One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 340 The beginning of peace?

While Brett's side gathered representatives from both sides of the peace negotiations, the news of his appearance in the country also reached the ears of those who wanted to know most as quickly as possible.

"Did he finally show up! Great, the mermaid princess is indeed with him!"

In Pangu City, among the powers, the bearded Five Old Star excitedly waved his fist, "The best opportunity has appeared!"

"What should we do? Inform that adult immediately?"

The blond Wulaoxing said, "Let him send that thing out to completely eliminate Brett in one go!"

"This is indeed the best method. Even a man as powerful as Brett can only be completely destroyed in an instant when facing that thing!"

The bearded Wulaoxing nodded slightly, "But it will take a certain amount of time for that thing to be dispatched. That country is still a bit too far away from here."

"But it's very close to Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, isn't it?"

The bald Wulaoxing sneered, "Then let them be put to use in the end! As long as they can delay that guy Brett a little, that's enough!"


The five old stars holding the sword also nodded slightly, "This time they will be completely destroyed. The Beast Pirates and the Charlotte family should almost become history!"

"Let their destruction be the beginning of the end of the great pirate era and the cleansing of the entire world!"


In this room where the world's powers gathered, the Five Old Stars made the final decision.

Then, the monsters in the new world immediately responded.

"Uh-huh-huh! Has that bastard Brett finally shown up?"

On the Ghost Island, the monster is laughing, "Hey, Dover! It's time for revenge!"

"Hey, that's really exciting."

On the side, the man in a pink feather cloak raised the corners of his mouth and smiled strangely in a low voice, "So Kaido, are you going to join forces with the Charlotte family this time?"


Kaido sneered unhappily, "I have to admit, that guy Brett has extraordinary power!"

Doflamingo's smile faded slightly.

I still vaguely remember that the first time I met that guy Brett, the strength he showed was not enough compared to mine.

Even if there was a reason why he didn't show his ability, I'm afraid the strength gap between the two sides was not that big at that time. After all, he didn't use Awakening on his side.

But just in the past few years, the strength of both sides has changed dramatically.

That guy is already above Kaido, a true monster.

"Huh, the government only wants me and Lingling to take action. Do they want to stay out of it?"

Kaido said coldly, "You want to use a lake that's far away and too late to arrive? What a joke!"

"Even so, the only one who can come here in time is probably Kizaru,"

Doflamingo said with some regret, "That's really a pity. I also want to see what kind of strength the two monsters who can stand out in the big recruitment and win the title of general have."

"Don't worry about that boring stuff!"

Kaido said coldly, Admiral, what is there to care about?

There is only one focus now, that bastard Brett!

All Nations, Cake Island.

"Mom, mom! That bastard Brett finally showed up! Then hurry up and give him a big surprise this time!"

Charlotte Lingling summoned the cadres of the family and announced the news of the expedition with a loud laugh.

Katakuri, standing to his right, had his eyebrows lowered.

What a careless move, Brett.

Didn't I already tell you that this guy should be careful?

It would really cause trouble for me.

The Kingdom of Trevorin.

The two sides who were fighting had stopped at this time.

There was no way, a monster appeared on the battlefield that they couldn't handle at all.

The front line of the battlefield is almost located in a city in the center of the country. The two warring parties are distributed on both sides with a street in the center of the city as the axis.

The men and horses on both sides were all loaded with guns and ammunition, but the expressions on their faces were extremely nervous.

Because right in the middle of this street, a meeting related to the future direction of this country is being held.


On the roof of a house next to the street, Brett hung up the phone call from a good friend to report the news.

He shook his head helplessly.

It seems we need to hurry up.

Brett jumped down from the roof and landed in front of the king and the leader of the resistance who were looking at each other.

"Why don't you just open your hearts and have a good chat? Why don't you start?"

The king and the leader of the resistance army looked at each other and swallowed.

What is wrong with this deep-sea emperor?

How could they somehow come to take care of the civil war in a small country on the edge of humanity?

And he naively asked them to sit down and have a good, open-hearted conversation to end the war.

If this war can be solved by sitting down and talking, how can it last for so many years?

"Bu, Lord Bullet,"

His Majesty the King of this country said tremblingly, "Are you serious?"


Brett nodded slightly.

"As long as you two can communicate openly,"

The little princess said with some expectation, "We must be able to understand each other's difficulties, and then let's end this war."

"This country is so pathetic, don't let the war continue."

They actually really mean it!

The leaders of both sides of the civil war hesitated to speak.

What should I say? In this situation.

His Majesty the King thought for a while, and then said sternly, "Why did you raise the flag of rebellion, you bastard? Do you know what kind of disaster your betrayal has brought to this country?"

The leader of the rebel army rolled his eyes, and then said with an indignant look, "Stop talking stupid things to me. If it weren't for your tyranny that made people completely unable to live, why would we rise up?"

You bastard, do you really dare to say that?

When did you take care of the life and death of those untouchables?

The king sneered, "At this time, you still want to frame me! Despicable guy!"

"I'm just stating the facts!" The rebel leader also sneered.

Then the two men fell into a long period of mutual criticism.

Probably just to blame each other and throw the blame for the civil war on the other side.

In short, the negotiations were fruitless.

Brett shook his head.

He looked at Shirahoshi.

So, Shirahoshi, what are you going to do in this situation?

"Please don't do this again!"

Bai Xing cried, she sobbed, "Can't you feel it? The wishes of the people in this country!"

"They just want to live a good life, why aren't you willing to give them this chance?"

Brett felt a surge of sadness and pain rushing into his heart.

Wow, have you inherited even this?

The expressions of His Majesty the King and the rebel leader changed instantly.

They were stunned, staring blankly at Bai Xing, with shock in their eyes.

It seems that the beginning of peace is about to appear.

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