One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 328 The Awakening of Neptune

The Neptunes rioted.

This news instantly swept across the entire Fish-Man Island like a storm.

You don’t even need word of mouth at all.

After all, just standing on the ground, you can see monsters in the deep sea outside the huge bubbles.

"What happened all of a sudden?"

The people of Fish-Man Island were greatly alarmed, "How could the Sea Kings riot?"

Even more frightening are the humans who come to Fish-Man Island.

The Sea Kings hovering outside Fish-Man Island are all too huge. If they collide with the bubble on Fish-Man Island, the entire bubble will probably be destroyed.

If such a disaster really happened, the native residents of Fish-Man Island would probably be fine, but they humans would really be doomed.

"Where is the Immigration Bureau? Where is Director Brett? Do something quickly!"

People shouted in panic.

In Brett's office on the top floor of the Immigration Administration office, he stood in front of the window and looked up quietly at the sea kings wandering in the water outside the huge bubble above.


The secretary opened his office door in panic.

"Dragon Palace City urgent call!"

"Don't worry, I already know the matter."

Brett said calmly.

The Neptunes were roaring and roaring.

Their huge but messy sounds could be heard clearly even on the ground of Fish-Man Island.

Of course Brett also heard it clearly.

Although the voices sound different, they are indeed shouting the same content.


The Neptunes were not roaring, nor were they filial piety.

They were cheering and jumping for joy.

Something must have happened to Princess Shirahoshi, Brett guessed.

And something good must have happened.

"Issuing an announcement saying that I have gone to deal with this matter, and at the same time sending out a team to maintain order, and don't let anyone with bad intentions take advantage of it."

After leaving such an arrangement, Brett took action.

It turned into a fiery red dragon and rose up.

The people of Fish-Man Island immediately felt greatly at peace after seeing the divine dragon rising into the sky.

"Director Brett is out!"

"That's the ability Lord Bright has. This is the first time I've seen it with my own eyes!"

"It's amazing, he looks exactly like Kaido!"

"As long as this lord takes action, there will definitely be no problem, right!"

There is no doubt that the man named Brett is the anchor of this fish-man island.

Everyone believes that he, known as the Emperor of the Deep Sea, can lead Fish-Man Island to face all possible difficulties.

What do the riots of Neptune's kind mean? No?

Brett flew directly to the top of the Fish-Man Island, then penetrated the bubble and came to the outside of the Fish-Man Island, surrounded by the Sea Kings.

"Hahahaha! My best friend!

The old friend swam over almost as fast as he could. Warrior Xia, who had grown a lot bigger than before, laughed loudly, "Come and fight after a long time!"

Very good, Mr. Alexander is as energetic as ever.

"Let's talk about this later. Other things are more important now."

Brett looked around at the Neptunes swimming around, "So, Alexander, what happened? What are you doing?"

"We hear the king's voice!"

The old friend's voice was solemn, filled with indescribable joy and excitement.

"The king's voice?"

Brett raised an eyebrow.

Sure enough, something happened over there at Shirahoshi.

Neptune's ability is to summon and control Neptune.

Shirahoshi has always been able to control the Neptunes, and they will obey her orders absolutely.

It's just that she is not fully awakened and cannot call the Neptunes from a distance.

However, it seems to be different now.

"The king's power has begun to awaken!"

Alexander laughed and said, "Partner, the king of this sea has returned again!"

If that's the case, that's certainly a good thing.

The awakening of Neptune means that the power of Fish-Man Island has been greatly enhanced.


"Could you please leave your compatriots for a while, Alexander?"

Brett said, "The people surrounding this island are causing us a lot of trouble."

"As much as I'd love to help, mate,"

Alexander said with some embarrassment, "Based on my age, I am still a young man among my own race. These seniors will not listen to my advice."

Brett glanced at him sideways, so among the Neptune races, the bad custom of ranking based on seniority is also prevalent?

That can only be done by myself.

Brett floated upward.

"Neptune types!"

He yelled, "Please listen to me."

So at this time, all the Neptunes cast a surprised look at him.

Why can they understand this human's words?

But the Neptunes reacted immediately.

"I see, you are Lord Brett."

A sea king type said, "The king's guardian."

Brett breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that his title of Prime Minister of the Sea has not expired yet.

Those giant Neptunes entrusted him to teach Shirahoshi, and in return, the Neptunes would respond to his request.

Now it seems that it can still come in handy.

"Please step back a little. Being surrounded here will cause a lot of trouble to the island."

Brett said this, "I know what you are looking forward to. Later, I will bring Bai Xing, your king, to see you."

The Neptunes were silent for a moment, and then discussed briefly.

"We understand, you are a trustworthy man, then please let us meet with the king."

A sea king said, "The great power has gradually begun to recover, and we must ensure the safety of the king."

Brett nodded lightly. In this case, it would be settled here.

Next is Shirahoshi's side.

Nothing important has happened on Fish-Man Island recently. What stimulation did Shirahoshi receive that caused her abilities to begin to awaken?

Watching the Sea Kings leave, Brett turned back to Fish-Man Island and went directly to Dragon Palace City, which is located at the highest point of Fish-Man Island.

As soon as they arrived at Dragon Palace City, Neptune greeted him with an anxious look on his face.

"So Brett, what's going on?"

"Neptune, what do you think is the reason for such changes among the Neptunes?" Brett asked in return.


Neptune paused, "Is it Shirahoshi?"

Brett lowered his voice, "The Neptunes said that the power of White Star Neptune has begun to fully awaken. What happened to her?"


Neptune was stunned for a moment, and then he said with a strange expression, "Something did happen to Bai Xing, but I didn't expect it would have such an impact."


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