One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 339 Conversation about Peace

He proposed that he take his two children to end the war.

Although it is a very arrogant idea to want to end a war with two children, but if this sentence was said by Brett, it would of course be different.

Not to mention the one with two children, even with two babies in his arms, Brett has the ability to easily end the civil war in such a country.

"Oh! It seems very interesting!"

Nana's eyes began to shine, and she said with a smile, "What should we do? Brother Brett!"

Brett glanced at her with disgust.

You little idiot doesn't need to go to class. Sometimes it's a good thing to be simple-minded and not have so many things to think about.

Brett looked at Shirahoshi, waiting for the little princess's answer.

No matter how dull Nana was, she realized Brett's attitude. She snorted angrily, her cheeks bulging like a squirrel with two chestnuts.

The little princess did not hesitate, she nodded heavily, "I want to end this war!"

For the first time, the young princess realized the harm caused by war. The sounds coming from all directions made her burst into tears.


A smile appeared on Brett's face, and then he asked softly, "Shirahoshi, what do you think we should do?"

"Of course it means giving both sides of the war a good beating!"

Nana waved her little fist fiercely and shouted, "They are the ones who turned this country into this! Give them a good beating and make them never continue the war!"

"Nana, don't talk."

Brett rolled his eyes.

Should I say she deserves to be Nana? The methods I came up with were all so simple and crude.

But having said that, this is not an impossible method.

Or it should be said that the success rate of this method is still very high.

Brett was very confident that as long as he was willing to show up, catch both sides and beat them up, and tell them that they were not allowed to continue the war in the future, then the two sides would never dare to continue the war against his pressure.

But unfortunately, this time it was Shirahoshi's opinion that was asked.

"Eh? Why is this like this? It's really too much!"

Nana was speechless, feeling very angry about being ignored.

The little princess frowned and was very confused, "Brother Brett, do you want me to make a decision?"

"That's right,"

Bright nodded, "We have learned a lot along the way, Bai Xing. How about treating this as the final test?"

"Don't have any psychological burden. Just tell me how you think we should stop the war in this country."


The little princess hesitated for a moment, and then she sniffed, "I, I think, if we can get both sides to sit down and talk, and everyone can talk about it, can we stop the war?"


Before Brett could speak, Nana waved her hands repeatedly, "It definitely won't work. If the two sides could talk, they would have already done so."

Brett stretched out his hand and patted Nana on the head to tell the girl to shut up. Then he smiled and said, "Isn't it a very Shirahoshi-style speech? Let's give it a try."


Nana raised her head and looked at Brett in disbelief, "Brother Brett, are you serious?"

Brett smiled and said, "You should have more trust in me, Nana. It is very simple to stop the war in this country."

It's not that I'm arrogant, it's just that it's true.


Nana's mouth opened wide, "Brother Brett..."

Too arrogant!

"Brother Brett," Bai Xing sniffed and said expectantly, "can you get the leaders of both sides to sit down and have a good talk?"

"It's a no-brainer."

Brett nodded slightly, "Then, let's take action now!"

"Eh? Brother Brett, is this really okay?"

Nana feels like this is a little too hasty?

But in any case, the operation to end the war in this country began hastily.

Brett turned into a red dragon and used clouds to roll up the two children and left the city, heading towards the royal capital.

Wouldn't it be easy for the heads of both parties to sit down and talk about this matter?

The country's land area is much larger than that of ordinary non-franchised countries, and it is considered a huge island with several cities.

But for Brett's speed, of course it was nothing. Not long after, Brett had already brought the two children to the sky above the royal capital.

"Hey! What is that!


People in the royal capital noticed the red dragon that descended from the sky and moved in the sky.

"Dragon! It's a dragon!"

"Is it Kaido? Kaido is here!"

people exclaimed.

This country is still protected by the Beast Pirates for the time being.

Although there was no protection at all, even the weapons on both sides of the civil war came from Wano.

There is absolutely no reason for people not to recognize Kaido.

"No! Kaido is cyan! This guy is red!"

"It's the fishman Brett! The emperor of the deep sea alongside Kaido!


Look, it's been said that Brett is still very well-known in this world.

Brett didn't pay attention to the exclamation of the people, but went straight to the palace that was still magnificent.

Then the flame cloud swept out and covered the upper section of the palace, violently tearing apart the entire roof.


Then the appearance of the people screaming and screaming in the palace was revealed.

"Ah, I found it."

Brett searched for a while and quickly found the guy with the most gorgeous clothes and the most bossy one based on what he saw.

Then the clouds swept down and swept the guy up.

"Wow! What are you doing, His Majesty the Emperor of the Deep Sea!"

The man screamed and exclaimed, "This country is protected by Lord Kaido. Aren't you and him allies?"

Oh yes.

I almost forgot that that guy Morgans even told them about the Three Emperors Alliance.

People in the world still seem to think that they, Charlotte Lingling, and Kaido are still allies.

It's very interesting.

"Be quiet, now is not the time for you to speak."

Brett smiled and didn't care about His Majesty the King's struggle, and turned his head towards the other direction of the country.

Next, we need to bring the leader of the resistance army here.

This is also not a difficult thing.

Brett had already figured out the situation in this country long before he came to this country, or even before this trip started.

You have to prepare lessons before going to class, right?

Soon, as the exclamations from another city continued, the leader of the resistance army was also brought to the sky by Bright's clouds.

Talks about peace are about to begin.

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