Chapter 499 Speculation

"...The government is indeed secretly recruiting troops."

There was a phone bug in front of Bright, and the sharp voice of an old friend came from the phone bug, "This thing is done very secretly! It is scattered among dozens of countries in the first half of the Grand Line, and every The state recruits only a few hundred to thousands of people.”

"This amount of movement is difficult to detect without careful inspection."

"I know, I know your intelligence ability is extraordinary, Morgans,"

Brett rolled his eyes and asked casually, "The only thing I care about is where these people were sent to."

"It's true, Brett,"

The paparazzi leader on the other end of the phone complained a little, "It's a bit too much. The people responsible for transporting the reserve troops are all agents of the CP system."

"My people don't even dare to get close to those ships, let alone figure out their movements."

Brett twitched the corner of his mouth. There was no real feeling in this guy's words. "There is a truly big news hidden behind this matter, which may cause drastic changes in the situation of the entire world."

"If the situation is true, I will tell you the details as soon as possible."

"Hahaha, then there is really a reason to work hard."

Morgans laughed, "It's really difficult to get close to those ships."

"But it's relatively easy to identify where they will resupply."

"Based on their departure direction, we can estimate the islands they may land on next, and then deploy manned surveillance on all candidate islands."

“Finally, a simple road map was drawn.”


Bright sighed sincerely. Although Morgans said it very easily, he still wanted to know how much manpower and material resources he spent to monitor the ships.

"So, where is the final gathering place?"

"have no idea."

Morgans sighed, "Those ships approached the Red Continent and then went up to Mary Joa."

"I have no idea whether they will stay in the city above the clouds or change ships and leave."

"That's it."

Brett nodded slightly.

Can't blame Morgans.

The world government has completely entered a state of war, and the entire Mariejoia has been on alert. It is no longer possible to obtain the intelligence of the government center as easily as in the past.

After all, when it comes to espionage capabilities, the World Government is certainly the most powerful in the world.

"But I personally think that they may not have come down from the Red Earth Continent."

Morgans said suddenly, "Although there is no evidence, the New World is the territory of pirates. The government's tentacles in the New World all rely on the scattered G-series branch bases of the Navy."

"If this matter is to be avoided by the Navy, then I'm afraid the New World is not a good choice."

Brett's eyes lit up, "Morgans, you are such a genius!"

Morgans' speculation makes perfect sense.

The government has already lost two experimental bases in the New World, although one was destroyed by themselves.

The chances of them continuing to place vital bases in the New World are already pretty low, right?

For the sake of safety, just put it in front of you, just on the red earth continent. It is a choice with a higher probability, right?

"Hahaha, then I won't be able to help you much,"

Morgans chuckled, "But after everything is figured out, don't forget to give me first-hand news."

"Don't worry, that is news that must be spread around the world as soon as possible."

Brett said so.

After ending the call with Morgans, Bright called Gion and the two good brothers over again.

"On the Red Earth Continent?"

After hearing Bright explain the situation, Jinbei frowned immediately, "Is it in Mariejoia?"

"Then there's nothing we can do about it,"

Tezzolo sighed helplessly, "If it's in Mariegioa, Brett, are you going to go there by yourself?"

"That's not a good idea."

Brett sighed.

Running to the enemy's base camp alone before the war is something that requires such arrogance.

"So, we can only leave it to Jiaji, right?"

Miss Gion said so.

"That's right,"

Brett nodded slightly, "MaryJoa is already a place that is difficult for us to reach."

It can only be left to people within the government to investigate.

"I'll contact Kake immediately." Gion said.

"It's better to go and see him in person,"

Bright said this, "If you use phone bugs to communicate, it can easily be monitored by the government, but don't forget that the government should still be wary of your contact with the navy's senior officials, right?"

Gion thought for a moment, then nodded slightly.

"Are you going to the Navy Headquarters after that?" She looked at Bright.

Brett nodded slightly, "Just in time to confirm what kind of harvest the tea dolphin will have."

What will be gained from the tea dolphin?

That happened a little earlier.

"Ha ha ha ha,"

A small banquet was being held in the private residence of the Navy Headquarters.

Even inside the house, Mr. General, who still wore toad glasses and whose obscene appearance could compete with that of a tea dolphin, was smiling with his cheeks flushed.

"The Five Old Stars in the Science Force have been given full responsibility to Dr. Caesar. Now I don't know the situation there at all."

In the eyes of Cha Dou, who gradually stiffened, the man codenamed Kizaru said with a smile, "Really, I have finally become considerate. I no longer want to be responsible for such troublesome things."

At this time?

Tea Dolphin was very angry.

Then didn’t I treat this guy to drinks for so many days in vain?

Porusalino you bastard!

I have been putting off things that can be explained clearly in one sentence for so many days!

The tea dolphin gritted its teeth silently.

After sending Kizaru away, he returned to his home in a daze.

This clue is also broken, so where to start?

The dazed Kaki didn't notice that Kizaru, who was drunk and went home alone, had a meaningful smile on his face.

"Really, trouble seems to be coming. What should we do next? Who should I approach to get my pension..."

For the next period of time, Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin fell into confusion.

He couldn't find any opportunity to contact the scientific troops.

In this case, how should we wash away Gion's grievances and win her heart?

Fortunately, the person he thought about day and night appeared in front of him again.

One day after that, when I was enjoying the cool air on the terrace again, longing people came up from below again.


Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin almost cheered.

But his excitement was soon extinguished by a basin of water.

"So, Jiajia, what did you gain?"

How should I put it, nothing gained?

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