One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 373 Murloc Potion

Chapter 373 Murloc Potion

The center of the world government, Mary Joa, and the five elder stars gathered together in a hurry because of the news from Punk Hassad, and started a new round of meetings.

"Did that Vegapunk guy finally succeed?"

The bearded Wulaoxing couldn't wait to say, "After so many years, I almost thought that bastard was cheating on research funds!"

"The samples are on their way."

The blond Wu Laoxing also had an excited smile on his face, "Vegapunk said this is a mature product and can be put into use directly!"


The bald Wulaoxing was even more excited and banged his fist on the coffee table. He laughed and said, "Now that bastard Brett can no longer count on the deep sea to protect them!"

"Fish-Man Island is no longer an impregnable iron-walled fortress!"

"There's no need to be so full of words first, let's test the effect of the finished product first."

Wulaoxing, who was wearing a white robe and holding a knife in his arms, was calmer, "Moreover, even if you can freely go to the deep sea like a fish-man, it is not easy to defeat that guy Bright. "

The excitement of several Five Old Stars finally subsided a little.

Yes, it is obvious to all how strong that guy Bright is. It does not mean that you can easily defeat him as long as you can go to the deep sea.

"However, at least this time, we can restore our strategic disadvantage."

The bearded Wulaoxing said calmly, "Bright will have some concerns."

"Of course, but this all still depends on the Vegapunk guy really doing what he said he did."

The five old stars did not wait too long. Soon, two CP0 agents respectfully knocked on the door between the powers.

One of the agents delivered a metal box tightly locked to his right hand into the hands of the five old stars.

The agent on the other side took out the key and presented it respectfully.

The bearded Wulaoxing took the key and opened the box eagerly.

After the box was opened, a burst of white mist floated out.

After the smoke dissipated, what appeared in front of Wulaoxing was an injection lying quietly in the middle of the box.

The bearded Wulaoxing picked up the injection and said, "Is this it?"

"Yes, Your Excellency Wulaoxing."

The agent in charge of keeping the key lowered his head deeply and said with great respect, "The doctor said that only intravenous injection is needed."

The bearded Wulaoxing nodded, then he thought for a while, and then casually threw the injection in his hand to the CP0 agent who responded.

"It's up to you to use it," he said.

The agent reacted very quickly and immediately caught the injection.

Then without any hesitation, he rolled up his sleeves, opened the cap of the injection and immediately plunged it into his arm.

The green liquid quickly entered the agent's blood vessels, and then quickly spread throughout the body along with the blood.


The agent groaned, his body trembling slightly.

"How do you feel now?"

The bearded Wulaoxing asked quickly.

Even though the agent looked very uncomfortable, he quickly replied, "My lungs feel burning, and something seems to be changing. My neck, hands and feet are also itchy."

"The doctor said that this is the growth of new organs. Such changes will not stop until the new organs grow, which will take about a month."

"In this case……"

The bearded Wulaoxing said to the agent, "In this month, you will submit a report to us every day about your body changes."


The agent lowered his head deeply.

Only then did the Five Old Stars let them leave.

As early as several years ago, after the ability of Fish-Man Island to mine seabed minerals was exposed, the Five Old Stars had ordered Begapunk to research technology that would allow humans to have the ability to move freely in the deep sea like fish-men.

Now that the technology has finally matured, Vegapunk has made a prototype.

If the potion really has that kind of power, then Fish-Man Island will no longer be an unreachable underwater fortress.

After the two agents left, the Five Old Stars did not break up the meeting immediately.

"Now that this project has been completed, it's time to urge the Vegapunk guy to quickly complete the original plan."

The blond Wu Laoxing said, "The mass production of the Shichibukai plan! It has been shelved for so long, and it should be put on the agenda again."

"If you want to deal with that bastard Bright, Seraph's power should be indispensable!"

Bright doesn't know what's going on with the World Government yet.

At this time, he and Tezolo had returned to Fish-Man Island.

Although he has arrived at Lovedrew and learned the truth about the world, Bright still has no intention of doing anything.

It's still too early.

He acted as if nothing had happened and did whatever he had to do.

Time passed slowly like this, one month later.

Marie Joa, among the powers, the five old stars are watching the live broadcast.

The image projected by the phone bug is that of a pool of water.

In this pool, a black shadow was quickly moving back and forth.

He was as fast as a torpedo, and the resistance of the water seemed to be non-existent for him. One second he was still on this side of the pool, and the next second he had his feet on the opposite wall, and his body was ejected again. return.

This black shadow is not just simply astonishing speed. It has been swimming back and forth in the water for more than ten minutes, but it still has not surfaced once.

It was as if he could breathe in the water.

The five old stars just watched quietly, but as time passed, the corners of their mouths also raised little by little.

Finally, the dark figure that shuttled back and forth in the pool stopped. It was a naked man. He climbed up by the edge of the pool. Then the camera of the phone bug zoomed in, and the appearance of a man was finally revealed on the fifth floor. In front of the old star, he was also working hard to show off every detail of his body.

From the appearance, he looked like the CP0 agent who had been injected with the drug last time, but his skin had turned blue, and he even had a shark-like dorsal fin on his back.

What's even more surprising is that there are several cracks on both sides of his neck, which seem to be fish gills, and there are membranes connecting the fingers and toes.

He already looks like a fish-man.


The bearded Five Old Star couldn't help but laugh, "Hahahaha, that guy from Vegapunk still has something in this area."

"The effect is incredible, even more powerful than we imagined! Hahahaha, artificial fish man! You really made such a thing!"

"Now, I can give that bastard Brett a big surprise!"

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