One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 374 The target is the country of Wano

Chapter 374 The target is the country of Wano

Navy Headquarters.

“Really, what on earth was the government thinking?”

The man codenamed Green Bull lazily stood on a railing and looked at several long queues of naval soldiers in the square below.

The World Government suddenly notified the Navy and asked them to select an elite team, and specifically stated that there should be no people with abilities in the team.

But it did not say what this special force would be used for.

Of course, the Navy could not make any move to resist the government's decision, and it immediately began selecting personnel.

From Vice Admiral to Private at the lowest level, the Navy Headquarters began a strict selection process.

It's natural to be curious about this.

"It's probably some kind of shady secret operation."

The man who was talking to Green Bull was an ordinary-looking man. Although he was tall, he looked a little stooped, and his face was not handsome at all, or even a little ugly.

Wearing a brown hat on his head, the clothes and pants on his body are also the same color. He has a cigarette in his mouth, a pair of wooden clogs on his feet, and his smile looks a bit free and easy.

After hearing this man's words, Lu Niu couldn't help but chuckle, "Haha, Brother Jiaji, you can't just say this kind of thing casually. If someone from the government finds out, I'm afraid it will be very troublesome."

"That's right, hahaha,"

The man known as Kaki scratched his head, and then said with a smile, "Just pretend you didn't hear what you just said - eh!!"

Suddenly, his eyes that were originally squinted suddenly widened.

He saw a familiar figure in the navy queue below!


Kaki laughed happily, "Oh! Gion is back too!"

"Hahahaha, Brother Jiaji, are you ready to confess again?" Green Bull laughed loudly, "No, no, no, the so-called confession should be a triumphal song of victory rather than a clarion call to charge."

"Hahaha, Gion is just shy, just wait for my good news! Brother Aramaki!"

Jiaji jumped directly from the railing.

Looking at the brown figure jumping forward excitedly in the square below, Green Bull shook his head unconsciously.

too naive.


"Has even Miss Peach Rabbit been selected? Really, what does the government want to do?"

He was curious.

After all, it seems that this special force is a bit stronger now.

News of the Navy's formation of a special force soon spread to Fish-Man Island.

After all, both Morgans and Tezzolo are very well-informed.

However, the information they were able to find out was limited to the fact that the World Government removed a group of incompetent people from the navy and formed a special force.

Bright didn't know what exactly this unit was being used for.

"But since they are all incompetent people, then it must be for something that is inconvenient for people with abilities, right?"

Tezzolo guessed so.

Although it is nonsense, it is indeed true.

Since all the troops are incompetent, it means that what they want to do is something that capable people cannot do.

In this way, the scope is not large.

He probably came here for Fish-Man Island.

Apart from moving in the sea, Bright couldn't think of any reason why there wouldn't be any ability users in that force.

Although people who have not eaten Devil Fruits can still have power that rivals or even surpasses those with Devil Fruit abilities after hard training, it has to be admitted that people with abilities are more useful than those without abilities in many situations. Much.

Even if they can't all have espers, it shouldn't be difficult to casually form a team of espers with the government's background.

But they didn't do that.

So besides coming to the Fish-Man Island in the deep sea, Bright couldn't think of any other goals for them.

However, even if he guessed the purpose of the World Government, there was nothing Bright could do.

After this force was assembled, it disappeared from Marineland.

Neither Tezzolo nor Morgans could find out where they had gone.

Although Brett was wary, he didn't pay too much attention.

Anyway, Boss Xia Li has been doing divination all year round. If something really happens, she will definitely give advance warning.

Time is passing slowly.

The year 1516 of the Haiyuan calendar is coming to an end little by little.

It was at the end of the year that Bright suddenly received a communication.

"Bright! It's me, I'm Viper!"

That's what the person on the other end of the phone said.

"Cat Viper?"

Brett raised his eyebrows, "Why do you suddenly have time to contact me?"

"In the past two days, I went to Wano and Kawamatsu to meet with them."

That's what Viper, the cat on the other side of the phone, said.

Brett looked stern, and immediately realized what the call from Cat Belly Snake was for, "Since you are contacting me now, that means the time has come, right?"

"That's right!"

The voice of the cat Viper on the other end of the phone was full of excitement, "Yamato said that she feels that she is strong enough to protect the country of Wano! She is ready to serve as a general."

"That's it."

Brett curled his lips.

It was possible to seize Wano Country a long time ago, but Bright never took action.

Because Bright couldn't garrison the country of Wano all year round, even if he captured that country, it would be easy for problems to be garrisoned by samurai alone.

What's more important is that there is no rush to dig out Hades, so there can be no problems in Wano.

Bright had been waiting for Yamato to become strong enough to protect that country.

Now the time seems to have arrived.

"Over at Wano Country, Kawamatsu and the others are already gathering strength."

Cat Viper said, "We have also begun to gather troops here, Bright, now it's up to you."


Bright smiled and said, "I will go to Zou immediately to meet you, and then go straight to Wano Country."


Cat Viper couldn't wait to hang up the phone, as if she was afraid of delaying Brett's time.

Bright immediately went to see Jinbe and King Neptune and told them his next actions.

"Will we officially take action against the Beasts Pirates next?"

Jinbei frowned, "Do you need me to come with you?"

"No need, Brother Jinbei, just stay on Fish-Man Island."

"I'm afraid of what the government will do after I leave," Bright said.

"As for the Beasts Pirates..." Bright paused for a moment, then grinned, "Actually, I'm enough by myself."

Jinbei was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "Is that so? That really leaves people speechless."

With Bright's current strength, I'm afraid it really isn't bragging.

But Bright was not alone, he brought Tezzolo with him.

"Hahahaha!! I can finally deal with that bastard Doflamingo!"

Tezzolo was even more excited than Brett.

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