One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 391 The Man in Heaven

Chapter 391 The Man in Heaven

Brett heard it very clearly, and the elephant owner fell into a state of complete consternation.

No wonder, after all, the matter is related to the big secret treasure left by Joey Boy.

The man who was called Joyboy was the owner of the elephant. It was he who allowed the elephant owner to walk on the sea for hundreds of years. It was he who ordered the elephant owner to wait for the new savior to appear.

But a problem arises.

The person who found the great secret treasure appeared, but it was not the person expected.

"...So that's how it is, it's really amazing,"

After a brief moment of astonishment, the elephant owner's admiration sounded at the right time, "There will never be a shortage of men like you in every era."

"What Joey Boy is waiting for is a man like you."

I thought I would be very disappointed and say that the person he was waiting for was not me, and the time for change was not yet there.

"I have understood all the truths in the world, so Lord Xiang, I know the mission you bear."

Brett said seriously, "It's not too far away from that moment. I hope you can help me when I need it."

"Is it about Wano Country?"

The Elephant Master spoke clearly, "I understand. If it is to be an enemy to that person and to create the world in Joyboy's dream, just call me when you need it."

"Then, thank you very much!"

Brett had a huge smile on his face.

To establish the country of Wano, the power of the Elephant Lord is necessary.

Only he can destroy the high wall surrounding Wano Country——

Well, not absolutely.

Although the earth roar cannot be activated and there is no giant hidden in the wall, for Bright now, as long as he is patient and spends more time, it is not impossible.

Simple rocks and soil are still too fragile for the truly strong.

"You are welcome."

The Elephant Master's voice was filled with a smile, "I have been waiting for a man like you, a man who can complete what Joyboy failed to complete and make the world become what he dreamed of."

"You shouldn't be disappointed."

Brett chuckled.

"If you think the time is right, just call us."

The elephant master said, "No matter where in the world we are, we will definitely respond to your call. We have been waiting for too long, and we can't wait to participate in the final battle."


Brett heard the key word.

"Yes, is us."

Bright was stunned by the elephant owner's answer. He said, "I still have many companions scattered around the world. We are all waiting for the appointed time to arrive."

"That's it."

Brett instantly thought of the monsters hidden in the Magic Triangle. Are they among the companions mentioned by the Elephant Master?

That guy Joeyboy didn't mention this in the message he left.

"That would be great!"

In order to fight against that Lord Im, the more power we can gather, the better.

"I hope you are the one Joey Boy is waiting for."

The elephant owner said this, "The kings have gradually matured, and they can only do so in this era."

He turned his head and continued walking.

Brett watched him go.

He knew that the Elephant Master was waiting, waiting for the final decisive moment.

He has been waiting for eight hundred years.

It wasn't until the elephant owner gradually moved away that Bright turned around.

What awaited him was Tezzolo's stunned expression.

"Yes, I am indeed talking to the Elephant Master."

Bright said calmly, "As you know, the Elephant Lord is the necessary help to found the country of Wano and take out the thing underground in that country."

Tezzolo's good friend also went to the Final Island with Bright. Of course he knew the origin of the Elephant Lord.

He was just surprised why Brett was able to talk to the elephant owner!

"never mind,"

Tezzolo shook his head, "If it's you, no matter what special thing you do, it won't make people feel weird."

This friend of mine always gives those who know him a sense of omnipotence.

If you think about it carefully, since I met this guy, he has never encountered any setbacks, he has always been victorious.

"But is it really okay to say these things in front of this guy?"

Tezoro glanced at Kaido lying behind.

This guy didn't lose consciousness. He had already heard everything he said just now.

"It doesn't matter, does it?"

Brett felt very calm about this, "He didn't have a chance to tell anyone the news."


Tezzoro laughed.

You are really arrogant. Doesn’t it mean that you don’t take Kaido seriously at all? I am sure this guy will never make any trouble again.

"Kaido? What about you? Don't you want to say something?" Tezoro smiled with interest.


Kaido snorted coldly, and then he couldn't help but asked, "Bright, you bastard, have you really reached the final island?"

"Whether you believe it or not, this is an unchangeable fact."

Bright smiled, "It's a pity that I'm not a pirate, otherwise the new Pirate King would have appeared."

"Bastard thing!"

Kaido gritted his teeth and cursed angrily.

Maybe he was scolding Brett for his waste of natural resources?

"When did you get the stone in Lingling's hand?"

Kaido asked, and then he was slightly startled, his eyes widened, "Does it mean you, the bastard, is supporting that guy Katakuri?"

Brett just smiled.

"Damn bastard!!"

All Kaido could do was curse, "Everyone is being fooled by you, you bastard, you are very proud of it, aren't you?"

"It's not bad."

Brett smiled.


Kaido stopped talking.

Brett could hear the man's confusion.

The long-standing goal was now directly shattered, and he became a prisoner. Even a determined man like Kaido couldn't help but feel confused at this time.

"Wait, Brett,"

Kaido suddenly spoke again, "What did you mean by the final war just now?"

"It means that the World Government also hides a behind-the-scenes mastermind that no one can imagine."

Bright could clearly hear Kaido's thoughts, so he did not hide it, but smiled and said, "Only after defeating that guy can the world truly change."

Kaido remained silent.

Brett didn't say anything, just smiled.

Mr. Kaido seems to be looking forward to this war very much.

After all, he was planning to fight the world's first war.

Black took Kaido and Tezoro back to Fish-Man Island.

And almost at the same moment, in the first half of the Grand Line, in Paradise, above the sky over a certain sea area.

In this high sky that no one can touch, there are many islands floating quietly here.

"Jie hahahaha! Have those two brats Lingling and Kaido fallen into trouble? It's really ugly to be overthrown by your own children!"

A man was laughing loudly.

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