilized his body roared, and several beams of light condensed in an instant, shooting towards the red-haired man at the same time.

"Come on, Shanks!"

Brett laughed, and the flame cloud swept out and appeared directly at the soles of the red-haired feet, providing him with a foothold in the air.

“Perfect support!”

The red-haired man laughed and jumped again, avoiding the Demon King's attack, and was close to him in the blink of an eye.

Before the Demon King could make another attack, Bright was already entangled in lightning and ejected.

"Breath of Thunder and Fire!"

The three forces of thunder, flames, and winds converged into one, and the wild flame dragon roared out, directly engulfing the Demon King.

"It's so hot! It completely covers me!"

The red-haired man was covered in armor and shielded from Brett's flames. He complained loudly and then landed on the top of the Demon King's head.

"But, well done!"

The famous sword Griffin in his right hand was already raised high, and in the next moment it was stabbed heavily on the top of the Demon King's head.

Although it did not cause any damage, ripples spread out in circles between the dark lightning.

"Uta! It's time to get up!"

Another world that is far away from this sea, but also very close.

The monster was also roaring, and in his belly, the girl was wrapped in darkness.

Her eyes widened, but there was no sparkle in them.

In front of her, a man with red hair wearing a straw hat and cloak was walking away without looking back.

This scene kept repeating itself, constantly telling her that she was an abandoned person.

In the surrounding darkness, countless faces were looming.

They were screaming, cursing, and complaining, and their malicious murmurs filled the girl's ears.

So, was it me who destroyed this country?

That’s why Shanks left me——

The girl was motionless, she had closed her mind, and the sudden shocking fact made her whole body collapse.

The outside world doesn't matter anymore, just stay here until the end of everything.

But that's it.

The world suddenly began to shake, and the ominous figures surrounding the girl disappeared for a moment.

"Uta, it's time to get up."

The voice came from nowhere.

The girl's body suddenly shook.

What a familiar voice.

It seems that I have been looking forward to it and waiting for it.

Who is it?

"It's me, Shanks, I'm here to pick you up."




In the real world, inside the monster's body, the girl suddenly opened her eyes.

She screamed, "It's Shanks!"

"It's me, Uta!"

The red-haired man stood on top of the Demon King. He smiled, and his eyes seemed to pass through the Demon King's body and meet the girl inside.

"Let me enter your world. We haven't talked for a long time, haven't we?"


Where Shanks couldn't see it, the girl's eyes were filled with sparkling light.

Then she started singing.

Almost the next second, Shanks, who was standing on top of the Demon King's head, rolled his eyes and fell straight down.

Fortunately, a cloud caught him when he was about to fall into the sea.

Then a figure wrapped in lightning approached quickly and kicked away the demon king's arm that was coming towards him.

"It's really not a worry."

Brett smiled.

But fortunately, the battle was successful.

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