One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 376 Heading towards the Ghost Island

Chapter 376 Heading towards the Ghost Island

Yamato, who was recognized by Bright, happily led Bright and his group into the forest to the base where they were hiding.

As they walked, the girl happily shared her experiences with Brett.

He practiced hard every day and learned some knowledge about governing the country under the guidance of Kawamatsu, Haogoro and others to prepare for becoming a general of this country in the future.

Of course, the more important thing is the battle of wits and courage with the Beast Pirates.

The Beast Pirates have ruled this country for more than ten years. They are not useless, so how can every search be in vain?

Their whereabouts have been exposed several times, but fortunately Yamato's strength is already extraordinary. When Kaido has no time to take action personally, no one in the Beast Pirates can stop them, so they are allowed to escape every time.

"After learning the weaponry of internal destruction, Jhin is no longer my opponent!"

Yamato smiled and said proudly, "Even his hard body can no longer resist my mace! And now, the final technique has been mastered!"

"very impressive."

Brett smiled.

Although it is still very immature now, overlord color entanglement is not a skill that just anyone can master.

Overlord color is the qualification of a king that only one among millions of people can possess.

Then the overlord color entanglement is the overlord move that only one among tens of millions of people, or even among hundreds of millions of people, can do.

Those who can master it are all the few strong men on the sea.

Yamato is already amazing.

Not to mention that she has also mastered the advanced skills of Armed Color Haki. Like Bright, she can use the technique of internal destruction of the Armed Color to wrap around the Overlord Color.

The girl now is indeed capable of protecting this country.

Overlord-colored entanglement?

Tezzolo, who was walking behind Bright, glanced sideways at the white-haired woman with a bright smile.

Should I say that she really deserves to be Kaido’s daughter? She seems to be the same age as Brett.

Among the young people of Bright's age, this woman is the only one who can see Bright's back, right?

Tezzolo was very angry. Why didn't he look like a king?

"Then Yamato will become the shogun of this country."

Inuarashi smiled and said that when he looked at Yamato's back, it was as if he was seeing his master back then.

The genders are different, and the personalities are not exactly the same.

But there is no doubt that she is the successor of Lord Oden's will.

There is no one more qualified to be this country's general than her.

Tezzolo said nothing.

He was a little curious. If Kozuki Oden's son did not die in the sea of ​​​​fire, but survived and now appeared in Wano Country, what would these guys choose?

That’s fun, right?

But after Tezzolo thought about it, it didn't make much sense how these guys chose. Yamato was his good brother, the new general of Wano Country appointed by Mr. Bright of Fish-Man Island.

Yamato led Bright and a group of people to their secret base, which was also a huge cave dug out of the mountain.

"Welcome, Brett!"

As soon as they entered the cave, Black's compatriot Hesong had already come up to him, and this man's face was also full of excitement.

"No more nonsense."

Brett smiled and said, "Are you ready for war?"


Hesong nodded heavily, "We have gathered all the power we can gather!"

"The power to resist Kaido has never been as powerful as it is now!"

"That's it."

Bright nodded, "Then let's start a war?"


Yamato nodded heavily, "Let's start the war! Drive the Beast Pirates out of Wano Country!"

Although I really want to have a banquet first, the wine before the war is obviously not as good as the wine after the victory.

Bright and others just rested here for a while, and then they were ready to attack with the whole army.

He Song and others gathered about two thousand people in this cave.

All of them are samurai who are dissatisfied with Kaido's rule, and there are many powerful swordsmen among them.

In particular, Bright also saw a guy who was fat and imposing.

If I remember correctly, this guy's name is Ashura Doji.

He should be considered the strongest guy among the Nine Red Scabbard Heroes.

"Asura was very unconvinced with me at first."

Yamato noticed the way Bright looked at Ashura Doji, and he said proudly, "After I beat him hard a few times, he slowly started to recognize me."

"He also said I made him feel nostalgic!"

Brett chuckled.

Isn’t it nostalgic?

When Kozuki Oden regained Asura Doji, wasn't it because he was beaten with force and conquered by his personality and charm?

Yamato is equivalent to reenacting that period of history.

When Bright was looking at Ashura Doji, this man was also peeking at Bright.

"Is this man really reliable?" he couldn't help but ask.

"Bright's strength is undoubted, even Kaido is no match for him!"

Cat Viper solemnly said, "Without his help, we would not have been able to defeat the Beast Pirates."

Asura Boy nodded and said nothing more.

After counting the number of people, Kawamatsu looked at Yamato.

Yamato nodded slightly, stepped out, and then she loudly said, "Let's go!!"

Everyone set off.

Bring a few days' worth of rations and polished sharp weapons.

This battle will be won or lost!

"Denjiro will lead another team to meet us at Basu Port later,"

The team marched on the snow. As they hurried on, Kawamatsu said, "There are also many ronin warriors gathered there. They will be a powerful force."

Brett nodded slightly and said nothing.

After all, in his opinion, these numbers are of no use at all.

The combined power of thousands of people is probably no greater than that of one person.

This world is so cruel.

On the other side, the flower city.

After the death of Black Carbon Orochi, Kaido once again supported a certain guy to take over and became the new shogun.

So there is no special change in this city compared to the past.

At this time, in the most luxurious area of ​​​​the city, the leader of the ronin, who was called the Kuangshilang boss in awe by the people in the city, was kneeling respectfully in front of a paper door.

His voice was solemn.

"Then Your Highness, I'm leaving."

No one responded inside. Kuang Shi Lang stood up. He held the saber on his waist and turned away without looking back. His steps were as determined as iron.

Then, there was a sound from behind the paper door.

It's the sound of shamisen.

Extraordinary generosity and intensity.

It seemed to be playing a triumphant song of victory.

Soon, a team quietly left the Flower Capital and headed towards the largest port in the country's inland sea.

The two teams hid their whereabouts at the same time, lurking day and night, and approached the agreed place at the same time.

However, two teams with such a large number of people will inevitably attract some attention.

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