One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 327 The riot of the Neptune class

Little sister Nana learned the armed colors, which told Brett that the seeds sown back then had now begun to take root.

In the future of Fish-Man Island, the children living on this island are now gradually awakening to their domineering power.

Nana may be truly gifted, but she is by no means alone.

Haki is the power hidden in all intelligent beings in this world. After all, even Brett's good friend, the warrior shrimp Alexander, can learn Haki.

All children have domineering energy hidden within them, but the question is whether they can be channeled out.

Generally speaking, if you want to awaken your Haki, you need a strong body and a firm will.

Haki is the product of a mixture of will and body. Under normal circumstances, only strong men who have been constantly tempered at sea can master Haki.

But Brett obtained the Haki meditation method secretly taught by Nine Snakes in Hancock's hands. This is a technique that allows people to directly awaken Haki without the need for high-intensity exercise.

Although as Hancock said, not everyone can awaken their Haki through the people's law, but Brett thought that it should not be a minority.

Brett immediately went to Neptune and Jinbe and told them what he had discovered.

"Did it really succeed?"

Neptune was very surprised by this.

"What does it mean to actually succeed?"

Brett said speechlessly, "Is it possible that you didn't trust this plan before?"

Neptune smiled awkwardly.

You can't blame me for this. After all, everyone knows that Haki is a rare power in the sea. How can it be possible for children to awaken Haki without any obstacles?

"It's a good thing,"

Jinbei said this, "At least the future of Fish-Man Island seems to be guaranteed."

In fact, by now, the power of domineering has become somewhat popular on Fish-Man Island.

When Bulat first returned to Fish-Man Island, among the five million people on the island, probably only Jinbei and a handful of other Sun Pirates' cadres could use Haki.

Then, when Brett established the Immigration Bureau and began to let brother Jinbei train various cadres, the domineering practice method became popular.

Now all the cadres at the captain level of the Exit and Entry Administration have mastered the two-color haki.

Thanks to the hegemonic meditation method obtained from Hancock, officials at the level of squad leaders are also gradually awakening to their domineering power.

This is already remarkable. After all, even at the Navy Headquarters, generally speaking, only high-ranking officials at the general level can possess domineering power.

But now domineering education is more popular on Fish-Man Island.

Children have also begun to awaken to Haki. It is conceivable that in about ten years' time, Fish-Man Island will have an army full of Haki users.

It should be even more exaggerated than Nine Snakes. After all, although Fishman Island has fewer people, it should be much more crowded than Nine Snakes Kingdom.

"The next thing to do is to block the news as much as possible."

Brett solemnly said, "Children are the future of Fish-Man Island. If the government knew about the situation here, they would definitely want to do something."

"I know,"

Neptune nodded, "In all schools, I will ask the teachers to keep the news secret, and ask the children to try not to reveal it."

"Then there's Brother Aaron,"

Brett said, "Next, the spiders will also step up their investigation of government spies."

Fish-Man Island now has their own intelligence organization.

Brother Aaron did a pretty good job.

Brett's prediction was indeed correct.

Not long after Nana awakened her Haki, students began to awaken their Haki in various schools on Fish-Man Island.

Most of them are on the older side.

It is also normal, although the domineering meditation method bypasses the limitations of the body and spirit to a large extent.

But of course, older children who are more mature in all aspects also have an advantage in the practice of domineering.

Fishman Island immediately took action.

The teachers at the school were tight-lipped about this, and they also taught the children who had awakened their domineering spirit not to reveal the incident.

Although it probably won't be hidden for long, it can be delayed for a while.

It is difficult for the World Government to do anything in this deep sea, but it would be better to have less trouble, right?

After discussing it with Neptune, Bright decided to gather these children who had awakened their Haki and teach them.

It would be a waste to hope that they would become civil servants after awakening their Haki.

Although the Haki cultivated through the Haki meditation method is weaker than the Haki awakened through tempering, it is precisely because of the weakness that further training is needed to strengthen it.

So quietly, a special class appeared in almost every school on Fish-Man Island.

The class is small and has people from all grades, who have special instruction every day.

Most of the children who have awakened their haki are armed, but not many have awakened their knowledge.

This is normal. Even in the new world, there are only a few pirates who possess both types of haki. The sight color is rarer than the armed color. \u003c

Time passed slowly like this.

During this period of time, the overall situation in the New World was relatively stable. The Beast Pirates and the Charlotte family were quiet, and even the government and navy did not take any action.

Brett almost thought that they had given up on being enemies with him.

But of course this is impossible, maybe they are just waiting for the opportunity.

Such a stable situation is of course a good thing for Brett. He and all his allies are quietly developing.

Dolag's revolutionary army has completely fallen silent at this time. They no longer pursue blind pursuit of overthrowing certain corrupt and degenerate countries.

During the last contact, he told Brett that he had listened to Brett's advice and had already gone deep into the bottom of the sea to promote their ideas to the vast majority of the people on the sea.

As for Mr. Zefa and his NEo Navy, they have also made great progress.

Thanks to the previous war, the NEo Navy gained a great reputation in the New World. At this time, several non-governmental alliance countries and dozens of independent regional islands have joined their alliance.

Now whether it is military strength or financial resources. All have been greatly improved.

Time has come to the second half of the year 1515 in the Haiyuan calendar. The peaceful life has been going on for a long time, and then suddenly, this day.

The deep sea outside Fishman Island suddenly became noisy.

One after another huge sea kings came from the dark deep sea.

hold head high!

They are roaring.

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