One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 401 Reunion of old friends

The golden lion looked at the person in the mirror.

Brilliant golden hair flows down from the top of the head. The hair is very thick and of good quality. It looks as bright as flowing gold.

He couldn't help but raise his head and touch the top of his head.

The rudder that had troubled him for more than ten years and the shackles that bound him had now completely disappeared.

He could feel that the long-lost strength was slowly reviving.

It had been too long, so long that he already felt a little strange.

"How does it feel?"

A certain young boy asked with great interest from behind.


The golden lion turned around and raised the corners of his mouth. At this time, an extremely bright smile appeared on his face, "It has not been this great for many, many years!"

"Are you able to use your Haki again now?" Brett asked.

The golden lion raised his right hand, and he began to work hard to mobilize the power that was beginning to revive in his body.

After about a few seconds, invisible fluctuations began to wrap around his palms.

That is of course the domineering look of armed color.

A few more seconds passed, and the domineering energy wrapped around the palm began to collapse, and finally attached to the surface of the palm, turning into a layer of black substance.

Immediately afterwards, another fluctuation spread out from the black substance, which was a dull golden color.

The domineering flow started.

Finally, the golden lion frowned and groaned.

There was pitch-black, very small lightning that spread out from his palm.

Overlord color entanglement.

"Oh, he looks like he's recovering well."

Brett nodded.

"Although more than ten years have passed, I will certainly not forget these skills."

The golden lion snorted, "But don't say you kid can't tell. It's just a fake now. It hasn't been used for a long time, and the strength has already lost a lot."

That's of course, domineering will only evolve in fierce battles with powerful enemies.

If it is not practiced and practiced for many years, the domineering spirit will deteriorate.

The most striking examples are Sand Crocodile and Moria.


The golden lion clenched his fists hard, and the black lightning wrapped around his hands also expanded and radiated in all directions. "It won't take long, I will let them return to the level they were before!"

"I'm looking forward to what the Flying Lion will look like in its heyday." Brett said with a smile.

"Just don't be surprised when the time comes."

Senior Golden Lion laughed loudly.

He was in a great mood.

It’s been almost twenty years since I’ve had such a refreshing feeling.

"Boy, let's just say I owe you a favor."

The golden lion looked at Brett seriously.

"Then I will wait for your return, senior."

Brett chuckled.

"Okay, then are you going to visit Fish-Man Island next?"

Brett stretched himself and said, "The Fish-Man Island now is completely different from when you came here."

"Not interested in,"

But the old man shook his head decisively, "Didn't you say you want to take me to see Lei Li? Let's go."

Really resolute and resolute.

Okay, let's go, so Brett immediately left the Fish-Man Island with Senior Golden Lion and headed towards the Chambord Islands.

The two of them quickly rushed out of the water, and it was just dawning.

"Has this guy Rayleigh been hiding here all these years?"

Looking down from the sky at the island below that has become a little hazy due to the early morning fog, the golden lion looks a little weird.

Isn't this the Shampoo Islands? The Navy Headquarters is next door.

Are all navies trash? Even if you can't investigate this, why is Rayleigh hiding here?

Bratt did not answer, but fell down, "Let's go see Rayleigh."

The golden lion followed.

Having been here countless times, Brett didn't even need to change his direction at all, and landed in front of Xia Qi's bar with ease.

He shouted at the top of his lungs, "Reilly, I brought an acquaintance to see you."

There was no reaction in the bar at first, and it wasn't until several seconds later that the sound of moving tables and chairs was heard, and then it took dozens of seconds for a sleepy old man to come over and yawn profusely and open the door.

"Britt, kid, can't you come over when I'm not sleeping?"

Riley rubbed his eyes.

He exuded a strong smell of alcohol just when he spoke, and it looked like he had drank a lot last night.

This smelly old man's life has been very depraved in the past two years.

Xia Qi was stingy and would never provide him with enough drinks, so when the old man had no money, he had to sell himself to get money for drinks.

But it can only be said that he has gained a good apprentice.

Brett wasn't worried about the old man's health getting bad from drinking. You know, even four years later, the old man could still cross the windless zone with his bare hands.

"there's no way,"

Brett spread his hands and said helplessly, "Your old friend really can't wait to see you."

[A book-chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend I’ve known for ten years! It’s so easy to use. I rely on it to pass the time while driving and before going to bed by reading and listening to books. You can download it here ]

"Old friend?"

Reilly raised his hand and rubbed his head, trying to wake himself up from the hangover.

Then the next second he was completely awake.

"Jie hahahaha! Rayleigh! After so many years of not seeing each other, your hair and beard have turned white!"

Loud laughter came from above.

Rayleigh suddenly raised his head, his eyes widening in shock.

Of course he saw the figure falling from the sky, so he was so stunned at this moment.


Rayleigh couldn't help but exclaimed, "Are you not dead yet?"

You guys really hit it off.

Brett couldn't help but chuckle. When he heard that he was going to bring him to see Rayleigh, the golden lion senior said the same thing immediately.

"You're not dead yet, how could I be willing to leave this sea so easily!"

The golden lion grinned, "Roger is no longer here. If I were leaving, wouldn't this sea be too lonely?"

"To put it this way, this sea has been lonely for more than ten years."

Rayleigh chuckled, "But I still think it's very lively."

Senior Golden Lion has indeed disappeared for more than ten years, and the sea is indeed very lively.

After all, the sea never becomes silent just because someone is gone.

"But my return will only make the sea more lively!"

Senior Golden Lion didn't care at all about Rayleigh's teasing, he laughed confidently.


Rayleigh shook his head. This guy had not changed at all from what he was back then. He was still as annoying as ever.

"So, Brett, how did you get in with him?" Reilly was curious.

"Well, Senior Golden Lion attacked Wanguo, so I went and beat him up."

Brett's answer was concise and to the point.

The golden lion's expression froze.

"Hahahahaha, that's it."

Lei Li laughed loudly, "Then we can say that we don't know each other until we fight, right?"

Although Blake always said they were good friends, Rayleigh and the Golden Lion didn't have much of a relationship back then.

You can have a good time with the Whitebeard Pirates, but with the Golden Lion, you can only fight with swords.

So after knowing that his disciple had beaten the golden lion, Lei Li smiled happily.

"So, Brett, why did you bring this guy to see me?"

Reilly asked.

"This -"

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