One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 383: Foreseeing the future! The end

Chapter 383 Foreseeing the future! The end

Yamato's stick fell head-on without reservation, and Jhin could only quickly wave the sharp blade in his hand to fight back.

But since his right arm has been broken by Yamato, he can only use one left arm.

His strength and domineering were already inferior to Yamato's, but now in this situation, how could he compete with Yamato?

There wasn't even a brief confrontation. The blade in his hand shook violently, and then he took it out. The next moment, the iron rod hit Jhin's forehead.

The mask used to hide his appearance was shattered in an instant, and Jhin's true appearance was completely exposed.

With brown skin and white hair, this man can be described as handsome.

But even Yamato, who was closest to Jhin, didn't see his true appearance at all.

too fast.

After all, this is what happens in the blink of an eye.

At the same time as the mask shattered, Jhin was already falling down like a falling meteor, landing directly on the frozen sea.

He is not like Kaido who can roll himself up with clouds and fly again.

After smashing a huge hole in the ice and causing more cracks to spread in all directions, Jhin fell into the sea below.

it's over.

This battle can be completely concluded at this point.

The Lunaria tribe is indeed a tribe of gods that can survive in any extreme environment, but their physical constitution cannot overcome the curse of the Devil Fruit.

The moment he fell into the deep sea, Jhin could no longer spread his wings and fly.

Yamato landed lightly in the broken hole, instantly freezing the somewhat turbulent sea surface again.

She breathed a slow sigh of relief.

At this moment, the following battle is about to end.

Turning his head, Yamato looked at the barbarians wreaking havoc on the side.

Let’s deal with these guys first.

"Oh no!!"

Quinn, who had just felt that the situation of the war might be improving, did not hide his panic.

If this bastard Jhin is defeated, wouldn't Yamato be freed? There is no one who can compete with her on this battlefield!

Compared to the panicked Quinn, Inuarashi and Neko Viper, who teamed up to fight him, were much more excited at this time.

We are very close, we are really close to the victory of the war and the liberation of this country.

They roared and continued to attack the enemy in front of them.

Because of this, there can be no relaxation now!

Yamato had already rushed into the queue of the Barbarian Tyrants, and first hit a certain guy's head into pieces of ice with a stick.

Then another breath froze the other big guy from the chest up.

"damn it!!"

The man who turned into a mammoth in the middle of the chaotic battlefield roared, "Get out of my way!!"

Brother Jin is defeated, he must hold back that woman Yamato.

"Don't even think about it!"

Hesong was beaten a bit badly, and there were many wounds on his body. The deepest one was on his chest, and the bones could almost be seen, but he had no intention of flinching.

He wanted to stop his compatriot.

He won't ask why. This man is obviously a fishman, but he wants to stand against Bright.

He Song himself is a fishman, a fishman who would rather stay in this country than return to his hometown.

"Oh, it seems that the battle below is gradually coming to a close?"

In the sky on the other side, Tezzolo chuckled with ease.

Compared to his comfort, Doflamingo's expression across from him was extremely gloomy.

The obvious thing is that if the Beasts Pirates are defeated, then he himself will have to be buried with this pirate ship.

"Then it's almost time to finish here, right?"

Tezzolo smiled.

"Sixteen rounds of holy bullets——"

Doflamingo immediately used his strongest move without saying a word.

Countless threads gathered into sixteen huge thread guns, and the tips were wrapped with tyrannical domineering energy, and then rushed upward in the next moment, heading straight towards Tezzolo.

"God kills!!"

"God kills?"

Tezzolo grinned, "That's the opposite!"

His body completed the transformation from flesh and blood to gold in an instant.

Just like wearing a cool golden armor, Tezzolo's whole body was shining with gold.

He began to catapult forward.

First, the dark domineering energy covered his right arm, and invisible fluctuations spread.

The golden armor covering his right arm twisted and collided, blooming with dazzling fire like a machine, and his entire right arm shone with light.

"Golden Industry Fire!!"

Golden light illuminated the sky.

Tezoro turned into a blazing meteor, directly piercing through sixteen sacred bullets from top to bottom.

The thick and sharp silk thread gun entwined with powerful domineering energy collapsed the moment it touched Tezoro's fist, and then shattered directly.

Doflamingo was stunned, his sunglasses reflecting the dazzling light.

boom! !

Higher up in the sky, Bright was still constantly colliding with Kaido.

He had abandoned the flame stick in his hand and waved his fist to touch Kaido's mace.

"It looks like this war is already won or lost."

While trying hard to listen to Kaido's emotions, Bright said with a smile.

Kaido said nothing, but swung his mace faster.

Of course Brett responded with punches.

Should I say that I have already practiced to a very strong level after seeing and hearing Se Haki?

After constantly observing Kaido's reactions and listening to Kaido's different voices, Bright finally realized that the world he observed with his sight was gradually changing.

Teacher Leili's theory of accumulated knowledge and experience has come true again this time.

If he doesn't use the ability to listen to the inner voice, Bright's perception is also based on observing other people's auras and then making predictions.

But now, this ability to observe is gradually evolving.

Bright didn't understand the principle of seeing, hearing, and color to predict the future. He just kept observing Kaido and let his seeing, hearing, and color gradually move closer to Kaido, and the voices of the two began to get closer.

Just that is enough.

Brett could feel his vision gradually transcending time, jumping towards the future from this moment on.

Suddenly, a vague scene flashed in Brett's mind.

It’s a picture of Kaido vigorously swinging the iron rod.

Then, this scene was immediately replicated in reality, with Kaido struggling to smash the iron rod from top to bottom.

Bright curled his lips, quickly retreated, distanced himself, and then floated in mid-air with his eyes closed, motionless.


Kaido didn't know what Bright was up to.

Brett felt better than ever.

There is no doubt that his knowledge has evolved.

It has reached a level comparable to that of Kaido Katakuri.

That is, to the extent that you can peek into the future.

But Brett's sense of knowledge is inherently special, and he can listen to all kinds of voices.

So it stands to reason that this ability to listen also evolved at this time.

Bright opened his eyes. As if dancing, he easily avoided Kaido's series of attacks.

Take a leisurely stroll and feel free.

"This guy!!"

Kaido was stunned.

There is no doubt that this bastard got stronger at this moment.


Bright smiled, "The goal has been achieved, let's end this battle."

The power stored in the body began to be mobilized for the first time in this battle.

Unprecedented electric light also began to dance on Bright's body.

"Be prepared, Kaido."

"Bastard thing!!"

Kaido just roared, the muscles in his arms swelled, and the iron rod came like a comet.

“Great mighty virtue—thunder gossip!!”

Brett chuckled and punched out.

"Then it's the same on my side, the great mighty virtue - Thunder Bagua!"

Although it is a fist, is Thunder Bagua such an inconvenience?

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