One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 360 Hawkeye’s Challenge

Brett landed lightly on the ground and walked to the red-haired and Hawkeye's side with a smile.

Of course he was there.

Although he couldn't personally participate in this war, both Red Hair and Katakuri were his good friends, and Brett certainly didn't want to see anything happen to these two people.

The plan has been made for a long time, but who can guarantee that there will be no problems, right?

So Brett had already arrived at the battlefield when the battle started, and the old god had been peeping from a distance for several days.

"It was such a fierce battle,"

Blake smiled and looked around the messy battlefield. The area in the center of the island had now completely turned into a huge basin, filled with traces of the monsters' wanton destruction.

"It will definitely be spread throughout this sea."

In the future, this battle may be called a legendary battle.

After all, during this war, two new emperors were established in one go.

Of course two.

In addition to the red hair, Katakuri, who overthrew his old mother and seized control of the Charlotte family, will undoubtedly become the new emperor.

"Hahahaha, it's not that amazing."

The red-haired man scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and said with a smile, "No matter how I say it, I still want to thank you for your help this time, Brett."

Hawkeye raised an eyebrow.

The red-haired man said seriously, "If you hadn't reported the news in advance, I'm afraid we would have been in trouble."

If Brett hadn't notified him in advance to look for foreign aid, then the red-haired man might have been one against two.

No matter how confident the redhead is, there is no way he can defeat the combined efforts of Kaido and Charlotte Lingling.


Brett waved his hand, "You also did me a favor."

Without the efforts of Red Hair and Hawkeye, Katakuri wouldn't have been able to catch Charlotte Lingling so easily.

"So you have designed everything in advance?"

Hawkeye asked in surprise, "This war, and the betrayal of that guy Katakuri?"

If this is the case, then Kaido and Charlotte Lingling are really miserable.

It was simply being played with like a toy.

The emperor of the deep sea, the fishman Brett, is really a terrifying guy.

Hawkeye thought so.

"Certainly not a design,"

Brett said, "In fact, I never expected the war between Shanks and Kaido."

"Well, of course I don't want to do something like war, but there's nothing I can do about it."

The red-haired man spread his hands, his only hand, "That guy Kaido is too aggressive."

"But, Katakuri, that guy's actions are indeed part of your plan, right?"

The sharp twin eyes of Hawkeye stared at Brett, his eyes were very confident.

"Katakuri is indeed my friend."

Brett didn't bother to hide it and nodded directly, "He has been looking forward to this action for a long time."

"Is that so?"

Hawkeye nodded slowly.

It seems that this guy is even more extraordinary.

The red-haired guy is his friend, the Whitebeard Pirates are allies of Fish-Man Island, and now even the Katakuri guy - the man who just inherited Charlotte Lingling's throne is also this man's friend. .

In other words, among the emperors of the new world, only Kaido is his enemy!

Although he may not be able to integrate all these powers, these friendships alone are enough to shock the world government, right?

"It's amazing!"

Hawkeye admired sincerely.

This is indeed a very remarkable man.

"I think so,"

The redhead laughed, "But now there are more important things,"

"It's a party!"

He looked up and saw that the members of the red-haired pirate group were slowly approaching at the edge of the huge basin in the center of the island.

So the banquet to celebrate the victory began.

The results of this war have just spread out, setting off the first waves on the sea.

"What? Kaido was beaten back?"

Marie Joa, the five elder stars who gathered urgently were stunned at the same time.

It’s unbelievable. Can the Red Haired Pirates win against the Beast Pirates and the Charlotte Family at the same time?

Even if Hawkeye goes to help, their combat power is still not as good as the other's.

What happened?

Wulaoxing couldn't wait to open the detailed information.


"What? That Katakuri guy suddenly rebelled!


This fact made the five old stars a little confused.

Isn’t the Charlotte family always known for their unity of brothers and sisters across the sea?

How come the Beasts Pirates fought against the Red-haired Pirates to the end, but the Charlotte family suddenly split, and Katakuri counterattacked Charlotte Lingling!

The situation in the new world changed dramatically in an instant.

"Who could have imagined that Charlotte Lingling would suddenly lose power?"

The blond Wu Laoxing said with a solemn expression, "That Katakuri guy really picked an unlucky time!"

Originally, Charlotte Lingling had nothing to do with the World Government, and the five old stars wanted her to die.

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But now that woman is a partner of the World Government, a partner like Kaido who joins hands with the government to fight against Bright.

At this juncture, if that woman is defeated, doesn't the government lose a powerful partner?

"Try to get in touch with that guy."

The bearded Wulaoxing said, "Information says that guy has also mastered the entanglement of Overlord Color. Even if he is not as good as Charlotte Lingling, he should be a very powerful fighter."

"Besides, we can also try to rescue Charlotte Lingling."

Wulao Xing, who was wearing a white robe and holding a sword, said, "Now that she is betrayed and separated from her relatives, she should need our help."

The five old stars nodded in unison.

In this case, this war may not be all bad for them.

The island where the war took place.

The fierce battle has ended long ago, and now it is time for a lively banquet.

The chef of the red-haired pirates, Lucky Lu, uses the ingredients on the ship to cook delicious dishes one after another.

"Hahahaha, everyone wants to drink to my heart's content!"

The red-haired man laughed and raised his glass, "This is the captain's order!"



The cadres laughed in unison in response.

You should really be happy today. After all, you have won an incredible war.


The red-haired man sat down with a smile and turned to look at Hawkeye who was sitting next to him. "Well, Mihawk, I'll wait until I recover to talk about what I promised you."

The world's number one swordsman is a well-deserved fighting maniac. In addition to the friendship between the two and the fact that his opponent is the Pirate Emperor, his willingness to help the red-haired man also has another small condition.

Hongfa agreed to give him a good fight.

The eagle eye glanced at the red-haired man with some contempt, "What's the point of dueling with a disabled person like you who has a broken arm?"

The man with the sharp eyes like an eagle also turned his head and looked at Brett.

"Mlocculant Brett! Emperor of the deep sea! Am I lucky enough to see your power?"


Brett raised an eyebrow.

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