One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 337 Government Actions

Brett did not stay in that country for long with his two children. After raising the savings of the royal family and nobles into the sky and scattering them down on the country, they left.

Of course, it is impossible to change the country this time. Or to put it more realistically, how long can the people of that country keep those scattered gold, jewelry, and banknotes?

But that doesn't make sense, right?

This had nothing to do with Brett. His only goal in coming to the island was to teach the two children a lesson.

The trip is still going on, and Brett will take Bai Xing and Nana to land on more islands and visit more countries.

Let these two children see a more real world.

Then let Shirahoshi make her own judgement.

Of course Brett hoped that Shirahoshi would be on his side and let Neptune's power become an important force in future changes, but he was not willing to force the child.

He hoped that Shirahoshi would be able to make his own judgment and then help him.

In the second half of the year 1515, the two children went on an unprecedented trip with Brett. During this trip, time passed slowly.

The center of the world government, Mariejoia's Pangu City.

"Has that bastard Brett not been seen on Fish-Man Island for a while?"

The five old stars who were always paying attention to the movements of Fish-Man Island discovered something was wrong.

Although Bratt was not a person who liked to show off in the past on Fish-Man Island, he never deliberately concealed his whereabouts. He would appear in the Mermaid Cafe in Coral Hill with his clothes almost every two days. Girlfriend meeting.

However, this guy has not appeared for a long time now.

"Where did he go?"

The bearded Wulaoxing frowned and his tone was solemn.

He really couldn't help but be solemn.

There is no doubt that Brett is the biggest enemy of the World Government.

Even Rocks, who commanded the Evil Legion back then, or the Pirate King who arrived at the Final Island, did not pose as great a threat to the government as this guy did.

Every move of this guy should be taken seriously by the government. If you are not careful, the government may face a more serious situation.

The government has verified this many times in previous cooperation and exchanges.

"Maybe that guy is thinking of something else!"

The bald Five Old Star made a reasonable guess, "Don't forget what Lord Yin Mu said to us before!"

"If nothing else, that guy already has it in his hands -"

"The power of the King of the Sea!"

Just before, Lord Yinmu, who held the highest position in the world government, called them over and told them the worst news.

The previous Neptune class riots were caused by Neptune's awakening.

The true king of the sea has awakened her power!

This new king will only be a beautiful mermaid princess.

And it just so happened that King Neptune of the Dragon Palace Kingdom had a lovely daughter.

Brett still didn't know that White Star Sea King's identity had been exposed.

So he didn't know how panicked the five old stars were now.

Just kidding, Pluto’s design has fallen into Brett’s hands a long time ago, and now the Sea King of Fish-Man Island has awakened again!

The worst thing that could happen to the government is that now Pluto has been created! Fishman Island has mastered the power of two ancient weapons at the same time! In addition to the dynamite rock that was taken away by Bright——

Wulaoxing doesn't even dare to think about how bad the situation facing the government is now.

Let's put it this way, if it weren't for the mysterious Lord Yin Mu behind them, they would even have the idea of ​​surrendering to Brett.

Baimeng book

Brett already has two ancient weapons in his hands, who dares to be his enemy?

After realizing that Brett was not on Fish-Man Island and might have done something else, the Five Old Stars immediately ordered the government to initiate martial law and search for Brett's whereabouts within the entire sea.

Soon they had results.

The last time Brett rescued the merchant ship from pirates, no confidentiality measures were taken. Although adhering to the principle of doing more than doing less, the merchants dealt with the pirates themselves and did not report it to the government. .

But after the government went into full force, of course, the news quickly reached the ears of the government.

"Britt and two little mermaid girls appeared in the new world?"

The blond Wulaoxing asked in surprise, "Could it be another scene where the little mermaid accidentally fell into the sea and Brett went to rescue her?"

"I'm afraid not,"

The bearded Five Old Star shook his head, "According to the descriptions of those merchants, one of the two people and the little girl brought by Brett is probably Neptune's daughter, the mermaid princess Bai Xing!"

"Mermaid Princess!"

The five old stars looked solemn.

Speaking of mermaid princesses, that would be Neptune.

"In other words, it is very likely that Brett is still wandering around the new world with the mermaid princess!"

Wu Laoxing, who was holding a sword in his white robe, was a little excited, "There is no doubt that this is our best chance!"

The best opportunity to take action against Brett is also the best opportunity to take action against Neptune.

Although I don’t know what that guy Brett is doing, if we can seize this opportunity to catch all Brett and the Mermaid Princess, then the threat of Fishman Island will be completely gone, and the world will still return to the government. among the leaders.

"Let CP stop worrying about other things and start searching in the new world with all your strength!"

The bearded Five Old Star finalized his decision and said loudly, "As well as Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, don't forget to notify them! Let them also participate in the search!"

In any case, the New World is also a sea area dominated by the Pirate Emperors. The Beast Pirates and the Charlotte Family have huge energy there. If they can get their help, then the search operation will of course go much smoother.

The world government is in action again.

The news soon spread to the Beast Pirates and the Charlotte family.

Both parties agreed to the government's request without much hesitation.

For Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, Bright is their biggest enemy and an existence that must be defeated.


Brett got the news.

"Anyway, Brett, be careful. The government navy's Beast Pirates and your mother are now searching for your whereabouts."

The person on the other end of the phone warned solemnly.

"I know, then I will be more careful next time."

Brett smiled.

Look, isn’t the benefit of having many friends already reflected?

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