One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 390: Conversation with the Elephant Owner

Chapter 390 Conversation with the Elephant Owner

Brett was stunned.

He heard the sound of elephants.

The roar of the Elephant Master shook the heaven and the earth, and its voice could not be heard anywhere within dozens or hundreds of seas nearby.

But normally, what can be heard is limited to loud roaring.

The Elephant Master possesses intelligence that is even superior to that of ordinary people, and his roars are not meaningless angry roars, he is saying something.

But this is exactly what people cannot understand.

Bright couldn't understand it at first. Even if his vision was very special and allowed him to communicate with the Neptune type, Elephant Master was not a Neptune type. He was not restricted by Neptune. Brett could only roughly feel it. The emotions in his heart, but he couldn't communicate with him.

But it's different now.

Brett heard it clearly.

He heard the roar of the elephant and understood the content of the roar.

"Joyboy, when should I fulfill my mission?"

Bright heard clearly that the elephant was roaring in the sky and said such words.

"Hey, what's up Brett?"

Brett's blankness made Tezzolo a little confused. This guy couldn't be frightened by the elephant owner, right?

It's not the first time I've seen it. If I wanted to be scared, I should have been scared by now.

"I was really scared."

Brett said so.


Tezzolo was stunned for a moment, and then he said in disgust, "It's really disgusting, you bastard's knowledge and behavior!"

He knew that Brett, that bastard, had the ability to spy into people's hearts with his domineering power.

But didn’t this guy say he just sensed emotions?

Was it just that my inner emotions were sensed by this guy just now?

"So, what scared you?"

Tezzolo asked with interest.

"I have a guess I want to test."

Brett stood up, stepping on the clouds and quickly approaching the elephant in the distance.


What's wrong with this guy?

Tezzolo pouted. Brett always does things that are incomprehensible, and he is used to it.

Bright stepped on the clouds and quickly approached the giant elephant walking on the sea in the distance.

The giant elephant's eyes glanced at them casually, and then immediately withdrew his gaze, continuing to step forward as if they didn't exist.

For hundreds of years, he has been walking on the sea like this, never stopping, never stopping. This is to atone for the crimes he committed in the distant history.

But Bright didn't intend to let the elephant owner leave like this.

He took a deep breath and shouted, "Lord, can you hear me?"

His voice was not quiet, but compared to the elephant owner's, it was of course just as buzzing as the fluttering wings of a fly. It really made people worry about whether the sound could be smoothly conveyed to the elephant owner's ears.

"Huh? Brett, what are you doing?"

Tezzolo tilted his head in surprise.

What kind of tricks is this guy doing?

Are you preparing to communicate with the elephant owner?

This guy is an elephant. Although he is a little bigger, he is still an animal after all.

I really don't understand what Brett is so crazy about.

But immediately, something happened that stunned Tezzolo.

The giant elephant who was at first indifferent and then never stopped walking suddenly stopped in his tracks.

The monster with its back towering into the clouds just stood quietly in the middle of the sea, like an eternal mountain range.

"hold head high!!"

Then, the giant elephant suddenly turned its head and roared loudly. At the same time, the eyes hidden under the rotten eyelids were fixed on this small cloud, or in other words, fixed on Bright.

The chest lift was too huge, but with just a roar, it still set off a gust of wind in the sky, causing Bright's flame clouds to drift in the wind.

"What? Are you targeting us?"

Against the wind, Tezzolo blinked in surprise, looked at the elephant owner in front of him, and then turned to look at Bright standing aside.

No way?

This reaction from the elephant owner?

No way! Really, do you understand?

Did the elephant really understand what Bright said?

Even Kaido, who had been pretending to be dead at the back, couldn't help but raise his head with difficulty.

Is it possible that Brett, this guy, can really talk to the elephant owner?

It is indeed possible to communicate with the elephant owner.

Brett confirmed this.

Because the roaring sounds that were meaningless in the ears of Tezoro and Kaido became meaningful in his ears.

He clearly heard what the elephant master was saying.

"who are you?"

Really listening to the voice of all things?

Brett sighed inwardly.

In the original work, only Roger, Straw Hat, and Kozuki and his son can hear the Elephant Master's voice. The Kozuki family and the Elephant Master are deeply entangled. Regardless, Roger and Straw Hat are both capable of listening to the voices of all things. holder.

The message Joyboy left on the Final Island also said that if you want to talk to the Elephant Lord, you must have the power to listen to all things.

My own knowledge has evolved.

Bright realized this the moment he achieved the vision of the future.

Not only is it possible to foresee the future, but the ability to sense the inner emotions of others is also evolving simultaneously.

I have been able to actually spy into people's hearts.

Brett was so convinced.

Ability to listen to the voices in other people’s hearts.

Even Kaido is not exempt from serious mind reading.

The sounds heard from various dead objects are also clearer, and one can even hear a stone or a piece of soil telling the story of their past.

After turning on the sight, Bright even had the illusion of being integrated with the world.

He originally thought that this was all he had seen and heard about the evolution of color.

It wasn't until the appearance of the Elephant Master that he realized that the evolution of his vision was more remarkable than he had imagined.

Now he is truly listening to the voice of all things, and may even be more powerful than Roger.

Brett didn't believe that Roger could also listen to the stories told by the stones.

"My name is Brett."

Brett and the Elephant Master met their eyes. Fortunately, there was no need to fight in this world when their eyes met. He said in a deep voice, "He is the one who wants to change this world."


The elephant owner was silent for a moment. He said nothing and did nothing, but Bright could feel that a huge will was observing him.

This guy is not just a simple elephant either.

Brett remembered clearly that this guy could talk to Momonosuke across half the country of Wano.

The elephant owner said this, "You are not the successor of Joyboy."

"Of course I'm not,"

Bright chuckled, "Didn't I say it? I am no one's successor, I am just Bright. But, it is me who will change the world next."

"I've been there, and I already know, about Bika."


The elephant owner was stunned, and then his huge body began to tremble violently, "You actually-"

"Have you found what Joyboy left behind?"

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