One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 329: Teachings about Bai Xing

Brett looked at the little mermaid, or rather the big mermaid, in front of him. He was a little surprised and said, "Little Baixing, your father said that you have awakened to see and hear?"

The little princess nodded sheepishly, "Well, dad said this is the power of seeing, hearing, and seeing, and mom also has it."

Brett was speechless.

Neptune said that Princess White Star suddenly told him today that she could hear many voices.

After a little testing, Neptune discovered that his daughter had awakened to the power of seeing and hearing, and had the same ability as her mother Otohime, who had the power to spy on people's hearts.

Neptune was of course very happy about this. After all, although many students had awakened their Haki, Shirahoshi was still the youngest among them.

She is only nine years old.

Moreover, what is awakened is the Haki of the Observation Color, not even the ordinary Observation Color.

But Neptune still didn't expect that Bai Xing's awakening would bring such a big movement.

"It's amazing."

Brett also sighed sincerely.

The child seemed to have inherited her mother's talent for seeing, hearing, and seeing.

This is not something you are awakened to at birth, but something you learn through your own hard work.

"Invincibility starts with sacrificing the ancestor"

It is truly remarkable that a nine-year-old child can awaken to seeing and hearing.

What's even more remarkable is that the awakening of Shirahoshi's power of Neptune also began to awaken at the same time.

Brett had no doubts about this.

After all, he himself gained the ability to listen to other people's inner emotions and communicate with the sea beasts and sea kings after awakening to the Haki of Seeing and hearing.

Seeing, hearing, and form are essentially hearing, perception, and the power of communication.

So is it any wonder that Shirahoshi, who could only communicate with Neptunes at close range, has the power to call Neptunes from a distance?

"You can feel it now, little Baixing,"

Brett said seriously, "Why did those Neptunes from before come here?"


The little princess hesitated for a moment, then nodded gently, "They seem to be calling me."

"And I feel like if I want to speak to them, they can hear me."

It seems that Neptune's power has indeed awakened.

Brett sighed in his heart.

very good.

This is of course a very good thing.

"So Bai Xing, do you know what to do next?"

Brett asked.

"Brother Brett, are you going to take me to see them?"

Bai Xing said timidly.

Although I have been friends with Nana for several years, and have met many classmates in school over the years, my character is much more cheerful and lively than in the original work.

But after knowing that Brett was going to take her to meet the Neptunes, the little princess Bai Xing was still a little scared.

She didn't know her specific identity. When she was a child, she didn't understand anything, so even when she appeared in front of Neptune, she would only feel happy. But now, after learning a lot in school, she feels a little timid.

"Don't be afraid, they will never hurt you."

Brett said seriously, "On the contrary, every one of them is willing to use their lives to protect you."

The little princess blinked her big innocent eyes.

"I understand! Then let's set off, Brother Brett!"

So Brett took the little princess and set off.

Also accompanying him was Neptune, who really didn't trust his daughter to deal with those big monsters.

Even if he knows that his daughter is the Neptune who controls all Neptunes.

Brett took his father and daughter to the deep sea. After breaking away from the light shed by Yangshu Eve, the Neptunes gradually emerged from the dark sea water.

They surrounded the three Bretts, almost covering them with water.

Almost all the muscles in Neptune's body were tense.

There are too many, simply too many. How can there be such a large number of Neptunes?

Hundreds of sea kings have gathered here, and this is the power that can level the entire Fish-Man Island in an instant! The hole under the red earth continent is almost filled.


Princess Bai Xing was a little stunned.

Because all these Neptunes were calling her like this without exception.


No matter what kind of voice, no matter what tone, the content is only this.

The Neptunes lowered their heads towards her and respectfully offered their power and power to her.

Brett looked at this scene with a slight smile on his face.

"Brother Brett, what on earth is going on!"

The little princess felt a little at a loss.

She is no longer afraid. Only when she gets close to these Neptunes can she feel that there is no trace of malice and absolutely pure loyalty and worship.

Just as Brett said, these Neptunes would not harm her, but were willing to sacrifice everything for her.

"You have to remember, Shirahoshi."

Brett said seriously, "You have mastered one of the greatest powers in the world. You are the king of all sea kings and the king of this deep sea!"


The little girl's eyes were already a little confused.

Even though she has gone to school for several years and is even more knowledgeable than the sixteen-year-old in the original work, she is still only a nine-year-old child.

"Your mission, what you need to do is to lead them to create a new era!"


The little princess blinked, a little confused.

Brett pursed his lips.

Indeed, it was time to try to make the little princess understand what she was carrying.

News of the strange behavior of the Neptunes on Fish-Man Island spread quickly and reached the ears of some people.

Marie Joa, the deepest part of Pangu City.

People often think that the power room where the five old stars work is the most secret place in the entire Pangu City.

But in fact, there are many places in Pangu City that are more secretive than the Place of Power, one of which is here, the place called Between the Flowers.

At this moment, in this room, a figure stood quietly, a figure wrapping his body in a dark robe. He was holding a newspaper in his hand that reported the news of the Sea King uprising on Fish-Man Island. .

"Sea King has also awakened."

His voice was muddy and low, and it was impossible to tell whether he was a man or a woman, old or young.

"It seems imperative to clean up the world and extinguish all the lights."

His voice gradually faded away in the room. At this time, no one knew what kind of impact this would have on the future world.

Of course, Brett didn't know that the news of Shirahoshi's awakening had already spread, and that it was known to the most troublesome people.

He is now thinking about how to teach Princess Shirahoshi.

After all, this girl not only inherited her mother's knowledge and beauty, but she was also very close to Princess Otohime in terms of personality.

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