One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 498 Actions of both sides

Chapter 498 Actions of Both Sides

Therefore, being able to read minds is a very convenient thing. Bright can easily confirm the psychological movements of Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin.

Brett was sure this guy would do something next.

"Anyway, that's probably all we can do now,"

Brett stretched and said, "Go back."

Miss Gion glanced up again, and all she could see was the steep cliff and the starry night sky.

She nodded slightly, then followed Bright into the water, heading back towards the Fish-Man Island.

Jiaji, now I can only ask you.

Gion sighed in his heart, and then quickly entered the deep sea, far away from Marine Fando.

They had indeed left, but at this time Jia Ji on the terrace above was in great confusion.


The woman he has loved for decades is so sincere that it is difficult for him to doubt that she is talking.

But if he didn't lie, then the one who lied was the World Government, and the total sum of this matter was unimaginable.

If it was really Gion framed by the government, then I couldn’t even imagine what the implications would be.

My scalp feels numb just thinking about it.

But precisely because the consequences are so serious, this is more likely to be Gion and Zefa-sensei’s plan, right?

Deliberately sowing discord between the navy and the government in order to gain the initiative in the next war?

It is completely unclear who told the truth and who told lies.

However, Kake knew that his heart was leaning towards Gion.

Because we have known each other for decades, I really know Gion-chan very well.

She will never betray the government easily, there must be some special reason.


The corners of the man's mouth, which was originally very melancholy, turned up unconsciously, and a strange smile bloomed on his face, "Gion-chan came to me instead of looking for anyone else, which means that I am the one she trusts the most. Let’s be human!”

"If I can help Gion-chan clear away her grievances, then I won't be rejected if I confess again!"

"Okay! There is a reason to take action!"

Bright's inference was absolutely correct, Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin had already decided to take action.

On the one hand, it was indeed because Gion was driving his actions, but on the other hand, he also had doubts about this matter.


After a brief moment of excitement, the man fell into confusion again, "Where should I start?"

The government and the navy are completely different institutions. It is difficult for him to explore government secrets.

However, it seems that there is no solution at all. If the experiment has been completed as Gion said, and the government will start mass-producing deep-sea monsters, it must rely on the scientific force, right?

Isn't Brother Porusalino in charge of the scientific force?

Can I use the help of this old man to get in touch with the secrets of the science force?

Jiaji thinks this is very exciting.

Now he is ready to take action, let's start by inviting Brother Porusalino to drink more.

After deciding on the preliminary action plan, Mr. Cha Dou fell asleep with a smile on his face. He dreamed of marrying someone in the future tonight, which made the smile on his lips last until the next day.

While Mr. Cha Dou was preparing to take action, Bright and Gion had also returned to Fishman Island.

"I'm afraid it's not enough to rely solely on tea dolphins."

Bright had a house built for Miss Gion next to his temporary residence in Umi no Mori.

Although it has been determined through mind reading that this woman has no malicious intentions, people's hearts can change at any time. What if she changes her mind at any time and what does she want to do?

He is the only one on this island who can handle her easily, so he might as well keep her nearby just in case.

Brett thought so.

On the way back to his residence, Bright said, "We have to take action ourselves."

"Since the government wants to organize a deep-sea force, after the technical problems are solved, the most important thing is of course personnel!"


Gion nodded with deep understanding, "That troop was formed with Fishman Island as the imaginary enemy. If that's the case, it must not be a small troop!"

"The number of people must be at least tens of thousands, and it is not impossible to exceed one hundred thousand."

Bright estimated the power of the World Government and found that it has more than 170 participating countries. This amount of troops can be easily produced.

"With this level of gathering of people, even the World Government cannot truly make it silent."

Brett said so.

The government's ability will definitely make this recruitment effort very small. Ninety-nine percent of the people on the sea will not notice it at all, and it may even be hidden from the navy.

But Brett happened to have several friends who were very good at intelligence.

Tezoro, Morgans, and Katakuri are all guys with very good intelligence.

"I can't say it's a sure thing, but this is at least a direction that can be tried."

Bright said, "I will mobilize all the intelligence capabilities on our side to track the movements of those gathered people and see if we can find out the base of the new scientific force."

"sorry to bother you."

Miss Gion expressed her gratitude to Bright somewhat solemnly.

Although she still doesn't have a good impression of this man, she is not someone who knows how to repay kindness.

"No need to say that,"

Bright said casually, "Of course I don't want to see the government really form a deep-sea force."

"If we can successfully separate the navy and the government, it will be a dream scenario for me."

Miss Gion smiled and said, "Then I hope we all get what we want."

Brett smiled back.

There's only so much that can be done for now.

In addition to contacting Tezoro Morgens and Katakuri every day to inquire about the progress of their investigation, Bright also checked the construction progress of Hades and the growth of Seraphs.

Time passes slowly like this.

Then, in some unknown secret base.

"Please look! Five Old Stars!!"

Caesar holds a phone bug in his hand and communicates with the old stars remotely.

“This is the first batch of results!!”

He looked at the people or monsters photographed by the phone with a smile, "Why are you still standing there? Say hello to the Five Old Stars!"

But in front of him was a group of monsters lined up.

Its appearance is simply a crude combination of human and fish.

A human head grows from the head of a complete octopus, with two hands on both sides of the head.

The lower limbs are human legs, but the waist up is the body of a shark.

Such things can only be described as weird and terrifying.

"Greetings to Lord Wulaoxing!"

These monsters all bent down and knelt down to greet the phone bug respectfully?

Then the voice came from among the phone bugs.

"Very well, Caesar, you have done a good job. The government is secretly recruiting troops. More people will be sent to you next. Turn them into a deep-sea army as quickly as possible!"

"give it to me!"

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