One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 349 The progress of the new emperor, Pluto

In the year 1516 of the Haiyuan calendar, not long after the beginning of the year, a big news immediately spread throughout the world.

"Hey! Brett! The war in the new world has made new progress!"

Tezoro excitedly rushed into Brett's office waving the newspaper, "Hahahaha! That guy is really capable! Kaido can't do anything to him now!"

"Is the war over?"

Brett raised his eyebrows.

"Not yet, but if this continues, the final result will only be a tie."

Taizuoluo smiled and said, "Hahaha, I'm afraid no one has ever thought of such a result before!"

"Morgans has started calling him the fourth pirate emperor."

"The new emperor?"

Brett chuckled, "Then, the four emperors are pretty good, right?"

At the beginning of this year, there was a war in the new world.

One pirate group's territory expanded, and they clashed with the Beasts Pirates.

After unsuccessful negotiations, war eventually broke out.

Kaido had a fierce confrontation with a certain man in the new world.

Now it seems like a really fierce confrontation.

"The Four Emperors? Aren't they the Five Emperors? Brett, did you forget to include yourself in it?"

Tezuolo laughed, "In this case, apart from you, there are two other five emperors who are our friends!"

"But it's natural. That guy Shanks can reach this point, he is really strong!" he said.


A new pirate emperor was born, named Shanks, the captain of the red-haired pirates.

During the war with Kaido, this man showed extremely terrifying strength.

Although he is incompetent, his extremely powerful swordsmanship and overwhelming domineering spirit still allow him to not lag behind in the battle with Kaido.

In fact, he only has one arm, but he is still one of the super strong men standing on the top of the sea.

Moreover, the cadres under his command are also extraordinary in strength. Although they are definitely inferior to the Beast Pirates in terms of numbers, their high average quality makes them still not weak at all when facing Kaido's Beast Legion. .

The title of emperor is well deserved.

This is of course good news for Fish-Man Island. After all, Shanks is a friend of Brett and Tezoro, and his baby daughter is now making a living under Tezoro.

"Is the New World getting a little too crowded now?"

Tezoro smiled and said, "With the four pirate emperors, the neo navy led by Mr. Zefa, plus the world government and navy, this sea area should be more lively than ever, right?"


After all, the new world is still a little too small, and monsters have to restrain their minions when they are entrenched there. Now the rise of another monster is bound to make this sea area even more crowded.

That’s why the conflict between Red Hair and Kaido happened.

"If the current momentum continues, the war between Shanks and Kaido will only end in a draw."

Tezoro's smile faded slightly, and he said seriously, "But I'm afraid Kaido won't accept such a result."

Brett nodded slightly, "Kaido and Charlotte Lingling are allies, and that old woman will never sit idly by in a critical moment."

Because of his own existence, the two monsters formed an alliance several years earlier than in the original work.

Kaido is a militant, but also good at conspiracy.

When necessary, he would never hesitate to ask for help from Charlotte Lingling to deal with the red-haired guy together.

"Are we going to do something?"

Tezzolo asked.

"There's no need to worry."

Bright shook his head, "Just remind Shanks. We can wait until Charlotte Lingling officially joins the war to talk about the rest."

After all, it is now a war between Kaido and Shanks.

It is quite impolite to participate in a war between men without authorization.


Tezoro nodded.

At least judging from the current situation, the red-haired man really didn't need their help at all.

Instead of caring about the war between him and Kaido, he should pay more attention to his daughter's concert.

Due to the ongoing conflict with the government, all stars work cannot be carried out normally.

Originally, Tezzolo's plan was to hold a concert tour for them around the world, but the current situation makes it impossible to do such a thing, and it can easily be used as an opportunity by the government.

So all the world's number one idol group can do is hold online concerts and spread their voices to all over the world through live broadcasts via phone bugs.

But even so, this idol group still has a huge influence around the world.

Again, people in this world really lack the means of entertainment, and they have experienced too much suffering.

But when reality is frustrated and cannot be changed, people can only find sustenance in the spiritual world.

It just so happens that the existence of All Stars provides people with spiritual food.

Because of them alone, Tezzolo's company has made a lot of money.

The government is also powerless in this regard.

There is no way, Tezolo's partner is Morgans, that birdman has always been afraid of chaos in the world.

However, as far as the government is concerned, Taizuolo's public opinion offensive is nothing at all. After all, strength has always spoken in this world.

Fortunately, Brett is also very capable.

After seeing off Tezolo, Bright went to the arsenal in Haizhimori.

After learning the lesson from the last time, the defense of this arsenal is now many levels stricter than before, with a large number of soldiers stationed here.

Just because a ship is being built here right now.

A big steel ship.

The ship already had a rough outline, and it was quietly placed in the center of the Forest of the Sea.

Brett arrived here at this time. He looked up at this huge ship that was still under construction, and could already hear the sound that was gradually rising.

That's a powerful voice.

"That's great."

he sighed.

"Hahahaha! Of course it's great!"

With loud laughter, Master Tom came over and said, "This should be the loudest boat I have ever built in my life!"

"You can give it a name first."

Brett smiled and said, "Give him a famous name."

"There's no need to be in such a hurry,"

Master Tom paused and said, "It will take a while before the complete construction is completed."

Brett nodded slightly, "Then take your time, we still have a lot of time."

There is really no need to worry now.

As the red hair said, before officially starting a war with the government, you must at least go to the Final Island to find out the secrets of this world.

Find out what happened eight hundred years ago, and find out what kind of power the government holds. Only by seeing clearly the true appearance of the enemy can we be better able to defeat the enemy, right?

If you want to go to the final island, you still need the last two conditions.

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