One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 361: Showdown with Hawkeye

It was early morning the next day.

The location is on the other side of the desert island, on the coast that has not been affected by the previous war.

The main ship of the Red-haired Pirates, the Redfors, was quietly docked on the coast.

The pirates of the red-haired pirate group were scratching the deck of the ship and cheering and shouting.

“Come on!


Not early in the morning, Jesus was holding a bottle of wine in his hand, pouring it into his mouth, and shouting with a red face.

“Both sides should work hard!


Two people were standing on the shore.

Brett and Hawkeye looked at each other from a distance.

The red-haired man stood aside. He said to Brett with a headache, "I'm so sorry, Brett. I obviously owe this guy Mihawk a condition, but now I have to ask you to help me repay it."

"It doesn't matter."

Brett smiled, "I really want to see with my own eyes what kind of strength the world's number one swordsman has."

Last night Hawkeye made a request to Brett for a sparring match.

Originally this was something Hongfa promised him, but after seeing Brett, he lost interest in fighting the red-haired man and wanted to fight Brett instead.

In Hawkeye's words, there is already a stronger guy here, so why bother fighting a weakling?

In other words, the red-haired man has a good temper, otherwise Kaido would have fought with him long ago.

Brett agreed to his invitation.

Think of it as helping Shanks repay this favor.

Moreover, he has already fought against most of the monsters in the sea, and Hawkeye happens to be one of the few exceptions.

Just think of it as a collection of illustrations.

The world's most powerful swordsman, it would be good to taste his sword.

"Then you should all be careful,"

The red-haired man looked at Brett, then at Hawkeye, and said seriously, "Don't go too far."

It was just a sparring battle, and of course he didn't want to see either of the two get hurt.

"Don't worry."

Brett smiled, "It will be over soon."

"What an arrogant man!"

The corner of Hawkeye's mouth was slightly raised, and the sword blade in his hand was already wrapped with domineering energy. "Then let me see it! Your power to dominate the deep sea!"

He had ejected.

Brett chuckled, and fiery red scales began to grow on the surface of his body.

Now that Hawkeye has promised to fight him with all his strength, he can't treat him casually.


In the next moment, Hawkeye had already rushed in front of Brett. He stepped heavily on the ground with his right foot, and the ground shattered, and a large number of rocks were shaken into the air.

At the same time, green light bloomed, and the space seemed to be torn apart. A sharp ray of light was drawn out by the dark blade and struck directly towards Bright.

Brett clenched his fists, the lightning began to dance, and then he just punched.


The fist collided with the blade in the air, and the turbulent air waves spread out. Redfors, who was parked on the coast, was blown out directly and swayed away on the sea.

"Wow wow wow! What kind of power is this? These two are too exaggerated!"

Jesus almost choked on his wine.

"Both of these two people seem to be no weaker than the captain! Hahahaha, lucky! We have seen the world's top competition!"

Lucky Lu laughed in the strong wind, "Who will be the winner in the end?"

"Of course it's Brett!"

The voices of the same voice came from the mouths of the companions around him.

"That man puts Shanks to shame." Beckman slowly blew out a smoke ring.

On the coast, just one collision between the two caused the coast to shatter, and the figure of Hawkeye fell back with the strong wind.

"What an exaggerated power!"

Hawkeye couldn't help but exclaim.

Even Charlotte Lingling is far inferior to this power!

Murloc Brett, what a powerful guy?

"It's not over yet!"

The monster fell from the sky and stepped towards Hawkeye.


Hawkeye smiled excitedly, then raised the black knife.


The island continues to shake.

"Hmm! It's really exaggerated!"

The red-haired man stood outside the area where the two were fighting, and couldn't help but touch his chin, "You have become stronger than last year!"

"The strength and domination have become stronger! This guy Mihawk has been completely suppressed!"

There was no such thing as anxiety at the beginning of the battle between Brett and Hawkeye.

He has an absolute advantage in strength and is not weak in domineering at all.

Hawkeye was knocked back by repeated blows.

This is really an exaggeration.

After all, the red-haired man believed that Hawkeye had almost the same power as him anyway. In the previous battle, he did not lose at all even against Charlotte Lingling.

But now he is completely suppressed when facing Brett. Doesn't this mean that Brett already has the power to suppress himself?

The redhead was speechless.

How did he become so strong?

Obviously it wasn't this exaggerated last year.

How exaggerated is this guy's physical talent? It's much scarier than Kaido Charlotte Lingling!

The redhead didn't know about Brett's talent.

Brett, who is twenty-two years old this year, is almost fully developed, but the various new organs produced by the fusion of bloodlines have not matured as the body has matured.

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They are still in a rapid development stage.

Therefore, of course Brett's power is also in a period of rapid growth.

"Amazing! It's amazing!"

Hawkeye, who was losing ground, praised loudly, "This kind of power is no longer comparable to Charlotte Lingling!"

Hawkeye, who has fought against both Charlotte Lingling and Brett in a short period of time, is indeed qualified to judge the strength of both of them.

"If you want to defeat me, you'd better use more power!


Hawkeye laughed, and the black lightning bounced off the blade.

The highest peak among swordsmen is of course an extraordinary tyrant!

"Then, let's go all out next!"

Brett grinned.

Unprecedented brilliant lightning jumped up from his right arm, tumbling and jumping like thunder dragons, radiating in all directions.

The current push has reached its limit.

Then, the energy stored in the body begins to be mobilized.

"Electricity Propulsion - Mystery - King Wu Laizuki!"

Just throwing a punch is enough.


On the deck of the Redfors not far away on the sea, the officers of the red-haired pirates all opened their eyes wide at this time.

"What is that!"

Jesus couldn't help but lie down on the deck, stretched his neck and looked ahead.

A thundering beam of light started from the island, swept straight across the sea, and roared towards the distance of the sea.

The beam of light did not touch the sea surface, but it directly opened a huge gap on the sea surface.

After the light pillars disappeared from the sky, the violent wind began to stir in all directions.

The weaker officers on board the red-haired pirates could barely keep their eyes open at this time.

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