One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 366: Robin’s Joining

Brett looked at the woman who suddenly appeared and the corners of his mouth curled up.

There is no doubt that this woman is his target in coming to Alabasta this time, a woman named Nicole Robin.

She is tall, has long straight black hair, fair face, and a particularly three-dimensional bridge of her nose. Overall, she is a very beautiful woman.

Nico Robin was confused about the current situation.

The casino has begun to collapse, and the walls have turned into sand. There is no doubt that Crocodile is the only one who can do this.

But this is that guy's lair. How could he destroy it?

If you have to give a reason, then I'm afraid it can only be because of this guy, right?

Nico Robin placed her eyes on Brett warily.

So who is this guy? An enemy of Crocodile?

Brett smiled and said, "Nicole Robin, I finally see you. This time I am here for you."

Huge chunks of stone fell from the ceiling and hit him, then shattered.

As the earth shook, Nicole Robin's expression suddenly turned extremely pale, and she crossed her hands on her chest almost subconsciously.

"Nine flowers bloom!"

Several slender arms sprouted from Brett's body, grabbing each joint of his body as if they wanted to break his body.



Robin's expression changed drastically.

There was no movement. She tried her best to activate her power, but she couldn't even shake this guy at all.

Is his body made of steel?

"Okay, this place is going to collapse, so let's get out first."

Just the next moment, Nicole Robin found that guy's voice coming from behind her, and then a hand grabbed her shoulder, and then there was a strong feeling of weightlessness.

Brett grabbed Nicole Robin, then used his legs to launch upwards, crashed directly through the casino, and flew into the sky from the belly of the crocodile at the top of the pyramid.

The trampled air was suspended in mid-air, and Brett looked down.

The casino had completely collapsed at this time, the surrounding ground had completely turned into gravel, and even the pool had been completely drained.

In just the blink of an eye, this place has turned into a desert.


Brett raised an eyebrow.

Simply absorbing water cannot do this.

This must be an awakened ability, can it directly assimilate the surrounding environment into a desert?

But it may not be complete. After all, Crocodile can only turn the environment into a desert, but cannot control the sand.

"Don't make trouble."

Brett casually slapped away an arm that grew from his nose and stabbed his eyes, and Nicole Robin snorted.

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Flower fruits can bloom everywhere in sight, but once these limbs composed of petals are attacked, the person with the ability will also be harmed simultaneously.

Nico Robin held her injured arm with a horrified expression on her face.

Who is this guy? I feel as helpless as a child in front of him!


Brett shook his head.

Crocodile's voice disappeared deep into the bottom of the desert. He left the battlefield directly and seemed to have no intention of continuing to fight.

That's right, when a cunning crocodile finds that he is facing an opponent that he absolutely cannot defeat, he will not be stubborn and choose to fight to the end.

But it doesn’t matter.

The Crocodiles would think that his plan had been discovered by the government, so of course there was no reason to stay in Alabasta.

Just run away, maybe we will meet again in the new world later.

"Then let's go back too."

Brett smiled, and in the next moment, holding Nico Robin, he turned into a shooting star and soared into the sky, and soon disappeared in the blue sky.

A strong wind came towards her, blowing Nico Robin's black hair around, and even blowing her face as if it was being cut by a knife.

This guy actually took her running in the air!

Is this something a human can do? Robin was very confused.

She didn't know about the technique called Six Styles.

Now she finally understood why Crocodile wanted to destroy his lair. Because he encountered an invincible opponent, he could only take advantage of the chaos and escape.

What kind of fate will happen to me next?

Even though he had wandered in the sea for more than ten years since he was eight years old and experienced all kinds of betrayals and pursuits that ordinary people could not imagine, Robin was still very uneasy at this time.

"Shocked you,"

Then at this time, Brett smiled and spoke. He pulled off the hood on his head and lowered his head, "Don't worry, Miss Robin, I have no ill intentions towards you, I just hope you can Please do me a favor."

" are!


Nicole Robin finally saw this man's face, and she couldn't help but exclaim, "Emperor of the Deep Sea! Fishman Brett!"

The man in front of him is so famous that even innocent children will subconsciously call out his name after seeing this face.

The emperor who sits on Fishman Island and rules the deep sea!

It's no wonder. If it were this man, it's completely understandable that Crocodile would run away in a panic!

How did the Shichibukai win the Pirate Emperor?

"It seems I'm still somewhat famous after all, so I don't need to introduce myself."

Brett smiled. He transformed into a fiery red dragon and released a cloud of flames to wrap up Robin.

Nico Robin couldn't help but swallowed, this is the power of the Deep Sea Emperor!

So amazing!

It's really amazing. Just looking at his appearance at this time gives people an unmatched feeling!

Brett smiled. Of course he heard clearly the anxiety and panic in Nico Robin's heart.

He said, "It's just that no one in the world can help me except you, so I came here specifically to find you."

No one can help but yourself?

Nicole Robin immediately understood what kind of help Brett wanted her to do.

"Is it about ancient writing?"

At this moment, Robin felt a little hopeful, "Could it be a historical text?"

"Yes, it is the historical text."

Brett nodded, "Only you, who was born in O'Hara, have the ability to translate ancient texts."

"Do you have a historical text in your hand?"

Robin asked quickly, "If that's what you need, I can help you!"

Is it finally time to see the second historical text?

She couldn't even wait anymore.

"Indeed, I hope you can help me translate the ancient characters in the historical text, but it is not a single one."

Brett smiled and said, "It's four."

Robin's eyes widened.

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