One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 380 Shenglong Bagua

Chapter 380 Shenglong Bagua

When the battle below officially started, Bright also started a confrontation with Kaido.

"Bad wind!!"

Just by opening his mouth to spit, countless wind blades spurted out of Kaido's mouth.

Each wind blade is huge enough to tear apart a hill, and they indeed possess such power.

If this blow had landed in a small town, it would have been enough to tear the town apart in an instant.

"Have you not learned enough lessons from last time?"

Brett chuckled, "I thought you should have understood this a long time ago. In terms of ability, I am stronger."

The wind gathered around Bright, and then turned into more, bigger and sharper wind blades shooting out of the air.

After a brief confrontation, Bright's wind blade once again suppressed Kaido's attack and cut towards him overwhelmingly.

"If you are still interested, I can play this game with you as many times as you want."

Brett smiled leisurely, "Whether it's flames or strong winds, clouds or thunder, I can help you with whatever you want to compare."

"You bastard, stop giving me such self-righteousness!!"

Kaido roared angrily and smashed the wind blades all over the sky.

Although he was very angry and hated, he had to admit that this pirated bastard was more capable than him.

"I will burn you to ashes!!"

"Oh, is it a competition of flames?"

Brett chuckled, "I'm OK too."

"Fire Dragon Torch——"

Kaido roared angrily as flames flowed from his mouth and gradually enveloped his entire body.

The ominous dark red flames were as viscous as magma, and even took on a form at this moment, and they could even be entangled with domineering energy.


"Shenglong Bagua!"

The second half of this move's name was called out by Bright.

Brilliant golden flames also flowed from his mouth, and then enveloped his entire body.

In just the blink of an eye, the two flame dragons were already floating in the sky.

"What is that!!"

On the frozen sea, Yamato couldn't help but look up, "The sea is about to melt!!"

This temperature is no joke!

Even with Haki as a defense, a weaker guy would be melted just by touching these two fire dragons.

"Do you still have time to look around?!"

A big bird with blazing flames on the back of its head descended from the sky, "Emperor Dan Gong!!"

The huge wings are wrapped with dark domineering energy. With the blessing of domineering power, the already amazing hardness is even more indestructible this time.


"Your defense is no longer useful to me Jhin!"

Yamato clenched the mace with both hands, and the armed color Haki and the Overlord color Haki merged together in the black lightning leap, and at the same time, he wrapped around the iron rod with the technique of armed color internal destruction.

The next moment, she ejected into the air and swung the iron rod.


The air shook.

In the shocked eyes of the members of the Beast Pirates, Jhin's huge body flew out diagonally like a kite with a broken string, and then landed on the sea on one side.

"Hey!! That guy Jhin was—"

In the lineup of the Beast Pirates, a young girl wearing a mask and a pair of horns on her head cried out in surprise.

"Are you kidding? What the hell is that guy doing!!"

Quinn was also stunned.

Although he has always been unhappy with that bastard Beast Pirates' second-in-command position, Quinn recognized his strength!

That bastard is a descendant of the Lunaria tribe, a race once called gods that can survive in any extreme environment.

In terms of physical defense alone, that bastard is even better than the boss!

How could he be beaten away by that stupid girl Yamato with a stick?

In the hole in the ice that was smashed out, Jhin stood up.

He glanced down from the corner of his eye and looked at his right arm.

The forearm had some weird bends and the bones were broken.

"Overlord-colored entanglement!"

Jin said solemnly.

When fighting this girl before, her iron rod was able to hurt herself, but it was only an armed color, although it was an armed color that could attack the inside.

But now she has even mastered the entanglement of the overlord color, and seems to be integrated with the internal destruction of the armed color.

"So I just said it,"

Yamato smiled confidently, "Your defense can no longer stop me!"

She ejected.

Jhin's eyes were extremely solemn.

Yamato has mastered weapons that can penetrate his defenses.

Besides, is it worthy of Mr. Kaido’s blood?

Can you win? Can he win against this girl?

Jin fluttered his wings and flew high into the sky in the next moment.

"Fire Dragon Emperor!!"

Since close combat can no longer defend against her attacks, let's use long-range combat to hold her back!

We must not let this girl get in the way of Mr. Kaido's battle!

Even if you can't win, you definitely can't lose!

A huge fire dragon fell from the sky. Yamato quickly dodged to the side. The next moment, the fire dragon crashed directly through the ice and deep into the sea.

The sea water below is boiling directly, and the ice surface is melting at an accelerated rate.

"What a joke!"

Yamato released the freezing air to further freeze the ice surface, and shouted loudly, "What the hell is going on with this guy!"

Isn't he an ancient species of esper? Why can you still release flames like this?

Although they have lived on Onigashima for many, many years, to be honest, Yamato and Jhin did not have too in-depth contact.

"Oh, is this the Lunaria clan?"

Tezzolo in the sky said with great interest, "What an amazing ability."

"I heard that as long as you report the traces of this clan to the government, the government will reward you with 100 million beli."

"Hey, hey, Tezzolo, it's really embarrassing for me to look around at this time."

Doflamingo, who was standing on a pillar of silk threads, moved his hands, and the spears formed by the threads were thrust towards Tezzolo.


Tezoro smiled, and his right hands formed a knife. The next moment, it turned into gold, and after being entangled with domineering energy, it turned into a golden blade.

With just a wave of his hand, the string of silk spears that came towards him were cut off in an instant.

"after all,"

Tezzolo smiled and looked at Doflamingo, whose face was gradually turning gloomy. "If I'm facing a guy like you, there really isn't any sense of urgency."

"Bah, bah..."

on the sky.

The two fire dragons have been completely formed.

"Damn!! Brett!!"

Kaido looked at the fire dragon opposite him who was exactly the same as him except for the color, and of course his anger was beyond words.

"Go to hell!"

The dark red flame dragon's head was wrapped with dark Haki, and Kaido hit Bright head first.

Of course, Brett was not afraid at all, and he also pushed his head back.

boom! !

The dark red and golden fire dragons collided instantly.

The moment black lightning bounced around, the clouds in the sky cracked.


Kaido roared, but he was still unable to overwhelm the opponent.

"that's all?"

Then, Bright's laughter reached Kaido's ears, "Then, I'm going to use my strength."

The body of the golden flame dragon suddenly burst into flames.

After a brief confrontation, the head of the dark red fire dragon began to shatter.


Kaido's pupils shrank, and the next moment golden flames came towards him.

There's no way he can compare to this guy. This bastard's power has become stronger than before! !

The golden fire dragon smashed the head of the dark red fire dragon, and then hit Kaido, who was wrapped in the middle by the fire dragon.


So, of course, screams filled the air.

The terrifying impact coupled with the astonishing high temperature, even Kaido couldn't bear it.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's not over yet."

Bright chuckled, and the golden fire dragon hit Kaido headlong towards Onigashima.

The newly rebuilt Onigashima was once again smashed to pieces at this moment.

No, it wasn't shattered, it was melted the moment it came into contact with the golden fire dragon, or it was directly vaporized.

No wonder, this is an extremely high temperature that even Kaido can't bear.

"Boss Kaido!!!"

Quinn screamed.

Is the gap in strength really that huge?

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