One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 398 Let’s overthrow the world government together

The golden lion was seriously injured.

Although Brett didn't even touch him during the whole process.

Fortunately, this injury did not bring the golden lion to the point of almost dying. Although he is old, the vitality of the lion is no joke.

Although he has lost his combat effectiveness, he can still chat and laugh with Brett.

The two sat on the clouds released by Bright and returned to the Charlotte family.

You have to go and return the stone that you took from Katakuri first.

"So, what do you want to say?"

The golden lion was lying on the clouds, tilting his head slightly and looking at Brett sideways.

Although he was screaming from being burned just now, he looked dull now, and the severe pain on his body did not make the golden lion show any ugly appearance.

"I have always been curious. Senior Golden Lion, you have disappeared for so many years. Where in the sea are you doing what kind of things?" Brett asked knowingly.

"Do I have any reason to reveal my plan to you?"

Although he has become a prisoner, Golden Lion's attitude is still arrogant, he said with a sneer.

"That's right. It's meaningless to make any plans now, right?" Brett smiled.

The golden lion snorted coldly.

Brett's words undoubtedly pierced his heart like a knife.

Yes, now that he has become a prisoner of this bastard, no matter how great his plan was, it has all come to nothing.

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The efforts of the past ten years have been declared in vain.

Thinking of this, even a man as determined as a golden lion couldn't help but sigh.

"There's no need to be depressed, Senior Golden Lion,"

Brett smiled, "As long as you're alive, it's not time to give up on your dreams, right?"

"Maybe you can go back safely and continue your plan?"

The golden lion sneered, completely scorning Brett's words.

"Just tell me what you want to say."

He probably has some use to this boy, otherwise there is no need for him to spare his life.

Brett nodded secretly. Senior Golden Lion had indeed seen strong winds and waves, and even in this situation he was still fearless in the face of danger.

"Then I can speak frankly,"

Brett calmed down his emotions for a while, and then said seriously, "Come and help me, Senior Golden Lion, let's overthrow the world government together."


The golden lion was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but said in surprise, "What are you talking about? Aren't you a bastard very close to the World Government?"


Brett smiled and said, "Senior Golden Lion, you are really ill-informed."

It can only be said that I have been away from the sea for too long.

All the sources of intelligence were newspapers, and they knew nothing about the deep-seated truth on the sea.

"So, you are actually an enemy of the government?" Golden Lion was a little shocked.

This is indeed a situation that I have never imagined. I thought this guy was on the side of the government.

After all, isn’t that Jinbe still the Shichibukai to this day?

"Technically I am the government's worst enemy, and of course the government is my worst enemy."

Brett said leisurely.

The golden lion stopped talking and just looked at Brett suspiciously.

Brett could hear his disbelief.

"I think you, Senior Golden Lion, don't have a good impression of the World Government either, right?"

Brett smiled and said, "Then let's try to cooperate and overthrow the world government together."

The Golden Lion is not a good person, but his ability is too strong.

Brett felt that his ability might even play a huge role like an ancient weapon in the subsequent war.

After all, Lord Yin Mu’s secret weapon is——

"What a joke!"

But unfortunately, the golden lion completely scorned Brett's proposal, "Who do you think I am? Do you want to treat me like a lake of fools?"

"I have no intention of teasing you,"

Brett was very calm. If the golden lion could be persuaded so easily, then there would be something wrong.

"As proof of sincerity, let me tell you a story, Senior Golden Lion."

Brett stretched, "A story about a great era long, long ago."


The golden lion frowned. What on earth did this boy want to say?

Why did the topic suddenly shift to storytelling?

"It was a turbulent era,"

Brett lowered his head and looked at the golden lion. He said, "That's what Roger said. He said how much he wanted to be born in the same era as the heroes of that era."


As soon as Roger was mentioned, the golden lion immediately became energetic. It was difficult to even raise his head at first, but now he even wanted to stand up. "You mean Roger?"

"It was a really amazing time."

Brett smiled and said, "Can you imagine, Senior Golden Lion, that nine hundred years ago, there was a miraculous country in the world whose technological level was hundreds of years higher than the average level of the current sea?"

"Nine hundred years ago?"

The golden lion's eyes widened, and he suddenly guessed what kind of story Brett wanted to tell.

"Well, where do I start?"

Brett thought for a while, "Well, let's start with Bika."


The golden lion was stunned.

He seems to have heard of this name?

Where is it?

Oh, right!

It's the winged aborigines on the island he floated into the sky!

In their legends passed down orally since ancient times, they mentioned a country called Bika.

Senior Golden Lion couldn't help but start to look forward to it.

So Brett started telling stories.

A few minutes later, under the expectant eyes of the golden lion, Brett closed his mouth.

"Hey, what do you mean?

The golden lion was very annoyed by this behavior, and he said angrily, "Keep talking! What happened after the establishment of that country! Why was the world government established!"

“So much for the free intel.”

Brett crossed his hands in front of his chest and said, "The next thing is paid information."


The golden lion was silent for a moment, and then his expression became a little complicated, "Britt, have you arrived at Lovedru?"

"That's right."

Brett had no intention of hiding anything and nodded straightforwardly, "After Charlotte Lingling and Kaido failed, I also got their stones."

"You kid——"

The golden lion was speechless.

This kid accomplished something that only Roger could have accomplished.

He is only in his twenties, and he has already equaled the miracle that Roger once created.

Can this kid really surpass Roger?

This is the first time that Golden Lion feels that he is old.

Is this a new era?

"So, Senior Golden Lion, do you want to accept my proposal?" Brett asked.

The golden lion licked his lips.

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