One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 379 King versus king, versus general

Chapter 379 King versus king, versus general

Before the flames in the sky dissipated, Yamato had already fallen from the sky and landed heavily on the sea.

The moment she landed, fine white hair had already grown on the surface of her body, and a ribbon of white mist surrounded her.

Although he is an esper, Yamato has completely conquered the sea at this moment.

Starting from where she landed, the white crystal ice spread and froze the entire sea surface nearby.

"The venue for the battle has been prepared!"

Yamato raised the mace in his hand and pointed at the newly built Onigashima ahead, "The moment of decisive battle has arrived!!"

The animal **** fruit is the phantom beast species Oguchi Shingo form. Yamato who possesses this ability has abilities similar to Aokiji.

Except that she cannot turn into ice, her ability is similar to that of Aoki. She can release cold air to create ice cubes at will. With her current strength, freezing the nearby sea is just a piece of cake.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!"

The samurai roared and jumped onto the ice, launching a desperate charge towards Ghost Island.

As long as we win this war, we can take back this country, and the people of this country will not have to worry all day long, and they will not have to do their best just to survive.

"Ready to fight!!"

On the edge of the Ghost Island, Jhin looked up at the long red dragon in the sky that was confronting Kaido. His voice was unparalleled and solemn, "You all understand! This is a once-in-a-lifetime enemy, stronger than ever before!"

It doesn't matter whether it's the samurai of Wano or the fur tribe of Zou, the only enemies are Bright and Yamato!

It can even be said that Yamato's girl is nothing. After all, in front of Bright, her power can only be considered insignificant!

Only this man is the Beast Pirates' biggest enemy!

Jin has personally experienced the strength of this man!

Boss Kaido was easily severely injured by him, and Jhin himself was instantly killed by that man. Even Onigashima collapsed in that battle, so now he can only rebuild a new one.

Mr. Kaido, I can only rely on you!

Jin secretly gritted his teeth.

They have no way to participate in this battle in the sky. Except for Mr. Kaido, no matter who goes up to face Bright, they will only be defeated with one blow, and there is no possibility of any resistance at all. The gap in strength It's overwhelming.

"Hahaha! Then let's test my new weapon first!"

Looking at the warriors coming like a tide on the frozen sea, the fat Quinn grinned.

"Little boys, get ready to fire!"

The muzzles of the huge artillery pieces deployed on the coast were now pointed at the sea.

The ones installed in these cannons are not ordinary bombs, but plague bombs specially developed by Mr. Quinn, the chief scientist of the Beast Pirates.

As long as it is affected, you will be infected with the deadly virus immediately, and it is a terrorist bomb that can be spread through physical contact!

The next moment, accompanied by a series of muffled sounds, cannonballs rose into the air and hit the warriors with a sharp whistling sound.

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

Quinn danced excitedly, "Let me turn you all into zombies!!"


"Don't try to succeed!"

Yamato was obviously prepared for Quinn's moves.

She took a deep breath, then opened her mouth and spat out, "Wu Attendant Bingya!"

In the sky just now, Bright and Kaido breathed out flames at the same time, and now Yamato breathed out mist.

White mist swept across the sky instantly as she turned her head.

The spreading mist is like a laser, but it does not have the terrifying destructive power of a laser.

The artillery shells flying over were not detonated, but were frozen.

By the time the cannonballs landed, they had turned into large lumps of ice, which were so strong that they were even abnormally strong. They landed on the ice and made holes in the ice, but they did not crack themselves.


Quinn snorted unwillingly, "Really, if I had known that this girl would rebel, I shouldn't have put that fruit in her mouth!"

"Don't say stupid things,"

Jin snorted coldly, "Mr. Kaido is not going to give her that fruit!"

Since he was eight years old, Yamato has been running away constantly on Onigashima, always escaping from one place to another.

Anyone who dares to help her will be killed mercilessly by Kaido.

Yamato is always alone and becomes stronger as he continues to challenge Kaido.

The Devil Fruit she possessed was accidentally found and eaten during this process. Of course, it is difficult to say whether Kaido was instrumental in this.

However, this issue no longer matters.

"Bah, bah, bah, maybe this is fate?"

Doflamingo, who was squatting on a rock on one side like a gangster, chuckled, "It was fate that chose her."


Jin snorted, and the next moment the flames on the back of his head subsided, and his body was already flying high into the sky like lightning.

"The destiny I know is to win under the leadership of Mr. Kaido!"

He had already hit Yamato like a meteor, "Leave Yamato to me!"

"Hmph, impatient bastard."

Quinn snorted, "Don't get beaten up by that girl Yamato."

"Oh, king vs. king vs. general? That makes sense."

Doflamingo laughed playfully, and his body rose into the air, "Then I will attack too."

"There should be a guy who wants to fight me."

He looked down and met the eyes of a certain man.

Tezzolo was still standing at the bow of the big ship. He saw the man rising into the air, still wearing the coquettish pink feather cloak.

"Hey, Doflamingo!!"

With a loud laugh, Tezoro instantly pierced the air and soared into the sky like an arrow from a string.

The Moon Step, which is only six postures, is certainly not a difficult skill for Tezzolo.

"Finally we meet again!"

Tezzolo had an excited laugh on his face, "Are you ready to have your head ripped off by me?"

There is no deep hatred between Tezoro and Doflamingo, but who made Doflamingo the former Celestial Dragon?

Although it sounds a bit unpleasant to say this, since we can't directly attack the serious Celestial Dragons, we can only use Doflamingo to vent our anger now, right?


Doflamingo grinned. The frozen sea below had begun to deform, and a large number of threads had begun to snake up like dense sea snakes.

"Tezolo, your awakening seems to be unable to assimilate the surrounding environment, so how much gold did you bring this time?"

If there is enough gold, Tezoro's Awakening will be devastating, but if there is not enough, it will be a bit embarrassing.

The corner of Tezzolo's mouth curled up slightly, "I won't be able to use it this time!"

Invisible waves were wrapped around his fist.

At the same time, Kawamatsu, Denjiro, Asura Doji and others also led the samurai to charge towards the coast.

"Get ready to fight!!"

Quinn roared angrily as his body transformed into a giant brachiosaurus.

Standing behind him were the officers of the Beast Pirates.

"Crush them!!"

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