One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 314: When the Demon King is Defeated

There is another world that Brett cannot see. Different from the situation that has been completely destroyed at this time, in this world, Eligia Island still exists and has not had time to sink to the bottom of the sea.

It's just that the monsters are still wreaking havoc.

"Ah, it's been such a long time, Uta,"

The red-haired man looked up at the monster in the sky with a smile, "You have grown up. By the way, I have watched every game before, and I even called on everyone to vote for you."

In the Demon King's body, the corners of Uta's mouth tightened, and two lines of tears fell from the corners of her eyes uncontrollably. Her slender shoulders were trembling slightly.

After summoning this demon king again, she knew everything.

She has grown up a lot now compared to five years ago. After summoning the Demon King, she did not lose consciousness immediately. She saw the monster wreaking havoc on the island.

Now everything is clear.

It turns out that she was the one who destroyed the island.

She is the culprit of all tragedies, and that's why Shanks abandoned her.

"hold head high!

The Demon King had already raised his arm and hit the red hair!

"It seems I have to deal with this guy first before I can have a good chat with you."

The red-haired man pulled out the sword from his waist, "Big man, don't stop me from meeting my baby girl!"

He rushed forward without dodge.

"What on earth are you thinking, you idiot!"

Uta clenched her fists tightly, tears had turned her delicate little face into a blur, and she shouted almost at the top of her lungs,

"Why didn't you tell me anything! Do you think it's cool to leave on your own and bear all the charges?"

"I Have a Picture Book of Ghosts and Gods"

"Obviously it's all my fault, isn't it! But I have hated you for so long in vain! Why would you do such a thing, you idiot!"

The red-haired man jumped up, the sword blade in his hand holding a long black lightning bolt, he laughed and said,

"Because she is a lovely daughter."


The sword blade collided with the Demon King's arm.

The next moment, the Demon King's arm was smashed to pieces.

Because in the outside world, Brett also punched simultaneously.

"Pay attention to the tacit understanding, Shanks!"

Brett grinned.

The spiritual world and the real world that were once separated have been connected because of the existence of the Demon King.

Brett can sense the presence of red hair through the power of sight and color.

As long as he attacks at the same time as the red hair attacks, this originally indestructible demon king can already be conquered.

spiritual world.


The girl's body began to tremble as if she had been shot.

Tears were pouring down this time as if they were bursting from a dam, and his expression management was completely out of control, and even snot was flowing down his nose.


Unable to bear it any longer, the girl shouted loudly, calling the name of the father she admired most.

The red hair fell to the ground, and then bounced up again, "Wait a little longer, Uta, I will rescue you right away!"

The Demon King grew another arm and spread out like tentacles.

"Get out of my way!"

Hong Fang unleashed a sword.

The black and red sword waves instantly cut off several arms.

At the same moment, in the outside world, Brett also released a series of thick thunderbolts that shattered those arms.

"Very good, very good, going well!"

On the deck of the battleship, Taizolo waved his fist vigorously, "Haha, monster, your time to show off your power is over!"

"Come on, Captain, go and rescue our little princess!"

On the deck of the red-haired pirates, his officers were also cheering and cheering him on.

Brett kept rushing forward, one after another the demon king's arms were shattered by him, and one after another powerful rays were knocked away by him.

It was only a few feet away from the Demon King's body.

"Make way for me!"

In the spiritual world, the red-haired man jumped on top of the Demon King, holding the sword high in his right arm.

"hold head high!

Unwilling to fail, the Demon King roared, and an unusually large ball of light gathered in front of his mouth, then turned into a dazzling beam of light and roared out.

In the real world, Brett looked at the huge light beam coming towards him and took a deep breath.

"This is the end Shanks! Don't let me lose your temper!"

He clenched his right fist, and the stored strength began to transform.

"This is what I want to say!"

On the red-haired sword blade, the black lightning no longer surged.


The long sword slashed down.

"King Zhengquan!"

Brett pumped his fists in sync.


In the spiritual world, that huge beam of light was torn apart by sword waves.

In the real world, the exact beam of light was directly shattered by the shock wave from Bright's fist.

Two different worlds, two different attacks, fell on the devil's head at the same moment.

"hold head high!"

The devil was wailing.

But at this time, he had no chance to survive.

The two powerful attacks did not give him any room to escape, and directly shattered his body instantly.

Brett breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally got it done.


On the battleship, Princess Otohime couldn't help but cheer loudly.

spiritual world.


The moment the Demon King was crushed, Uta had already flown towards Shanks.

The redhead opened his arms and embraced his daughter.

"Sorry, Uta,"

The red-haired man said softly, "I was too self-righteous. I thought that if you didn't know about this, you could live here happily and then realize your dream."

"stupid stupid stupid!"

Uta buried his head in his father's arms, and just kept hitting his chest with his right fist.

"Yes, yes, I am indeed a big fool."

The red-haired right hand gently patted Uta's trembling back.

The young master gradually stopped crying and just leaned quietly in his father's arms.

"Arm." She whispered, "What's wrong with the arm?"


The redhead smiled, "I bet him on the new era."

"What a new era!"

The girl straightened up and shouted, "What's going on? Shanks!"

"Ha ha ha ha,"

The red-haired man laughed loudly, "It's Luffy. I put this arm on him to save him, and also left him the hat."

"Hey! Luffy! Is it because of that idiot?"

The girl couldn't help but puff up her cheeks, "Next time we meet, I will definitely teach him a lesson!"

"How terrible an enemy did he have to provoke to make you lose an arm, Shanks!"

In the girl's heart, her father is invincible!

The red-haired man couldn't help but smile sarcastically when he heard this.

Then Uta had thrown herself into his arms again.

"Finally we meet again, Shanks, I really miss you."

"Well, I'm here to pick you up, Uta."

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