One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 332: Enthusiastic Little Mermaids

Brett was standing next to the two little girls. He could clearly see the joyful smiles on the faces of the two children, and he could clearly feel the happiness in their hearts.

Brett's lips curled up slightly.

He knew this feeling very well.

When he was still very young, he went to the sea with Aaron for the first time and saw the human world, and he felt almost the same way.

It is natural for children who have been in the deep sea and have never seen the scene above the sea to be excited when they first see what the world really looks like.

"It's so beautiful! The sea!"

Nana looked around excitedly.

Although I have always lived in the deep sea, I have never seen clearly what this sea looks like.

"Hey! Brother Brett!"

Nana turned back to look at Brett, her eyes flickering with a flicker of light, "Can we live on the sea in the future!"

"This is exactly what Fish-Man Island has wanted for generations."

Brett looked at the end of the sea and said calmly, "This is exactly the goal we have been striving for."


Nana suddenly put her hands on her hips and laughed, "Then let me help too!"


Brett couldn't help but smile.

"Don't look down on others, brother Brett!"

Nana raised her little fist angrily, her domineering energy wrapped around her, "I'm very strong now!"

"Okay, okay, then I'm looking forward to Nana's active performance."

Brett said with a smile.

Lively children are loved everywhere.

"Humph! Just look forward to it!"

Little Nana is full of confidence.

"Brother Brett, where are we going next?"

Princess Bai Xing looked at Brett and asked curiously and expectantly.

"Take you to see what this world looks like."

Brett said.

"What does this world look like?"

Nana tilted her head.

This trip has only one purpose, and that is to let Princess Shirahoshi understand that nothing can be achieved by simply understanding each other.

Although it may be cruel, this is the necessary growth for a king.

Alexander hid under the sea surface and swam forward quickly.

"Comrade, don't forget to guide me in the right direction!"

Warrior Shrimp laughed.

"Just keep going."

Brett smiled.

It won't be long before a country exists.

Let’s take the kids there to see it first.

The shrimp-shaped Neptune was moving forward quickly on the sea, and below him, in the deeper water, a large number of Neptunes were following him.

"Ah, that's great!"

Nana sat on Alexander's back, leaning back with her hands on the ground, "Brother Brett, are you going to a human country next?"

"Wouldn't that be dangerous?" Nana said, "Even I know that humans have a very bad attitude towards us."

Even though Fish-Man Island is now the most prosperous country in the world, with human merchants coming and going like running water, the safety education on Fish-Man Island has never stopped.

The Immigration and Entry Administration and the Dragon Palace City Government are still conveying the same concept to the people of Fishman Island.

Humans are dangerous.

Even if some humans have good intentions towards Fish-Man Island, they cannot relax their vigilance because of this.

Nana was a child who grew up under this kind of concept education.

"But mom said, that's all because humans don't understand Fish-Man Island."

Princess Bai Xing whispered, "If everyone could understand each other, then this would definitely not be the case."

"Eh? Is that so?"

Nana blinked, "I don't quite understand, but since Empress Otohime said that, she must have a reason, right?"

"Right, brother Brett?" She turned to look at Brett.

"Words are meaningless no matter how much you say."

Brett said leisurely, "It's up to you to see it next."

"This journey shouldn't be too short. You have plenty of time."

There is enough time to get to know the world.


Princess Bai Xing nodded heavily.

The night before, her mother told her a lot of things.

Including what Brett is doing, including the difficulties faced by Fish-Man Island.

Princess Otohime asked her to seriously experience this trip and then decide what she wanted to do.

The little princess was still young and didn't quite understand what her mother was talking about, but at least she understood that her mother said this trip was very important.

Then you have to feel it seriously!

Nana didn't think as much as Shirahoshi thought. This child was always heartless. Although she was several years older than Shirahoshi, their mental ages were probably very close.

She raised her arms and cheered, "That means there are still many beautiful scenery waiting for us ahead, right! Great!"

Brett smiled.

This kid might be very compatible with the Straw Hat Junior Brother's Straw Hat Pirates.

However, Nana, there is more than just beautiful scenery waiting for us ahead.

The warrior shrimp continues to move forward.

Suddenly, Bai Xing's expression changed slightly, and then he turned to look at Brett, "Brother Brett, there seems to be a situation ahead!"


Blake raised his eyebrows. He always maintained a sense of awareness and observed the surrounding situation, but he found nothing.

Did the Neptunes tell her that?

Shirahoshi's knowledge alone would never have been able to discover the conditions on the sea that even Brett had not noticed.

The only possibility is that the Neptunes who were at the forefront exploring the path sent her a message.

This is the scary thing about Aquaman.

Not only can it give orders to the Neptune class, but it can also issue orders in real time across extremely distant sea areas.

It can even get information from the Neptune class, which is an invincible ability in large-scale battles.

The only weakness is probably that Princess Shirahoshi herself is weak.

However, this is not irreparable at all. Shirahoshi has already awakened her sense of knowledge when she was only nine years old, and her talent in combat is probably not weak.

"Then go and see,"

Brett smiled and said, "Alexander, sink."


The good friend responded with a smile, and then took Brett and the three of them and sank under the sea.

If you were to approach directly, it would be too conspicuous.

The Warrior Shrimp moved forward quickly, and it didn't take long to reach the sea area where Shirahoshi said the situation occurred.

The two ships were engaged in a fierce exchange of fire in this area.

"It actually does exist!"

Nana's eyes widened, and she looked at Bai Xing in disbelief, "It's amazing, Bai Xing, your knowledge is really amazing!"

"...No, it's not..."

The little princess's face suddenly turned red and she felt a little restless.

Her parents and Brett had warned her not to reveal her abilities to others.

But lying was also very difficult for her, and Bai Xing couldn't help but feel a little at a loss.

Fortunately, Nana didn't pay attention to this matter at all. She just looked excitedly at the two ships fighting each other on the sea.

"Brother Brett! This is a naval battle! I've seen it in movies!"

Referring to the movie that Tezolo shot earlier.

"It's pirates attacking merchant ships." Brett carefully observed the battlefield.

This situation is all too common in the New World.


Nana said loudly, "That's the bad guy, right! Brother Brett, let's go help!"

The little princess also nodded repeatedly.

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