One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 335 His Majesty the King

The Kingdom of Storn is one of the non-governmental member countries that can be found everywhere in the New World.

The land area is the same as that of the most ordinary country on the sea, it is just a small island.

There is only one not-so-prosperous town and a few small villages on the island.

As a non-governmental member country, this country has been able to survive in the New World until now, of course because they already had a backer early on.

The flag of House Charlotte flies in the harbor of this country, which is under the command of Charlotte Lingling and protected by them.

Therefore, even if this country does not have an organized army, it will collapse instantly if it is attacked by New World pirates, but it can still barely survive in this chaotic sea.

And today, this unknown country on the sea welcomed three special visitors.

Brett wrapped himself and the two little girls in black robes.

The two mermaids Nana and Shirahoshi came to the human world too conspicuously.

And Brett himself is not unknown either. Even in this fringe world of humanity, there are probably not a few people who know him.

So of course you have to do some disguise.

Brett took two little girls to a village on this island.

The village looks a bit shabby, and most of the houses are low thatched houses.

The people in the village who were dressed in rags looked very dull. Even if they noticed their arrival, they would turn around to look at them slowly, their eyes dull and lackluster.

More people were just lying on the ground basking in the sun. The movement caused by the three Bretts could not even make them raise their heads at all.

"It's so shabby..."

Nana, who had a bubble wrapped around her waist so she could move freely on land, looked around and whispered in disgust,

"Is this what human countries are like? When I was young, my sisters often told me that human countries are very beautiful and rich!"

“There are not many places like that, but there are more places like this.”

Brett said calmly.

"As expected, our Fish-Man Island is better!"

Nana whispered.

Brett chuckled.

Not to mention now, even before Brett returned to Fish-Man Island a few years ago, the situation on Fish-Man Island was much better than this island.

It is poor and backward, with almost no trace of human civilization.

"Brother Brett, what is there to see here?"

Nana was speechless, and then she said a little excitedly, "Let's go and see a truly prosperous human city!"

"Don't worry, I'll be leaving soon."

Brett said.

He took the two little girls to visit other villages on the island.

Without exception, all villages are identical, poor and backward.

The people living in these villages are numb and confused, with sallow complexions and thin bodies, and ragged clothes.

"This country is so poor!"

Nana couldn't help but sigh, "It must be too difficult for people living in this country!"


The little princess also nodded, "His Majesty the King of this country must also have a headache, right?"

"Is that so?"

Brett smiled.

This is why I brought these two children to this country.

"Let's go and see the most prosperous place in this country."

Brett took his two children to the only city on the island, which is also the royal capital of this country.

Although it is the only city on the island, the construction of this city is not very good. Not to mention compared with Fish-Man Island, even compared with a small country like Prodence, it is far inferior.

Of course, Prodence is still a franchise country under the government, and it cannot be directly compared with such non-franchise countries.

But seeing the low houses, dilapidated roads, and civilians who are neater but still shabby in their clothes than the residents in the villages, it is difficult to say that this country is not bad among non-franchised countries. .

Of course, not all places in this city are shabby, poor and backward.

At least in the center of the city, surrounded by slum-like housing blocks, it is a luxury neighborhood.

A river that came from nowhere separated the civilian area. On the other side of the river were gorgeous houses.

Green plants are all over the road, and the people walking neatly here look well-dressed.


Standing on the edge of the river, Nana looked at the scene on the other side of the river in amazement. She exclaimed, "There is such a place in this country! It's quite beautiful!"

These buildings are indeed incompatible with the entire city, but what is even more out of place is the broad palace in the middle surrounded by all the gorgeous buildings.

The area covered may be calculated in square kilometers. Even from a long distance, you can see the high bulging spire of the castle, reflecting the golden color in the sun.


Nana tilted her head, "Is it possible that this country is actually very rich?"

"We will know the specific reason later."

What comes next is the key.

The time has come at night.

In this country, in that magnificent palace.

His Majesty the King of the Stoven Kingdom, Racade II, who is just thirty years old this year, is a fat man.

In a country where the average person is skinny, his weight reached an astonishing 400 kilograms, and his height was only 1.67 meters. The fat on his body trembled with every step he took.

So he simply asked four servants to carry him around the palace in a sedan chair decorated with gorgeous gems.

That night, while Lakaide II was sitting on the throne and thinking about which concubine's room he should go to sleep in, a strange voice suddenly sounded in the brightly lit palace.

"Don't shout, don't move,"

The voice came from behind the throne.

Along with the voice came a knife, stretched out from behind the throne and placed across his neck.

Cold, hard.

The face of His Majesty the King of this country stiffened instantly, but the only thing that was stiff was his face.

As his body trembled, the fat on his body was also trembling, and it even looked like there were waves.

"Swallowing the Starry Sky: Sign in to Become a God"


After closing it, I heard another voice, which seemed to be a young girl, with a disgusted look, "This guy is so disgusting."

Normally, Racade II would have ordered the guards to drag down the arrogant guy and kill him.

But that's not the case now. The knife on his neck is breathing cold air, making His Majesty the King feel cold all over.

"You, what do you want to do?"

"I just want to ask you a question, and I'll just answer it honestly. Why is it that the rest of the country is so poor, but the palace and the surrounding area are so luxurious?"

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