One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 384 The end of the beasts

Chapter 384 The End of Beasts

Thunder Bagua versus Thunder Bagua.

Kaido's power has been increased to the limit, and he is almost waking up from drunkenness.

The muscles in both arms were bulging to the limit, and even now they looked like two rough pillars.

His roar penetrated the sky like thunder, and the sound waves alone blew away the surrounding clouds.

But at this time, Bright was completely enveloped in thunder, and the bursting thunder illuminated everything around him like a small sun.

The current push has reached its limit mercilessly, and more importantly, half of the energy stored in the body was mobilized by Bright at this time, and then concentrated in this punch.

The iron fist and the iron rod collided in the air.

The invisible air waves collided and even formed a dark light spot in the central area, spreading like a black hole and shattering the air.

The anxious confrontation only lasted about a second, and then the next moment.

A harsh clicking sound sounded.


Kaido exclaimed loudly in disbelief.

What started as a small crack spread throughout the rod in the blink of an eye.

With a crisp sound, Kaido felt his hands were empty.

All that was left in his hands were the broken remnants of the iron rod.

"It's over now."

Bright chuckled, and his fist was already on Kaido's chest.

The domineering force that was hastily mobilized to resist the attack was shattered in an instant, and the scaly skin, which was so tough that it could easily withstand swords and guns, was directly shattered.

Even the bones, which were far harder than steel, broke simultaneously in the next second.

The smaller half of Bright's arm almost penetrated Kaido's chest.

The Haki wrapped around his fists invaded Kaido's body, muscles, bones and internal organs, and the internal destruction of Haki turned Kaido's body upside down in an instant.


Kaido's eyeballs almost flew out of their sockets. His pupils had rolled to a position where he couldn't see them at all. Blood spurted out of his mouth almost as fast as a cannonball.

The speed at which he flew backwards was faster than that of a cannonball.

Circles of air waves spread in all directions as Kaido's body flew upside down. They were circles of sonic boom clouds.

At this speed, he would fly directly out of the sea area frozen by Yamato, and then fall directly into the inner sea of ​​Wano Country.

But fortunately, he didn't fly very far.

Because at the moment he was hit, Bright's flame cloud had already wrapped around him. Even if it couldn't instantly erase the force of being knocked away, it was enough to drag him back.

Bright manipulated the flame cloud to drag Kaido in front of him.

Kaido has been forced to release his dragon form and return to his ordinary human form.

This man's chest was completely sunken, like a basin.

What's even more shocking is that there is a deep pit in the center of the basin, embedded inside Kaido's body, almost penetrating through his lungs.

An ordinary person would have died from such injuries probably ten times.

But Kaido is Kaido after all, a monster that is revered by people as the strongest creature.

Despite being injured like this, he still didn't even lose consciousness. His eyes were almost stained red with blood, but he still stared at Bright.

His arms were trembling, his muscles were twitching, and he raised his fist with difficulty, as if he wanted to give Brett another blow.

"That's almost it."

Bright smiled, raised his hand and patted Kaido on the shoulder, "Bravely admitting one's failure is what the strong do."

Although he still has consciousness, Kaido has no power to fight back at this time.

The strongest creature is also a living thing. Even if its internal organs are completely destroyed, it can no longer have the power to fight back.

Bright landed slowly with Kaido.

At the same time, the violent Overlord color whizzed downwards in an instant with him as the center, directly sweeping across the entire battlefield, and the dark lightning spread across the long sky like a spider web.

The pirates of the Beasts Pirates who were fighting fiercely with the samurai were shaking at this moment, then rolled their eyes, fainted and fell to the ground with foam at the mouth.

"Xiao Pei!!"

The girl who had turned into a bloated-headed dragon couldn't help but scream when she saw her trembling brother kneeling on the ground.

But even her own body was shaking, and then she staggered and collapsed to the ground.

"No way?"

Quinn's forehead suddenly broke out in cold sweat.

The intensity of this overbearing color was so strong that it even shocked him deeply.

But the point is not the Overlord color itself, but the people who use it.

He raised his head in disbelief. In the sky, a red dragon man was grabbing a man and falling slowly.

Quinn was almost stunned at this moment, "How could such a thing happen? Boss Kaido... was defeated..."


Compared to Quinn, Inu Arashi and Neko Viper who were standing in front of him were already flushed with excitement.

Too strong, too strong, Brett!

He defeated that guy Kaido so easily and completely won this battle!


Yamato, who had just knocked over the last Barbarian with a stick and was about to help other friends on the battlefield, cheered excitedly.

"Great job, Brett!"

I knew you could do it Brett!

"Oh? Did you win?"

Bright fell into the air, and Tezzolo ejected, holding a guy in his hand.

It was Doflamingo. This guy's sunglasses had flown to nowhere, and there was a huge bump on his head. He was completely unconscious.

Tezoro looked at Kaido, who was still staring at Bright, and grinned.

"It seems that I am more powerful."

That's what he said.


Brett raised his eyebrows, "Why?"

"Because I can deal with this guy faster than you can deal with Kaido." Tezoro shook Doflamingo in his hand.

Brett rolled his eyes.

What kind of strange test standard is this?

But it doesn’t matter, let’s end this war now.

After landing in mid-air not far from the sea below, Bright said, "The war ends here. If all members of the Beast Pirates want to continue fighting, let me be your opponent. "

"Are you kidding! Let me go, Boss Kaido!"

The bloody mammoth roared angrily.

Then the next moment, violent lightning fell from the sky, turning into a beam of light and engulfing him directly.

Don't think that because you are a compatriot, I won't hit you.

The lightning dissipated, because Jack's man had collapsed on the ground, his body was charred and black, and even exuded a pungent smell.

"Who else?"

Brett asked.

No one dared to look up at him again.

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