One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 497 Dog Licking and Goddess

Chapter 497 Dog Licking and Goddess

Marin is abundant.

In a certain tavern in the town behind the base, the famous Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin was sighing and drinking.

There are many Marin in the Navy headquarters. It is not only a large fortress, but also a town behind it for the navy and their families to live.

After working hours, the navy will also come to this town to enjoy a rare rest time.

Therefore, it is not strange to see a senior official from the headquarters drinking heavily in a tavern in the town.

But even so, Lieutenant General Cha Dou, who was drinking cup after cup of wine at this time, still surprised the surrounding navy soldiers.

After all, this man even burst into tears while drinking. He was no longer sobbing silently, but almost burst into tears.

And there was even a general laughing beside him.

"Okay, brother Jiaji, there's no need to be so sad anymore, right? How long has it been?"

The man with the nickname Green Bull laughed loudly, "Since it's no longer possible, let's just change the goal. There are still many beautiful girls in this department!"

One is crying, the other is laughing, it can be said that the contrast is sharp.

"Gion-chan is different from others!"

Kaji took another mouthful of bitter wine and said, "I will always only love Gion-chan!"

"Then there's no way,"

Green Bull shook his head helplessly, "Then we can only try to bring her back."

Tea Dolphin was stunned for a moment, then nodded excitedly, "Yes! It can still be like this!"

"Although he has committed a serious crime, if Gion-chan is really willing to look back, and if he tries to make a meritorious deed and we and Mr. Sengoku plead for mercy, maybe the government will give him a lighter sentence!"

The corner of Green Bull's mouth twitched. This guy's mood changes really quickly.

The more the tea porcupine murmured, the more he felt that what he said made sense, "Yes, we must let Gion-chan find his way back!"

"Good! Very ambitious!"

The green bull patted the tea pig on the shoulder in a serious manner, "Then there is only one question, where is Gion?"


The tea dolphin lay softly on the table, its facial features coming together again.

Yes, what's the use of being determined?

Now I don’t even know where Gion-chan is.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The green bull started laughing again.

This old bastard.

Tea Dolphin rolled his eyes silently.

After drinking with his good friend Green Bull until nightfall, the drunk Mr. Jiaji was ready to go back to rest.

As a senior general of the Navy Headquarters and a talent trained by future generals, Jiaji's residence is a small single-family villa. Although it is not as good as the courtyards of generals, it is still very good.

The villa is close to the sea and has a large terrace. Mr. Jiaji, who was still feeling a little troubled, dragged a chair and sat lazily on the terrace blowing the sea breeze and looking at the sea under the moonlight.

He sighed softly, "Gion-chan, what's the reason?"

"Because you have all been deceived."


Is it an illusion?

The drunken tea pig rubbed his ears in surprise. Why did he seem to hear Gion-chan's voice?

Do you miss me too much?

Missed her so much that Gion-chan appeared in front of her?

The tea pig who was lying on his back on the chair immediately sat up straight. He subconsciously rubbed his eyes because he saw the woman he missed day and night jumping up from below and landing lightly on the terrace.


The tea dolphin opened its mouth wide.

Then, he said in surprise, "Did you realize your mistake after going astray and decided to come back?"

"I did nothing wrong."

Gion said calmly.

The tea pig was a little frustrated, because he saw that Gion-chan's hand was always pressed on the hilt of the sword at her waist, and she was always ready to fight.

"So, Gion-chan, what is the purpose of your coming back?"

Tea Dolphin whispered, "It's not like you want to drag me into the group."

"I like Gion-chan very much, but I also like the navy very much."

"I also like the Navy very much, but now, I am forced to betray the Navy."

Peach Rabbit shook his head.

"Forced?" Ochado noticed the keyword, "Gion-chan, what does 似 mean?"

"Do you want to hear what happened before?"

Gion looked at her old friend for many years and said seriously, "What exactly happened at the base of the scientific force? Listen to my version."

The tea dolphin opened its mouth.

He is not a young man who will be carried away by love. He is a powerful naval warrior who has been tested in the battlefield.

He knew that the most important thing he should do now was to immediately raise the alarm and notify other people in the headquarters that Gion was back.


"I can listen and see."

The tea dolphin sighed.

There is no way, who makes him like Gion-chan so much?

Gion breathed a sigh of relief.

Just like what Brett said, this guy was actually willing to sit down and listen to himself tell the whole story.

If Cha Dou knew what Gion was thinking, he would probably cry.

Is he so untrustworthy?

How many times have you confessed your love over the years?

Well, maybe it’s because I’ve confessed my love too many times.

After organizing his language a little, Taotu began to tell the story of what happened before.

Below the tea dolphin's villa on the cliff, on the seaside, Brett lay leisurely on the sea and kicked the water.

Fortunately, the tea dolphin is at the navy headquarters, otherwise it would be really troublesome.

Now that he is at the Navy Headquarters, it is very simple to find him. You only need to scan the Navy Headquarters with the information color.

Above him, the story of Gion has almost been told.

"That's just the way it is."

Peach Rabbit paused, "The government deceived everyone."


The tea dolphin was silent.

He didn't know what to say.

Gion's rhetoric is completely different from the government's.

His reason told him that Gion's words were unfounded, and the base of the science force was really destroyed. There were survivors' testimonies that proved that Gion was really betrayed.

But his sensibility did not allow him to dismiss Gion's words.

Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin didn't know what to do.

"I'm not asking you to take my word for it, Jiajia,"

Gion took a step forward and said seriously, "But I hope you can try to investigate. The government is not trustworthy!"

"I just hope that no one will be harmed by the government."

She pursed her lips, and Jiaji saw tears glistening in her eyes, and Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin was instantly shocked.


Lieutenant General Na Na spoke.

"Anyway, that's it. I hope you can take action."

Gion slowly backed away, then jumped down from the edge of the terrace and fell directly into the sea.

Jiaji still stood there, his mind in confusion.

Gion fell into the sea, and Bright was still swimming around next to him. He smiled and praised, "Well done, the tears at the end were absolutely stunning. It was perfect acting."

"It's really disgusting to see and hear."

Miss Gion snorted, "But will Kake really help?"

"Don't worry, he's completely shaken."

Brett curled his lips and said, "He will try hard to find a reason to believe you."

Miss Gion was speechless.

not understand well.

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