One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 399: Happy cooperation

The golden lion is silent.

Brett just looked at him calmly, waiting for his answer.

Then finally, the golden lion spoke, "I just don't understand, why me?"

"I don't care what this world will become! I don't care what happened in the blank hundred years!"

The flying lion's tone was enthusiastic and passionate. Even though his body was in tatters, the courage he displayed at this moment was still enough to make anyone admire him.

He just wanted to tell Brett that the philosophies of the two sides were fundamentally different.

He has no interest in the future or history at all. The only thing he wants to do is to rule, seize the entire world, and then take it into his palms!

"So that's why we should work together."

Brett said leisurely, this is the advantage of having the ability to pry into people's hearts. No one can pretend in front of him.

"Senior Golden Lion, if you want to conquer the world, then there is no doubt that the world government will be your biggest enemy, right?"

Brett said with a smile, "As for the ownership of the world, we can wait until we overthrow them before deciding."

"Otherwise, why would you defeat the World Government, which even I fear, if you can't even defeat me?"

The golden lion gritted his teeth slightly.

Although it is indeed very unwilling, it is indeed the case.

Why do you want to rule the world when this bastard is here?

The vicious medicine that has been spent more than ten years researching is completely useless. No matter how many vicious beasts there are, they probably won't be able to do anything to this guy.

It's really hard for a Golden Leo not to feel frustrated about this.

At some point, he even had the idea that it would be a good idea to die at the hands of this bastard.

But of course, such thoughts are fleeting, and the golden lion is still the golden lion.

"What a bold guy, he has no scruples in extending an olive branch to his enemies!"

The golden lion sneered, "Then I promise you!"

"Bringing the world government down from the sky doesn't sound too bad."


Brett applauded lightly, "With the addition of you, Senior Golden Lion, our career will be simpler again."

"You kid——"

Seeing the happy look on his face, Golden Lion couldn't help but ask, "Don't you doubt that I will break my promise?"

"The agreement this time is just a temporary measure. Will I give you a counterattack at a critical moment in the future?"

"Because there's nothing to worry about, right?"

Brett said with a smile, "Senior Golden Lion, will you break your promise?"

"Hey, stupid kid, are you telling the pirate to keep your promise?" The golden lion couldn't help laughing.

Brett just chuckled.

The answer is that he has read his mind and seen the true thoughts of Senior Golden Lion.

So I'm not too worried.

The smile on Golden Lion's face faded slightly, and he said solemnly, "Although I am very reluctant to do so, I do owe you a favor this time. In terms of being an enemy of the government, I can be considered as one of my own."

"No, no, no, Senior Golden Lion,"

Brett shook his head, "This is just cooperation, no need for any favors."

He blinked, "If you really want to repay the favor, then put those people you brought to the sky back to the sea."


The golden lion was a little confused, "How do you know about this?"

At that time, he discovered some ferocious monsters on a certain island, and then discovered a plant called iq.

This plant can make beasts that have been eaten for a long time become violent, their strength and stamina will be greatly increased, and their desire for destruction will be even higher.

Senior Golden Lion felt that something was wrong, so he brought the island to the sky, and began his more than ten years of research on dangerous medicines.

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Since the islands were brought up to the sky, the people living on the islands were naturally brought up as well.

Speaking of which, those residents are a bit special. Although they live on the sea, they are the same as the residents on the empty island. They also have a pair of small wings on their backs.

"It's not difficult to guess, after all, how many people in this world can take away an entire island?" Brett smiled.


The golden lion snorted coldly, "To actually care about such a boring thing, you should be said to be someone who has a desire for change."

"I just happened to remember it."

"It doesn't matter. It was just to hide the news, but it doesn't matter anymore."

There is no need to continue research at all, okay?

What's the use of studying those bullshit ferocious beasts?

Even if there were ferocious beasts on an island, it wouldn't take more than a few minutes for the bastard in front of him to kill them all. He could just transform into a flaming dragon and roll around the island a few times.

Instead of studying that kind of thing again, it is better to think about how to remove the rudder from the head.

The golden lion thought so.

"By the way, Senior Golden Lion, you can't use your Haki now because of the injuries you sustained after fighting Roger, right?"

Brett spoke at the right moment.

"So what."

The old man snorted in displeasure.

You can't hide this matter even if you want to. After all, if you can use Haki, then why did you use your body to withstand this kid's attack just now?

"If that's the case, then maybe I can help."

Brett smiled.


The golden lion was stunned.

Soon, Brett returned to Cake Island with the golden lion, landed on the coast at the edge of the island, and called Katakuri to come and collect the goods.

"The action was really fast."

Katakuri arrived soon.

He glanced at the huge red stone placed aside, and then at the golden lion lying on the clouds hanging in mid-air, "Why do you look so happy talking?"

"Of course that's because Senior Golden Lion is now our partner." Brett said with a smile.

"Really? Then this is really a situation that has never been imagined."

Katakuri nodded, neither surprised nor concerned.

He was not very interested in fighting the government to begin with. The reason why he was willing to participate was just to help Brett.

"It seems that you have already gathered a lot of terrifying power."

said the golden lion.

Of course, he would not be so stupid as to think that Brett's only partners were Katakuri and Yamato.

"Well, because the enemy is indeed very powerful."

Brett was in a calm mood.

"But does this guy's injury really not need to be treated? I can call a doctor over and at least bandage him."

Katakuri looked at the golden lion whose skin had completely ulcerated and his original appearance was no longer visible.

"No need,"

Brett shook his head, "It will be very troublesome to bandage it now and have to remove it later."


Katakuri was a little confused.

What's the meaning?

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