One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 362 The goal is the final island

The huge dazzling light pillar has slowly dissipated.

But the huge waves on the sea are still raging.

The Redfors, which had conquered countless violent storms on the sea during the process of the Red-haired Pirates becoming emperor, was swaying in the waves, as if it would capsize at any time.

"It's too strong!

Brett, you guy!


The red-haired referee was dumbfounded and couldn't help shouting.

If this blow had landed on the island, I'm afraid the island would have been directly penetrated, right?

Brett can exert such power just by punching!

It's too strong!

The red-haired man was very sure that if he had been hit head-on, he would have been seriously injured at least!

This is already a power that is completely superior to the emperors.


Brett took a slow breath, released his ability, and returned to his original appearance, "It should be almost done, right?"

Although it only used half of the energy, if it were me now, this level should be enough for Eagle Eye to recognize the difference.

"Of course, the winner has been decided."

In front of Bright, a huge chasm spread out, extending into the sea.

At the edge of the chasm, Hawkeye calmly put the knife back on his back.

There were no wounds on his body, because the blow just now did not fall on him at all, but whizzed past him.

"This level of power is definitely not something I can defeat now."

Hawkeye shook his head, and then a bright smile bloomed on his face, "That's amazing, Brett! It's your complete victory."

Not being able to admit failure is what only weak people do.

Never give up the desire for victory, but never deny the coming of failure. This is the mentality that a strong person should have.

"It's amazing that there is someone as powerful as you in this world!"

As Hawkeye walked towards this side, he praised repeatedly, "I haven't felt that this world is so beautiful for a long time!"

Because there are people stronger than myself, I feel that the world is beautiful. Okay, okay, I already know that you are an extraordinary fighting maniac.

"Red hair, even Roger back then wasn't as strong as Brett, right?"

Hawkeye asked the redhead.


The redhead scratched his hair, and then sighed helplessly, "I'm afraid that's true."

Even Captain Roger, even Whitebeard in his youth, definitely did not have the strength to crush monsters on the level of the Pirate Emperor.

Brett, you guy—

The red-haired man couldn't help laughing, "There is no doubt that Brett is already the strongest!"

"The strongest?"

Hawkeye laughed, and Brett noticed that the eyes he looked at her were very fiery, "Isn't this good! Only when you see higher mountains will you have the desire to continue climbing!"

It seems that he is being targeted.

But Brett didn't really care.

There is already a Giant King anyway, right? It doesn't matter how many Hawkeyes there are.

"Then it's time to say goodbye."

Brett stretched.

Things here are over here.

"Eh? Are you in a hurry to leave so soon? The party has only been held for one night!"

The redhead said very dissatisfied.

Brett glanced at him. This guy was the same as the Straw Hat junior. He was the type who could hold banquets for several days and nights.

[To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. It can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

"There's not so much time to waste now,"

Brett shook his head, "There is one more important thing to do next."

"Something important?"

The redhead raised an eyebrow.

He didn't ask, but Brett smiled and said, "Next, I'm going to the Final Island."


The red-haired man was stunned, and even Hawkeye looked stiff.

Both of them wondered if they heard wrongly.

Is this guy Brett saying that he is going to the final island?

Brett chuckled, "How about it? Shanks, do you want to go with me?"

"Ah this——"

Later, on the deck of the Redfors, the red-haired man watched Brett rising into the sky and disappearing into the clouds in the blink of an eye, and sighed with some emotion.

"Luffy, it seems it's too late."

Brett did not return directly to Fishman Island, he went to Cake Island.


The country has undergone tremendous changes.

The expedition fleet has returned, but just because of their return, this country has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The ministers of the Charlotte family announced that Queen Charlotte Lingling was ill, so she abdicated to recuperate, and the second son of the family, Katakuri, would inherit the position of King of All Nations.

He also automatically became the captain of the Big Mom Pirates and inherited the title of Pirate Emperor.

The residents living in this country were a little panicked because of this sudden change, but then news came from the palace.

From now on, people living in this country will still need to pay taxes, but the taxes they pay will no longer have to be paid within their lifetimes.


The people who were still a little scared immediately began to cheer for King Katakuri.

But compared to the ordinary residents living in this country, what is more important is of course the cadres of the Charlotte family, that is, the brothers and sisters of His Royal Highness.

"so what?"

Somewhere on the uninhabited coast of Cake Island, Brett sat on a rock and asked with an interested smile, "Are you in trouble?"

Katakuri stood on another rock behind him. The man who had just been crowned the king of all nations did not have any joy or excitement on his face. He just said calmly.

"It turns out that I am more trusted by my brothers and sisters than my mother."

"Oh, of course."

Brett nodded.

Of course, Katakuri is the most loved member of the Charlotte family.

The brothers and sisters of the Charlotte family are in awe of Charlotte Lingling, but they love Katakuri.

"The government has been contacting me non-stop."

Katakuri said, "They want me to join forces with them like mom and deal with you together."

"I agreed."

"very good."

Brett laughed and said, "Then it will definitely give the government a big surprise."

Then he looked back at Katakuri, "But you have to be careful, maybe the government will have some ideas about your mother."

Katakuri nodded, "I know. I asked Bree to lock her mother in the mirror world. No one except Bree can touch her."

He paused, and then added, "As for Bree, I will keep her with me."

Wow, what a bitch.

Brett smacked his lips.

"By the way, what you want."

Katakuri threw a stack of paper to Brad.

"Oh! Thanks!"

Brett caught the stack of paper and couldn't hide the smile on his face.

In this case, four stones have been collected.

In the end, only those who interpret the content on the stone are left.

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