One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 348 Haiyuan Calendar 1516

"There is nothing we can do, Mr. Sengoku,"

In a certain naval base in the New World, Kizaru was sitting leisurely on a chair, trimming his nails. There was a phone bug in front of him, "That guy Brett is really too strong, there's nothing you can do against him." ah."

"Kaido and Charlotte Lingling tried their best to stop him, but he easily broke through."

Navy Headquarters.

Marshal Warring States sighed helplessly.

Before Wu Laoxing mobilized Kizaru to go out, he had some uneasiness in his heart.

As expected, this time it was all in vain.

How strong has that bastard Brett become now?

"I can't blame you for this, after all, the opponent is that guy."

The Warring States Marshal said so.

Even Kizaru, who looked leisurely, couldn't help but become a little silent at this time.

He is a general of the Navy Headquarters, and he is undoubtedly the strongest person in this world.

But the Marshal said that it was normal that there was nothing he could do about Brett.

It's hard not to feel a little sad. When did the generals of the Navy Headquarters become so weak?

After ending the call with Kizaru, Sengoku sighed, "Although it's very shameful to say such things, I really can't imagine how to defeat that guy Brett."

This time it was a combination of two pirate emperors and a navy admiral.

This didn't win Brett, so if you want to seize the opportunity next time, you don't know what kind of lineup you have to come up with.

"Is that fishman Lord Brett really that powerful?"

Sitting on the sofa opposite is the man who recently won the title of Fujitora, the new admiral of the Navy Headquarters who stood out in the world recruitment.

The man's tone was somewhat solemn.

"Extraordinarily powerful."

Warring States said with a serious face, "His achievements have not spread much on the sea, but his strength is absolutely unquestionable!"

"In the future battles, don't try to fight that man alone! I'm afraid no one in this world can defeat him head-on, not even Roger or Rocks back then!"

"That's it."

Fujitora nodded understandingly.

If the marshal who commands the world's strongest army can say such a thing, then Mr. Brett's strength is probably beyond terrifying.

"That's a really scary guy, hahaha,"

Another man sitting next to Fujitora, the guy nicknamed Green Bull, leaned leisurely on the soft back of the sofa. Compared with a soldier, the man looked more like a gangster in temperament and said with a smile,

"Don't worry, Mr. Sengoku. If I really encounter that guy, I will definitely choose to escape immediately without hesitation."

"You bastard……"

Warring States twitched the corner of his mouth.

I just told you bastard not to get ahead, and I didn't tell you to run away.

"Always wait and see what kind of response there is from above."

Marie Joa and the Five Old Stars also fell into melancholy.

"It failed again."

The bearded Five Old Star sighed, "That bastard Brett is really lucky, he's just a little bit lucky."

There was only a slight chance that the weapon that would bring destruction would reach the sky above the battlefield, and in the next moment, that bastard Brett would be wiped out in ashes.

But it happened that at such a critical moment, Brett, the bastard, ran back into the deep sea and disappeared on the battlefield in a puff of smoke. There was no way to pursue him anymore.

"There will always be a chance."

The bald Wulaoxing also sighed, "Now I can only comfort myself like this."

This time it was no ordinary failure.

That bastard Brett is not alone. He also has the designs of Neptune and Pluto in his hands.

The farther back he goes, the greater the threat.

And their chances will only get smaller.

"I think we can even start preparing for war."

The blond Wulaoxing suddenly raised his head and said solemnly, "The same war as eight hundred years ago."

The other four Five Old Stars were silent.

The World Government has existed for eight hundred years today, and during these eight hundred years they have encountered countless challengers.

But there is no doubt that these challengers are just like worms shaking a tree, and they are easily wiped out by the government in history.

But Brett, that bastard, was different.

His power is unprecedented, and he is a powerful challenger that the government has never faced in eight hundred years.

I'm afraid that only the government's original and strongest opponent eight hundred years ago can compare with him.

"Qiao Yin Boyin...?"

The five old stars holding the sword whispered softly.

"This guy is not a rubber fruit user."

The bearded Wulaoxing's voice was cold, "And what if he is really Qiao Yin Boyin of this era? Lord Yin Mu could lead the government to victory eight hundred years ago, so now eight hundred years later, we will still victory!"

The five old stars nodded in unison.

Yes, no matter what kind of enemy there is, there is always Lord Yin Mu!

As long as they follow this master, they will be invincible.

As for Brett, he has returned to Fish-Man Island with his two little girls.


The little princess Bai Xing threw herself into the arms of her father who came to greet her.


This is somewhat inaccurate. After all, King Neptune was not bigger than Shirahoshi. On the contrary, Neptune was held in Shirahoshi's arms.

"OK OK."

Neptune gently patted his excited daughter on the back, and then he looked at Brett, "Britt, I'm going to cause you trouble this time."


Brett shook his head, "I must have caused you trouble because of my willfulness."


Nana, who was reminiscing with her mother, said with a smile, "I am very happy on this trip. I saw a lot of scenery that I have never seen before! For the first time, I really realized what the human world is like!"


Princess Shirahoshi, who turned away from her father's arms, nodded slightly.

"Well, Brett,"

Neptune asked seriously, "Is there anything to receive this time?"

“It’s been a lot of gain!”

Nana winked at her mother, "Mom, now I have seen a lot of scenery you have never seen before."

"Then you are very proud."

Miss Miriam pulled her daughter's cheeks with her hands, pulling her face into various shapes with a sly smile.


Nana could only scream.

Brett chuckled and looked at Neptune, "Everything went well."

"Is that so?"

Neptune nodded slightly, raised his hand and gently rubbed his daughter's head.

This kid must have endured hardship.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Brett returned to his office and immediately contacted Zefa and Dorag.

He talked about the thing he encountered in the previous battle.

"I suspect that it is the national treasure of the Celestial Dragons and the greatest support of the world government!"

Brett solemnly warned, "That is definitely not something that can be underestimated. Everyone should be more careful in the future. If the whereabouts are leaked, I'm afraid it will be very dangerous!"

Although I have never seen the power of that thing with my own eyes, the powerful sound I heard will never be fake.


Of course, Zefa and Dorag attach great importance to it.

The ultimate weapon of government must not be neglected in any way.

Time passed slowly like this.

The year 1515 of the Hainan calendar has passed, and the year 1516 of the Hainan calendar has arrived.

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