Alabasta is a country located on Sentinel Island in the Grand Line. Its geographical location is almost not far from the entrance to the sea in the first half of the Grand Line.

This country is one of the few large kingdoms in the world, with a population of tens of millions and a standing army of more than 600,000. No matter where it is placed in the sea, this scale is already one of the most astonishing.

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Even the pirates galloping on the Grand Line rarely dare to provoke this country.

But of course, there is another important reason why pirates dare not attack this country besides Alabasta's already strong strength.

That is, someone from the group of legal pirates recognized by the World Government, known as the Shichibukai, has been stationed in this country.

That man is now known as the patron saint of Alabasta, and any pirate who invades this country will be attacked mercilessly by him.

Over the course of more than ten years, countless pirates were turned into mummies by him and could only be buried in the yellow sand of this country.

The name of the man who guards this country is Crocodile.

Brett came to this country of yellow sand at this time.

It was a long distance from Fish-Man Island to Alabasta, spanning almost half of the park and almost halfway around the world.

However, this was nothing to Brett's extreme speed. It didn't take long for him to land at the border of this country.


Brett, who was wrapped in a black robe to hide his figure, could not help but let out a long sigh of relief as soon as he landed on the soil of this country.

"This country is really unfriendly to fish people."

Brett licked his lips.

Standing on the coast and looking forward, all you can see is the endless desert, and the scorching wind is blowing the rough gravel.

This country is a desert country, and the entire country is covered by a desert. Even humans will feel like they are about to be dried out when they come here, let alone the murlocs living in the depths of the ocean.

But of course Brett has no such trouble.

His adaptability can even allow him to swim in magma, so what does a mere desert mean?

"Anyway, let's go find someone and ask for directions first."

Brett did not land randomly. He landed in the desert outside a certain town.

Otherwise, it will be very difficult to figure out the direction if you fall directly into the desert.

Following the direction of the city he had just seen in the sky, Brett soon arrived at the port city.

Rapeseed flower, the name of a city.

It is the largest port city in Alabasta, and almost half of the country's foreign trade is conducted here.

Here Brett bought a map of the country.

Although an ordinary compass is useless in the Grand Line, Brett can fly. As long as he flies high in the sky and compares the map, he can easily find where he wants to go.

The city that Brett wants to go to is called Rainland.

Although he had some interactions with Princess Weiwei and her daughter during the previous world conference, Brett had no intention of meeting them this time.

Of course, he was sure that as long as he came to the door now, the father and daughter would definitely entertain him warmly.

But it was precisely because of this that Brett couldn't go to them.

Otherwise, if this news is exposed, the government will not spare Kobra and his daughter lightly.

Princess Weiwei is already a thorn in the side of Lord Yinmu. If we try to provoke them again, it is really hard to imagine what the government will do to Alabasta in the future.

So after Brett flew high in the sky, he checked the map, found the direction of the city called Rain Land, and then flew directly over. It didn't take long for him to land outside Rain Land.

Rainland, this city is famous in Alabasta.

In this country full of deserts, the city of Rainland occupies a large oasis.

While other cities are struggling to find a source of water, this city has large pools of water.

Such superior geographical advantages have naturally made this city the most prosperous place in the country, and is known as the Dream City of Alabasta.

It doesn't matter to Brett whether he is a dream or not. No matter how prosperous the Rainland is, it is only relative to the country of Alabasta.

It's nowhere near as good as Deros Rosa, let alone Fishman Island.

There is only one reason why Brett came to this city. This city is the headquarters of Crocodile in the Shichibukai.

That guy opened a casino here.

The casino is just a cover-up. His real industry is an organization called Baroque Studio, which will be the main force in his future Utopia plan to seize Alabasta.

Of course, now Brett is here.

Brett landed on the outskirts of the city as usual, and then entered the city on foot.

I have to say that in this country full of yellow sand, suddenly seeing such a green city is really a bit uncomfortable.

Brett asked for directions from a random person on the street in Yudi, and then he found out where Crocodile's casino was.

That man is called a hero in this country, and his industry is of course also well-known. There is no need to find someone to ask for directions.

Then Brett arrived outside the gate of this bustling casino.

The casino is not particularly big. The overall shape is like a miniature pyramid with a golden crocodile sculpture on the top.

I don’t know if it’s serious gold.

Brett opened the door and walked in.

It was very lively inside. Gamblers from all over the country or simply from other surrounding island countries gathered here and immersed themselves in gambling together.

Some people screamed because of victory, while others collapsed because of failure.

Just by opening his eyes, Brett heard a lot of completely opposite voices.

But now is not the time to lament life.

The information and color released are not for the purpose of listening to the various life experiences of these gamblers.

"What a blessing."

Catching a breath easily, Brett walked towards a door in the corner of the casino with a groan.

He has never seen Crocodile, so he doesn't know what his voice sounds like, but the strongest voice in this place must be Crocodile's, right?

As soon as Brett approached, the guards guarding the door had already stepped forward to question him, but before they had a chance to speak, their eyes turned white and they fainted, collapsing to the ground.

The bustling casino was still noisy, and few people even noticed that Brett opened the door and walked in.

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