One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 377 The Beginning of the Battle of Ghost Island

Chapter 377 The Beginning of the Battle of Ghost Island

"Mr. Kaido!"

The base of the Beast Pirates, the island that the people of this country call the place where evil spirits are in awe, Ghost Island, has been rebuilt after being destroyed before.

The man wrapped in a dark leather jacket and leather pants mask quickly walked outside the room of Kaido, the true ruler of this country.

He knocked on the door and said in a deep voice, "Someone witnessed a large team heading towards Benwu Port."

"It seems that they are the guys we have been looking for."

There were heavy footsteps behind the door, and then the door was violently pulled down, and the monster poked its head out from behind the door.

"Uh-huh-huh, isn't this interesting?"

The sleepiness of drunkenness still remained on Kaido's face, but the cruel smile was already obvious, "The mouse I have been looking for for a long time will finally jump out on its own this time!"

Playing hide and seek with those guys was really annoying.

But now, they seem to be taking the initiative to attack.

"Their attitude has always been to avoid confrontation with us, but to hide and develop their strength. Now they are trying to take the initiative to attack. I think it must be because they have something to rely on!"

The second-in-command of the Beasts Pirates, Jin of Yanquan was not as excited as Kaido. Instead, he was a little worried and said, "Those guys have always been in contact with that bastard Bright. Mr. Kaido, is it possible?" Yes, that guy Brett has arrived?"

"So what if that bastard Brett is here!!"

Kaido suddenly said angrily, "Do you want me to run away in despair now?"

Jin was speechless.

Yes, is it possible that people who just heard Bright's name and didn't even see him would choose to run away?

How is this possible? If that were done, then Mr. Kaido would no longer be Mr. Kaido.

And Wano is special.

This country is the burial place of Pluto, and Mr. Kaido will never choose to let it go.


There is only one choice left!

"I'll call in all the troops!"

Jin said seriously.


Kaido smiled and patted Jhin on the shoulder, "Just like all the times in the past, just follow me, Jhin!"

"I will still lead you to victory this time! Just like all the times in the past!"


Jin nodded solemnly.

He turned and left.

So what if the enemy is Bright? Mr. Kaido will never lose!

Jhin thought so.

He's the man who's going to be Joey Boy!

The country of Wano is still huge. In order to take care of the samurai, Bright spent two days walking with them before finally reaching their destination, the outskirts of Basu Port.

After waiting here for a while, another group of people also arrived.


Kuangshilang had already taken off the bun on his head that was used as a cover-up, and his hairstyle turned into a sassy ponytail.

The squinting eyes that had always been concealing his eyes were completely opened, revealing his scorching eyes with blazing flames gushing out.

Behind him were about a thousand ronin warriors.

"I'm just waiting for you, Denjiro!"

Cat Viper stepped forward and punched his chest affectionately with her fist.

"I've been waiting for this moment."

Inuarashi took a deep breath.

How long have you been waiting?


Denjiro nodded heavily, "Then don't wait any longer!"

"lets go!!"

Yamato shouted loudly, "Towards Onigashima!"

After the two teams merged, they directly invaded Basu Port. The next step was to seize the ship and then go to Onigashima.

However, the operation to seize the ships was unexpectedly smooth. After entering the Benwu Port, they encountered no resistance at all. Several empty ships were docked at the port at this time.

"Eh? What's going on?"

Yamato tilted his head in confusion, "Is there some mission? Have the guards left here?"

Tezzolo snorted, "Don't you understand? It's an invitation."


Yamato was stunned, and then she exclaimed, "Does it mean that our actions have been exposed?"

"It doesn't matter."

Bright grinned, "Since Kaido has already sent out the invitation, we have to respond!"

"Get aboard, and go give Kaido his complete defeat!"


Yes, what is there to hesitate about now? So what if it has been exposed?

It's nothing more than a surprise attack turned into a head-on confrontation!

Everyone boarded the ship, and then several large ships set sail, crushing the waves on the sea, and headed towards the Ghost Island.

Bright and others stood on the bow of a large ship leading the way. The inland sea of ​​Wano Country was still wide, and there was no trace of Onigashima yet.

Brett noticed that Yamato standing next to him was biting his lip.

"What's wrong? You're thinking about attacking Kaido, so are you hesitant?"

Brett asked.


Yamato was silent for a moment, "Bright, I know dad is a bastard and should be knocked down. But..."

"That's it."

Brett nodded.

It's normal to hesitate.

He was about to have a life and death fight with his father. It would be a strange thing if he could still remain calm.

"If you are hesitant, then ask Kaido later."

Brett said calmly, "He should give you the answer."

Yamato took a deep breath and nodded heavily.

The ship moved on.

Soon, at the far end of the sea level, the outline of an island began to appear faintly.

It was an island like a skull with a pair of sharp horns.

"Is that Kaido's lair?"

Tezzolo commented with interest, "It's so impressive!"

One look at this look and you can tell that there must be a great guy inside.

The warriors had already drawn their weapons one after another, and their expressions were already tense.

The guy they have been dreaming of defeating for more than ten years is on the island ahead!

The war to liberate the entire country that they long for day and night is about to begin!

The ship continued to move forward.

After that, I could clearly see that the sea ahead was completely empty, without any ships.

But further back, the coast of Onigashima was already crowded with pirates.

Cannons one after another have already been aimed at this side.

"It seems that what awaits us is a landing battle."

Tezzolo said leisurely.

Bright observed the pirates on the distant coast, "It looks like all the power of the Beast Pirates has been gathered here."

The densely packed crowd must have exceeded 10,000.

You can even vaguely see a few big guys with amazing physiques further back.

To say that the Beasts Pirates still have reservations is probably unrealistic.


Loud laughter erupted.

The huge and slender monster flew out of the eyes of the Onigashima skeleton and flew directly into the sky.

"Bright!! Get out of here!!"

Oh, you're really not polite. Are you going to be king versus king?

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