One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 315 Uta’s decision

The Demon King had been completely defeated, and his huge body was quickly dissipating, turning into wisps of purple smoke that gradually became lighter and finally disappeared into the air.

Brett released the flame cloud to catch the Uta falling from the sky.

The girl opened her eyes, she had regained consciousness.

"I'm sorry to have caused you any trouble, Director Brett."

The little singer sister said apologetically.

Although she was still reminiscing with Shanks in the spiritual world, it did not prevent her from chatting with Brett in the real world.

Little sister Uta is also very skilled in dual-thread control.


Brett smiled and said, "When you first participated in the draft, Shanks came to ask us, and we indeed promised that he would take good care of you."

Uta was startled for a moment, then the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and a faint smile appeared on her face.

"Let's go, it's time to meet our old friends."

Brett flew back with Uta, and soon he was above the red-haired pirates.

Seeing their arrival, the pirates on the deck of the Redfors cheered.


The pirates called the girl's name loudly and welcomed the musician's return with the most enthusiastic attitude.

"Long time no see, our Princess!"

Lucky Lu waved the chicken drumstick in his hand vigorously, "Did you miss the food I made?"

"It's really been a long time since I heard our musicians singing. I can't sleep well at night!"

The dreadlocked sniper also smiled.


Tears were already accumulating in Uta's eyes.

Brett smiled and let the clouds take Uta down to the deck. The girl was immediately surrounded by her family.

A group of big and powerful pirates surrounded little sister Uta and asked her about her experiences in recent years.

How was the meal here? Does it suit your taste? Do you recognize your bed when sleeping at night? Have you met any new friends?

"The Rebirth of Financial Giants"

It's like parents who haven't seen their children for a long time are worried about their children's lives during this period.

"Okay, you guys, please spread out a little and let our little princess breathe some fresh air, okay?"

On the deck, the red-haired man who had been lying motionless sat up.

The reminiscing in the spiritual world is over, and he has returned to the real world.

The redhead smiled, and he turned his head and nodded slightly towards Brett in the sky.

Brett smiled back at him, then landed on the battleship on Fish-Man Island, then released his abilities and returned to his original appearance.

Then he heard Tezoro chattering next to him.

"That's not good!"

This guy's eyes were fixed on Uta, who was chatting and laughing happily with the cadres on the red-haired pirate group next door. His brows were already furrowed and the muscles on his face were twitching.

"If this continues, Uta won't run away with them!"

Brett chuckled.

Uta is indeed safe, but for Tezolo, the real danger is not over yet.

The question is, will Uta, who has reconciled with the Red-haired Pirates, stay in AllStars and continue to be an idol?

President Tezolo is indeed very worried about this matter.

But at this time, the sound of discussion came to my ears again.

"so good."

On the side, Princess Otohime looked at the smiling Uta and couldn't help but wipe the corners of her mouth. She smiled happily and said, "Uta is really happy now."

"But maybe she will leave with the red-haired pirates later."

Apu said, "Didn't you hear them shouting? Uta is a musician of the Red Hair Pirates."

"That's good, isn't it?"

Otohime smiled and said, "Of course I am the happiest when I can be with my family."

Apu curled his lips, "I don't care."

It's just that someone cares.

Apu glanced at Tezoro.

Mr. President was indeed gritting his teeth at this time.

Uta is his self-proclaimed disciple!

It is someone who he believes can produce the world's number one musician.

Wouldn't it be a pity to just run away and become a pirate?

Brett raised his hand and patted Tezolo on the shoulder without saying anything.

But Tezzolo already fully understood what Brett wanted to say.

He could only sigh and then remained silent.

What can be done? Is it possible that if Uta wants to leave, can she be forced to stay?

Even if he didn't consider the reason for his red hair, Tezolo couldn't do such a thing. After all, to a certain extent, he really regarded Uta as a disciple.

Brett clearly heard the frustration in his old friend's heart. He smiled, and then shouted loudly to the boat next door,

"Hey, Shanks, let's have a party!"

The red-haired man on the opposite boat turned around, with a bright smile on his face, "Hahaha, are you the roundworm in my stomach! This is what I want to say now!"

So of course the banquet started like this.

The location is on the deck of the red-haired pirate group's ship. After all, the battleship on Fish-Man Island has a shuttle-shaped structure, and the deck is really small, which is not enough for a banquet.

Both sides brought out all the stored ingredients. The red-haired pirate group's chef, Lucky Lu, showed off his skills and quickly cooked dishes that were appetizing and full of aroma.

"Anyway, I want to say thank you this time, Brett."

The red-haired man raised his glass to Brett and said solemnly.

"Then I'll accept it."

Brett also smiled and raised his glass.

The two of them naturally drank it all.

Then the red-haired man looked at Tezolo again, "The same goes for Tezolo House, and Uta is also under your care."

Taizolo replied angrily, "Nothing."

Then he directly picked up a bottle of wine and poured it all into his stomach.

The red-haired man also chuckled and drank a bottle of wine.

On the other side, Uta also came to Gordon with a complicated expression.

"I'm sorry, Gordon."

The little girl pursed her lips, "It's all my fault..."

Everything is because of myself. If I hadn't sang that chapter of music that night, this country would be as prosperous and peaceful as ever.

Instead of this, it has completely disappeared.

"It's not your fault, Uta, it's because we were too negligent."

Gordon raised his hand and gently rubbed his disciple's head. He smiled and said, "Before you, a person with the singing fruit ability, returned to this island, who would have thought that that legend was actually true?"

"You were just used by TotMusica."

The Demon King has his own consciousness, Uta was just caught unawares.

Uta lowered his head and said nothing.

Even if it was not intentional, even if she was just calculated, everyone in this country died because of her.

The girl felt a huge sense of guilt in her heart.

Gordon saw this and changed the subject.

"So, Uta, what are you going to do next? Where are you going?"

Tezzolo immediately pointed his ears.

The members of the red-haired pirates also looked over.

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