One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 372 The results of Vegapunk

Chapter 372 The results of Vegapunk

Brett sent Red Hair and Hawkeye to an island in the new world and then parted ways with them.

However, he was not in a hurry to return to Fish-Man Island. There was one more thing to do before that.

He took Tezolo and Nico Robin to another desert island in the new world, and did not stay here for long before the person he was waiting for had arrived.


A gust of wind descended from the sky, blowing sand and rocks on the ground. At the same time, a figure had already condensed into shape from the strong wind.

Dorag's face was full of surprise, and he hurriedly said, "Have you really reached the final island?"

"Of course there is no need to deceive you, my friend."

Bright smiled. After leaving the Final Island, he quickly contacted Dorag and asked him to come over as soon as possible.

After hearing about Brett's adventures during this period, Dorag rushed over without any delay.

"We have indeed found the final island, and have learned about the history that the world government tried so hard to erase from time."

“It’s actually like that!!”

Dolag clenched his fists, and the corners of his mouth began to rise uncontrollably. His eyes were so hot that he seemed to set Bright on fire.

"So, what happened in the blank one hundred years? What does the World Government want to hide? What is the existence of that huge kingdom in the legend?"

"As for these questions, let another person answer them for you."

Brett took a step to the left, revealing the woman behind him.

Nicole Robin.

"Miss Nico Robin!"

Dorag saw the woman's face clearly, and then said happily, "We, the revolutionary army, have been looking for you."

"I have always believed that only you can solve the biggest mystery in the world, bring the truth of history to the entire sea, and then become the light that lights up the revolution."

"She's already done that."

Bright said with a smile, "Without Miss Robin, I wouldn't be able to decipher the ancient texts and then go to the Final Island."

Dorag nodded.

This is a matter of course. Apart from Nicole Robin, a descendant of O'Hara, is there anyone else in the world who can decipher ancient texts in historical texts?

"I just want to discuss something with you."

Bright's lips curled up slightly, "Miss Robin didn't know where to go after finding the Final Island, so I thought, Dorag, if your side of the Revolutionary Army could provide her with a job."

"No problem at all."

Dorag's answer was so fast that it can only be described as impatient. He looked at Nico Robin and said solemnly, "The Revolutionary Army welcomes you to join, Miss Robin."

"How about it? Miss Robin, do you want to join them?"

Bright also turned back to ask Nicole Robin, "The Revolutionary Army is an organization that strives to overthrow the world government and create a new world structure."

"I think you would be a good fit for them."

Create a new world structure?

Robin was slightly startled.

Then she nodded solemnly, "If that's the case, then I'm honored."

After learning the truth about the period of history that was covered up by the World Government, Robin felt that he should do something.

I never knew what I should do before, but now, I seem to finally have some ideas.

The smile on Dorag's face could no longer be suppressed.

The joy on this man's face was obvious at this time.

"Hahaha, isn't this great?"

Brett smiled and said, "Next, Miss Robin, it's up to you to tell Dorag what touching and touching stories happened during that blank hundred years."

"I'm all ears."

Dorag said solemnly.

So, Nicole Robin breathed a little sigh of relief, and then began to tell a story.

During that blank hundred years, many, many stories happened.

That is a long poem belonging to heroes that should not be forgotten.

"The government actually covered up such a thing?"

Dolag said angrily, "What a bunch of despicable guys. The world in Joeyboy's dream has turned into this."

"But it's no wonder. If such facts were allowed to spread in history, how could the world government be in its current situation?"

He looked up at Bright, "If Bright reveals all the truth now—"

"It's too early."

Bright shook his head, "Although if the truth is revealed, it will indeed discredit the government, but they have ruled the world for eight hundred years, and the past is far less important to the people on the sea than it is now."

If the truth is revealed, many people will indeed be disgusted with the government because of what they did back then.

But for more ordinary people, the government is still the one that protects them. What kind of persecution people suffered in the past has little to do with them.

"It can only attract retaliation from the government, and that Im-sama may start taking action in an instant."

Bright said seriously, "Now is not the time to fight him. If you are not careful, you may repeat the mistakes of eight hundred years ago, and all the lights will be swept away by him."

Dorag nodded.

Yes, before all the preparations are completed, it is not the time to start a head-on war with the government.

"Just be patient for a little longer, Dorag, it's not too far away."

Bright said, "The time for war is not too far away."

The next goal is the country of Wano, to drive Kaido out of the country of Wano. Although there is no need to rush to dig, you can also control Pluto buried deep in the magma first.

After Master Tom and the others have successfully produced the new Pluto, the time has come.

By that time, the power they had gathered was enough to challenge the government.

After a brief conversation, the two parties separated. Bright took Tezolo back to Fish-Man Island, while Dorag took Nicole Robin to the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army.

And it was at this time that Punk Hassad, the Naval Scientific Force Research Base.

"Finally, finally succeeded? Dr. Vegapunk?"

The stationed lieutenant general who hurried to the laboratory couldn't help but said excitedly.

"Ah, it has been successful."

The last time he met Bright, the much older Vegapunk looked at the machine in front of him with a smile.

The top is a glass pillar, with a strange green liquid rising continuously in the pillar.

"Ha ha ha ha,"

Vegapunk grinned strangely, "In this case, humans can also conquer the deep sea."

Brett, here's a special gift for you.

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