One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 333 Nana A goes up

The naval battle between the two ships on the sea has now entered a more intense state.

After a round of shelling across the long sea, the ship flying the pirate flag had already approached the merchant ship, and the next step was a boarding battle.

In the original bombardment battle, the merchant ships that could barely compete with the pirates began to collapse at this moment.

The pirate captain wielding a machete arbitrarily abused the guards on the merchant ship.

Just waving the blade casually can cut the guards on the ship in half with their weapons and people.

So soon the pirates took control of the situation and escorted everyone on the ship to the deck.

"Hahahaha! If you choose to surrender earlier, nothing will happen!"

The pirate captain carrying the knife grinned, but there was no smile in his narrow triangular eyes. His cold gaze silently swept over a person's body, which would make that person tremble all over.

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"Leave money and treasures behind, but as for people,"

The pirate captain said this. He twitched the corners of his mouth, revealing yellowed teeth between his thick lips, "Throw it into the sea and feed it to the fish."

Many people on the boat were screaming at this time, and some even fainted due to extreme fear.

There is no way, even in the four seas, being thrown into the sea in the middle of the sea is a matter of death, let alone this is a new world.

If they were thrown into the sea now, there would be no possibility of survival at all. The only outcome waiting for them would be death.

They cried and begged, but the pirates never paid attention to this.

Those who dared to resist were punished with muskets and swords without hesitation, and those who were trembling were caught and thrown directly into the sea.

All of a sudden, the uploads were like dumplings being dropped on the sea, one after another, guys were thrown into it.

No matter what kind of screaming or crying, it will not help, but will make the pirates laugh even more happily.

But something unexpected happened suddenly.

"Hey! What are you guys doing!"

A voice of questioning suddenly came from below the boat.

A pirate who was grabbing someone and preparing to throw him down looked down in surprise.


He blinked in disbelief, "Captain, there are two imps on the sea!"

what happened? These two brats were not found on the deck just now!

The one who spoke just now is not very conspicuous, but the silent kid is amazingly big. If he was really on the boat just now, how could he not have noticed her!

Where did they come from? This is the sea area of ​​the new world.


Although the sea water was not transparent, the sharp-eyed pirate could vaguely see the legs of the two little girls swinging under the water that did not seem to belong to humans!

“That-that’s it!

The pirate's eyes had widened. After a brief moment of shock, a joyful and excited smile couldn't be restrained from blooming on his face, making his whole face seem to become distorted.

"Captain! Captain!

Although you may not believe it, mermaid! It's mermaids, two mermaids! "


The pirate captain came over excitedly, leaning on the side of the ship to look down.

He saw two little girls floating on the sea below.

I also saw clearly the two tails of the two little girls swinging under the water.

It’s actually a mermaid!

Now you are rich!

The pirate captain's face instantly turned red, and indescribable excitement swelled in his heart.

On the sea, Princess Bai Xing had frowned.

She has awakened to the power of seeing and hearing, and has the ability to peer into people's minds similar to her mother.

So at this moment, she felt the malice of humans.

There was no trace of kindness, and the pirate's eyes looked at them with only complete malice.

"You annoying guy, take the fight!"

Nana didn't think as much as Shirahoshi thought.

The little girl has some talent in martial arts classes, and after awakening her armed color, she has a hard time meeting any opponents in school.

To put it simply, Nana is a little swollen now.

The long tail suddenly exerted force in the water, and Nana's body broke out of the water like an arrow from the string, and rushed directly towards the deck.

"Murloc Karate - Five Hundred Wa Shoken!"

The little girl yelled, her delicate little fist was wrapped with invisible waves, and she punched the pirate captain!

Nana now had a proud smile on her face.

She seemed to have been able to predict the approving smile on Brother Brett's face after defeating this pirate!

The little girl has a sense of justice. Even though the humans being attacked have nothing to do with her, she is willing to fight the pirates for them.



Nana's little fist was caught by the pirate captain.

The pirate's hands were covered with a layer of dark domineering energy.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The pirate captain laughed loudly, "You can actually be domineering! That's even better and more valuable!"

Of course, a mermaid with some talents is more valuable than a mermaid with only a skin!


Nana screamed.

I can’t struggle at all!

Why is this guy so powerful?

"Brother Brett, help!"

Little sister Nana couldn't help but scream.


The smile on the pirate captain's face froze.

There are very few people in the world who don’t know this name.

In this new world, it is as popular as thunder.

No way, is that monster coming too?

Could it just be the same name?

"Nana, didn't you say I'd leave it all to you?"

Cold sweat suddenly flowed down from the pirate captain's forehead.

Didn't notice it at all!

He didn't even dare to turn his head.

The pirates on the deck instantly became quiet at this moment.

I don't know when a tall and powerful man appeared on the deck.

Just standing there, he frightened everyone, and they could no longer hold the weapons in their hands.

"I'm too weak..."

Nana's little sister was moaning unwillingly as the pirate's hand was grasped.

“It would be nice to realize that.”

Brett smiled and said, "Recognizing one's own weakness is also a kind of growth."

The scariest thing about people is that they don’t know themselves.

Then Brett looked at the pirate captain who was still facing him motionless, "Then, this pirate, what are you going to do?"

The pirate captain's body trembled.

This monster is actually here!

It is absolutely impossible to escape by running! So--

The scimitar in his hand instantly stretched towards Nana's neck.

It was not that he wanted to kill him, but that he wanted to kidnap this little girl so that he could successfully escape from the hands of the Deep Sea Emperor.



Brett casually flicked his finger, and a bolt of lightning instantly penetrated the pirate captain's body like a bullet.


The pirate screamed, his body trembling violently and he fell to the ground with a loud bang.

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