On the morning of the official opening of the World Conference, while the kings were still enjoying the delicious breakfast provided by the chefs in the restaurant, the five old stars had already held a meeting in their conference room early. Small meetings.

"Pangu City has been sealed off. The Knights of God have dispatched a lot of manpower. From now on, not even a single bird can escape from Mariejoia."

The bearded Wulaoxing's voice was cold and stern.

Now that we have made up our mind to make the kings of all the participating countries follow the government's actions, even if it means using violence, there should be no hesitation at all!

"very good!"

The five old stars holding the sword nodded with satisfaction, "At this critical moment, it is natural that the entire world must unite!"

"Next is Eve's side,"

The bearded Wulaoxing said calmly, "The bomb has been placed. All it takes is one command to completely break the big tree!"

Isn't Fish-Man Island located deep under the sea and out of reach of anyone?

Well, since you want to stay under the sea, then enjoy the real life under the sea!

Now that we have decided to declare war, there is no need to make excuses!

After a complete breakup. Let’s give Fish-Man Island a try first!

Mariejoia is located directly above Fish-Man Island, which means that the Sun Tree Eve, which transfers sunlight to the seabed and brings light and warmth to Fish-Man Island, breaks out from Mariejoia and extends into the sky. .

In the past eight hundred years, during this long history, the top of this big tree was once the totem of the Celestial Dragons, where the monster known as the King of Heaven lived.

But now, of course, there is nothing there, because the King of Heaven was no longer owned by the Celestial Dragons many years ago.

Since it no longer has any significance to the World Government, and is crucial to Fish-Man Island, there is no more suitable tree to use as a declaration of war than this big tree.

The Five Old Stars want to plunge Fish-Man Island into complete darkness and coldness!

Even if the fish people can survive on the bottom of the sea, I'm afraid they can't stand the eternal darkness and cold!

Let this tree of the sun be the first ray of smoke in the war!

The next step is to fight until death!

"By the way, how's the progress on Caesar's side?"

"The progress is very good. Everyone has undergone preliminary transformation. We just need to wait for them to fully develop!"

"Great! Then, prepare for the opening ceremony! It's time to get the whole world moving!"

The World Conference is about to begin.

At the same time, under Marie Joa, in the sea of ​​clouds in the middle of the Red Earth Continent, Brett had also flown here with the two of them.

"The next step is up to you, Mr. Tanaka!" Brett said.

"Leave it to me, Lord Brett!"

Mr. Tanaka nodded vigorously, and then the ability was activated.

So Brett took him and Gion and plunged into the Red Earth Continent.

"What an interesting ability!"

While walking up through the dirt, Miss Gion looked around in surprise.

But of course nothing could be seen, just darkness.

"It's not that amazing."

Mr. Tanaka was very humble, "The real great thing is Mr. Brett. I can't determine the direction at this time."

Indeed, Brett was guiding the way all the way up.

Gion turned to look at Brett.

This man's knowledge is indeed extraordinary.

Although the Red Earth Continent was very high, with Brett's speed, he had reached a position near the top in less than two strokes, and further up was Mary Joa.

The three of them emerged from the ground.

This is a dark space, and all that can be seen are groups of ragged people pushing a huge roulette wheel.

The roulette wheel drives the gears, causing the ceiling to move forward continuously.

Gion pursed his lips.

Brett led the two men further down, and then sneaked forward.

"What is that?" Mr. Tanaka was curious about what he just saw.

"Marie Joa has a path that can move forward automatically, but it seems that the technical content is not as high as imagined."

Brett said calmly.

Miss Gion had already clenched her fists.

It wasn't the first time she knew about this, but she had never felt so ashamed before.

But what's the point of being ashamed now?

If you really want to do something for those people, let's make it impossible for the World Government to do whatever it wants!

Miss Gion's belief becomes stronger!

The navy and the world government must part ways today!

Brett's lips curled up slightly.

Only after breaking away from the subjective standpoint can we see the full picture of the facts.

Or it can also be said that this is losing fans and returning to dislike?

In short, let’s go to Mr. Jiaqi to collect the information.

When Brett started looking for people, in Pangu City above, kings from all over the world had already entered the spacious conference hall and sat down one after another.

The World Conference has officially opened.

"Oh, big scene!"

Outside the closed door of the conference room, three generals from the Navy Headquarters were sitting here.

Although the scene inside cannot be seen, the outstanding domineering power of knowledge is enough for the monsters to understand the situation inside.

Green Bull exclaimed with a smile, "So many big people gathered together, and for the first time, I felt the weight on my shoulders."

"What we are carrying is the world."

Kizaru said with a smile.

"The world..."

Green Bull lay lazily on the table, "That's really heavy."

Behind the gate, the kings from all over the world gradually became quiet as five men ascended the rostrum.

Five old men wearing black suits and capes.

"Five old stars?"

King Riku said in surprise, "Five people actually arrived at the same time? This has never happened before, right?"

"There has never been a situation where the kings of all the participating countries have been summoned before."

His Majesty King Kobra of Alabasta, a friend he met at the last world conference, frowned, "It seems like something earth-shattering is about to happen."

King Riku sighed.

This is really bad luck.

The five old stars stood under the rostrum, and all the kings and kings gradually became silent.

After a moment of silence, the bearded Wulaoxing stepped forward.

He took a deep breath, "Everyone. The world has reached its most dangerous moment, and we are already standing on the edge of the cliff!"

same moment.

Marie Joa somewhere.

Brett emerged from the ground with the two of them.

Looking at the figure leading the navy patrol not far away,

"found it."

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