One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 365 Crocodile and Nicole Robin

Crocodile feeding the crocodile.

He is indeed not young anymore. He is already forty years old and he no longer has the vitality that only young people have.

Instead, there is the restraint and depth of a mature man.

He threw large pieces of bloody meat into the pool in front of him. Several huge crocodiles in the pool rushed over to bite the scarlet meat.

Crocodile loves crocodiles, and not just because his name is also a crocodile.

He preferred the creature's habits.

It lurks under the water, disguised as a harmless stake, and then suddenly attacks when the prey relaxes its vigilance, directly breaking the prey's neck.

Only a fledgling kid would run into a yelling rampage.

Crocodile often said this.

Of course he is not a little devil, he has already planned everything, he just needs to go step by step.

After feeding the crocodile, Crocodile's mouth curled up slightly, and he was in a good mood.

The crucial people were finally in place not long ago, so if we wait for a while, the Utopia Plan will almost be officially launched.

Capture the country and then get Hades.

As long as the ancient weapons are obtained, who can stop him from becoming the Pirate King?

Huh, by that time, what will the emperors of the new world be?

The white-bearded Kaido and the red-haired Katakuri could only be wiped out in an instant by the power of the ancient weapon that destroyed the country with one blow!

"You seem to be in a good mood?"

A voice suddenly came from behind.

Crocodile was surprised for a moment, and then suddenly turned around.

His neck was twisted almost 180 degrees. If it were an ordinary person, his neck would have been broken. However, Crocodile is a natural-type rustling fruit ability user, so turning his head to this degree is certainly nothing to him.

what happened?

How could a completely unfamiliar voice suddenly appear in his base camp?

Crocodile looked in astonishment at the figure at the top of the stairs behind him who opened the door and stepped down.

Very tall, almost twice his height.

His whole body was shrouded in pitch-black robes, making it impossible to see his true appearance.

The only information was that the voice sounded young, that of a young man.

"Who are you?"

Crocodile's brows have gradually sunk, and the corners of his mouth have also dropped simultaneously. , outlining a dangerous arc, gravel began to fall from his body.

Being able to come here quietly, even preventing the guards along the way from sending out any alarm messages, this guy is probably not an easy person to deal with!

Of course the person coming was Brett.

Following the voice of Crocodile he heard, he walked forward along the winding road.

He used Overlord Color to knock down all the guards along the way. At this moment, he finally came to Crocodile.

"I won't say any more nonsense, Crocodile."

Brett seemed very straightforward, "That woman Nico Robin is with you now, right?"


Crocodile shrank.

How could this guy know.

Only he knew that Nicole Robin was invited by him to join Baroque Studio.

Even the other executives at the studio knew nothing about Sunday's identity due to confidentiality reasons.

How did this guy know about this?

"I see,"

Crocodile felt that he understood everything, and he sneered, "The government's hunting dog? I have long heard that you have been hunting Nico Robin! I didn't expect that you would come to the door so quickly."

Now that everyone has come to the door, Crocodile is too lazy to cover up.

Of course, there is still some secret resentment in my heart about why the government's intelligence capabilities are so strong.

This guy seems to have misunderstood something.

Brett's expression under his black robe became a little strange.

But it seems good to just go with the flow like this?

Brett curled his lips and said calmly, "Since you have guessed my identity, you should understand, Crocodile, something happened to you."

The crocodile's face gradually became gloomy.

"Recruiting Nicole Robin and stationed in this country all year round is probably just for the rumors of ancient weapons."

Brett said, "The government can no longer tolerate your behavior."

"Are you ready to enter Impel Down?"

"Arc-moon-shaped sand dune!"

A curved, crescent-like sand blade extended from Crocodile's right arm, and then his body shot forward in an instant, and the sand blade slashed towards Bright.

What is there to hesitate about now?

The government has discovered his plot.

Then both sides will have no room for change.

We can only fight to the death.

This is really, really bad!

The good mood just now had turned into a polarity at this moment. Crocodile was extremely angry. The plan had just started, but it had already ended.

Let’s vent the anger in our hearts with this bastard in front of us!

Brett curled his lips.


He drank lowly.

In an instant, he had flashed directly in front of Crocodile.


So fast!

Crocodile's eyes widened.

Is it possible to shave so quickly?

"Iron block - siege gun!"

Brett shouted again, and then punched Crocodile in the chest.

It was indeed a shave, but the iron block was no longer an iron block. It was just a casual punch.



Lorokdal's chest was almost dented by Bright's punch.

He immediately vomited blood and flew backwards like a cannonball, hitting the wall opposite the crocodile pool. A big hole was knocked out of the wall, and his whole body fell into it.


Although it was just an ordinary punch, with Brett's current body strength and domineering power, Crocodile's casual punch was not something that Crocodile, who had been pampered for more than ten years, could easily withstand.

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Brett walked forward slowly, "How disappointing, Crocodile."

"The battle between you and the devil's successor Douglas Barrett is still fresh in the government's memory, so they sent me here specifically."

"But," Brett curled his lips, "it seems that you have completely fallen now."

"It seems that the obsession with ancient weapons has not only paralyzed your brain, but also your body."

"Even if you didn't commit such rebellious behavior, you should be thrown into Impel Down City. How can you still be worthy of the position of Shichibukai now?"

"Erosion of reincarnation!

! "

A roar came from the large hole on the opposite side, and Brett could hear the full anger.

Then the ground began to cave in, the walls began to crumble, and the ceiling shattered.

Everything is quickly turning into gravel.

"what happened?"

At this time, a somewhat panicked female voice sounded, and a slim figure hurriedly walked in from a certain door, "What happened? What are you doing, 0!"

Looking at the person coming, Brett's lips curled up slightly.

very good.

Isn’t this coming?

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