One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 400 The Golden Lion regains his life

Brett did not stop at Ten Thousand Kingdoms. After returning the stone to Katakuri, he immediately set off with Senior Golden Lion on his way back to Fishman Island.

There is no way, the injury suffered by the senior Golden Lion is really too serious. If he is not treated quickly, it may really be life-threatening.

"I see, is this how your kid moves around in the water?"

The golden lion was still swept up by the flame cloud, and he was now in a bubble.

Next to the bubble is Brett, who is walking through the bottom of the sea with a golden lion.

"I heard that some fishmen have special abilities. This is your kid's ability, right? Create bubbles!"

The Golden Lion felt that he had seen through the reason why Brett defeated the sea. Of course, he couldn't be wrong. After all, this was indeed Brett's ability.

"Roughly the same."

Brett said casually.

"Who would have thought that such a simple method could avoid the defect of ability users being unable to move in the water?"

The golden lion was a little emotional.

He can be regarded as someone who has overcome this defect. As long as he continues to use his abilities, it is not difficult to move in the water.

After all, he had already demonstrated this just now, being able to use the ability of the Piao Piao Fruit to separate the sea water.

But this kind of ability is still far behind compared with people like Brett who can really swim in the water.

Not free enough.

Isn’t freedom what pirates pursue? And this is not free enough.

"I haven't seen the scene in the deep sea for many years. Now that I suddenly look at it again, I really feel a little nostalgic."

Senior Golden Lion looked around. Although it was a dark seabed, he could still vaguely see the giant creatures swimming slowly around him.


Brett was a little surprised, "Senior Golden Lion, have you ever been to Fish-Man Island? I thought that after mastering the power of the Piao Piao Fruit, you didn't need to go to the deep sea at all."

With the ability of the Golden Lion, you can fly directly to any place in the world you want to go.

"What stupid things are you talking about? I am also a pirate!"

The golden lion sneered, "For pirates, isn't taking risks an instinctive choice?"


Brett laughed, "What a pity, I haven't been a pirate for many years."

He was once a member of the Sun Pirates, but that was many years ago, and he had not taken risks for a long time.

[To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. It can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

"By the way, Senior Golden Lion, after you recover from your injuries, do you want to go see your old friends?" Brett suddenly asked.

"Old friend? I don't remember that I have any old friends."

The old-timers shrugged it off.

"Really? I also said that Rayleigh would really like to see you,"

Brett said with some regret, "After all, in this world, there are only a few people who have sailed all the way from the previous era to the present."


The golden lion was stunned for a moment, then grinned, "Is that bastard not dead yet?"

Although the main opponent back then was Roger, the man named Rayleigh was also a powerful opponent that gave Senior Golden Lion a headache.

"Alive and well,"

Brett said with a smile, "I just drink and enjoy my retirement life every day, and by the way, I also taught one of the strongest disciples in the world."

"...The strongest in the world?"

The golden lion didn't react for a moment, then his eyes widened, and then he couldn't help laughing loudly, "Jie hahahaha! So you are a disciple of Lei Li! I have never seen anyone say that he is The strongest person."

Aren't titles such as the strongest recognized by people?

This guy is really brazen enough.

Brett shrugged, "Unfortunately, that's the truth."

Because it is really difficult to find someone stronger than yourself, even that Lord Yinmu——

His most powerful thing is not his own fighting ability.


Senior Golden Lion couldn't stop laughing, so much so that the muscles on his body touched the injury, causing him to grin in pain, but his smile still continued.

"Okay, kid, then take me to visit and see how you have raised the strongest Rayleigh in the world! So what? Are there any healing power users on Fish-Man Island?"

"That's a really good guess."

Brett smiled.

Of course, the only person who can make Senior Golden Lion recover immediately is the person with the healing fruit ability, a member of the idol group All Stars under Tai Zolo, the princess of the small human race, Her Royal Highness Manxili.

Soon Brett returned to the Fish-Man Island with the Golden Lion. For confidentiality reasons, he came to Dragon Palace City from above as usual, and then asked Tezoro to bring Princess Mansheli over.

"Is this guy really a golden lion?"

Taizolo looked at the golden lion that had been burnt to pieces with some disbelief.

The original appearance is no longer visible at all.

"Who else would dare to use this nickname besides me?"

The golden lion glanced sideways at him.

"I kind of believe it now."

Tezuolo twitched the corner of his mouth.

I dare not say anything else, but to dare to be so arrogant in front of Brett, except for people who have been to the top of the sea, there should be very few people who have such courage.

"Golden lion?"

Beside, Jinbei and Neptune both frowned.

There is no doubt that the flying lion is indeed a powerful helper.

But according to legend, this guy's character has never been very good.

Brett heard their voices, but now was not the time to talk about this. He looked at Manxili who had landed on the golden lion's chest.

"Your Highness, I'll leave it to you." Brett said.


The little princess nodded slightly and then began to use her ability.

After a few drops of healing tears, the ulcerated skin and muscles on the Golden Lion began to recover quickly, and even the hair grew back.

"Amazing ability!"

Feeling the strength returning bit by bit, the golden lion couldn't help but admire loudly.

"Boy, I owe you another favor!" He said seriously.

"Don't worry, Senior Golden Lion, it's not over yet. It's too early to say you owe a favor now."

Brett walked behind the golden lion's head and put his hand on the rudder above his head that was broken due to the high temperature.

"Hey! You kid——"

The golden lion exclaimed subconsciously.

The reason why he kept the rudder on his head was of course not because it looked good, but because the rudder had penetrated deeply into his brain, and any slight movement could lead to his immediate death.

"Don't worry, Senior Golden Lion, get ready to welcome the new students now."

Brett smiled.

The next moment, his domineering force caused him to vomit, and the rudder in his hand was shattered.

Several bloody holes instantly appeared on the golden lion's head, which penetrated deep into the brain.


! "

The old man had already let out a shrill scream.

And then at the same moment.

"Manxili!" Brett said solemnly.

"give it to me!"

The little princess took a deep breath and activated her ability!

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