One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 336 Sense of Justice

To be honest, Rakaide II is a little confused now.

After realizing that there was an intruder in the palace and a knife was placed on his neck, his heart was filled with fear.

What he was thinking about at this moment was whether these guys were incoming pirates or domestic rebels.

No matter who it is, what he has to do next is to save his life at all costs.

But now it seems that the situation is somewhat different from what he thought.

Aren't these guys here just for his wealth?

His Majesty, the king of this country, is already confused in his mind.

Why are the aristocratic areas prosperous, while the slums are full of dilapidation and poverty?

How could anyone ask such a ridiculous question?

Or sneak into your palace at this late night, hold yourself hostage and ask!

Are these people out of their minds?

Although he thought so in his heart, Lacade II did not dare to delay at all, and he hurriedly replied.

"This country has been like this for generations,"

His Majesty the King replied, "The land area is not large, and there are no resources that can make the country rich, so the country and its people have always been poor."

Brett twitched the corner of his mouth. He looked like a fat fool, but in fact he was not a fool.

He's pretty good at avoiding the important and taking the easy way out.

"I'm not asking you why the country is so poor, but why the gap between rich and poor is so wide."


Nana beside her also nodded repeatedly, "You are so rich, but you let the people live like that. You are really a bad king."

Racade II's face turned red. He argued, "My wealth was accumulated during the royal family's time. What does it have to do with those common people?"

“So, how was this wealth accumulated?”

Brett smiled, "Is it through the various company stores run by the royal family and nobles? Buy daily necessities from overseas at low prices, and then sell them to the people of this country at high prices?"

There is no doubt that Laced II was a greedy monarch, but he did not directly use violent means to snatch wealth from the people.

The efficiency of looting is too slow.

He is a businessman.

"You've gone too far!"

Nana rebuked loudly, "As a king, the most important thing is to ensure the livelihood of the people!"

King Neptune of Fishman Island is like this.

Although Ryugu City is certainly much more luxurious than the residences of other residents of Fish-Man Island, Neptune was still working hard to improve people's livelihood even in the years before Fish-Man Island began to develop.

The king nodded awkwardly, "Yes, yes..."

What kind of idiots are these guys?

People come here late at night and talk nonsense.

That is to say, he was afraid that these idiots would directly wipe his neck with a knife, otherwise he would have sneered.

When does a king serve his people?

The entire country belongs to the king, and all citizens are nothing more than the king's private property!

As long as you can make money, that's fine. As for those untouchables, who cares whether they die or not?

This is what Lacade II thought in his heart.

But now my life is at stake, so let’s go with these bastards.

Bai Xing had already pursed his lips.

She could clearly hear the voice in the king's heart.

Having said this, there is no need to continue talking.

Brett casually hit the fat king on the head, knocking him unconscious.

"Okay, Shirahoshi, what do you think?"

Brett asked softly.

"Why is this happening? Brother Brett?"

The little princess asked in confusion, "Why do they behave like this even though they are all human beings?"

The little princess doesn't understand.

There should be no problem that humans cannot understand each other, but why do we still treat our fellow humans like this?

"Gene Era"

"The prerequisite for mutual understanding is that both parties can compromise."

"But some things can't be compromised," Brett said.

"Can't compromise?"

Shirahoshi blinked.

Sometimes people have to face an embarrassing situation where both parties are well aware of the other's difficulties, but have to continue to be hostile for various reasons.

Mutual understanding is meaningless in this situation, and love and peace are even more empty words.

For example, does the fat king now know what kind of life his citizens are living?

Of course he knows.

As the largest businessman in the country, he may even have a better understanding of the country's conditions than the people who have suffered firsthand.

But this does not stop him from continuing to exploit the country.

Brett thought about such things in his mind, and then conveyed this idea to Princess Shirahoshi through her knowledge and color.

If you tell her in words, she might not understand.

The little princess opened her mouth slightly.

That night, Brett took the two little girls to visit the homes of all the nobles in the country and asked them the same questions.

It didn't matter how they answered. What mattered was that Shirahoshi heard what they all had to say.

"Human beings are really annoying. They are all of the same race, but they treat people like this."

Nana sighed and shook her head, her young face showing an expression of disillusionment with the world.

"Humans, it seems different from what mom said."

The little princess looked a little sad.

"I don't care about those things!"

Nana turned to look at Brett excitedly, "Brother Brett, the people in this country are so pitiful, let's do something!"

"Oh? What do you want to do?"

Brett smiled.

"Give all the money from those bad guys to the people!"

Nana chuckled, "Why do these guys let the people live like that, while they themselves live and drink like that?"

"Eh? Sister Nana,"

The little princess said at a loss, "Isn't this good? Those are other people's things..."

"It is true that they are other people's things. They were all plundered from the people!"

Nana waved her little hand. This child had a very simple sense of justice. He didn't need any other reasons. He was willing to help whenever he saw injustice on the road.

"We are just giving the money back to the people who should have it!"

"Well said, Nana."

Brett nodded approvingly, "Then do it."

This is not a difficult thing for him.

So that night, it rained in the country.

What was falling was not ordinary rain, but gold, jewelry and banknotes.

The country is a bit boiling.

But the instigator has quietly gone away, and the journey continues.

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