One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 504 The most dangerous man

The careless Lieutenant General was leading a group of naval soldiers to patrol the outer wilderness of Mariejoia.

The white town of Mariejoia is built on the tip of the red continent.

This is the largest landmass in the world, but there is not much life. It is difficult for plants to survive on the red land. After all, it is located almost 10,000 meters above the sea, and the temperature is quite low.

Not to mention that there has never been anything like a river on this red land, and animals and plants have no basis for growing here. Even Mariejoia's resources have to be transported up from the sea.

Outside the prosperous Mariejoia, there is just an infinite wilderness. This is the largest landmass in the world, but it has no use value.

Lieutenant General Cha Dou had a lazy look on his face, but he was secretly worried in his heart.

Nothing can be found in this empty wilderness.

Is the base of the Science Corps really near here? In other words, isn't Gion really deceiving himself?

The man was very confused.

I don't know if he didn't find it, or if he was simply deceived.

But at this moment, his brows suddenly frowned.

"I'm going to use the toilet, you guys go ahead first."

He suddenly spoke out.

The marines under his command had no doubts at all and just continued to move forward.

After all, this is not the first time. This lieutenant general has always been very willful.

Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin walked to a deserted wilderness. After confirming that his subordinates had gone away, he turned his head and looked somewhere.

"Gion-chan! Come out!" A bright smile filled the man's face.

The tea dolphin continued to maintain the domineering spirit of seeing and hearing, so of course he noticed the appearance of the familiar aura immediately.

Then someone appeared on the ground not far in front of him.

"You're so perceptive. I was noticed right away as soon as I came here."

Laughter rang out.

Cha Dou frowned and looked at the guy who appeared with his goddess in shock.


How could you not know this man?

The strongest opponent the World Government has ever encountered so far is also the greatest humiliation experienced in the history of the Navy.

Fishman Brett!

How could this man be with Gion——

There is only one possibility!

Gion is really on the same side as Zefa-sensei, so of course he is on the same side as Bright!

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So have you been deceived?

"Don't get me wrong, Lieutenant General Tea Pig,"

Brett said calmly, "Miss Gion and we are just partners, and we are not as complicit as you think for the time being."


Cha Tuan twitched the corners of his mouth, and his arms had turned pitch black.

"Don't get excited, Jiaji, Brett didn't lie to you."

Miss Gion spoke up at this time, "I have neither joined the neo navy, nor have I joined the Fish-Man Island."

"We work with them because we share a common goal of exposing the government's evil practices."

The tea dolphin remained silent, just calmly assuming a fighting posture.

In his heart, he was inclined to believe in Gion, but his rationality prevented him from believing it.

"If you don't believe it, then come with us to see what kind of experiments are being carried out at the base of the scientific force."


Jiaji frowned, "Are you kidding me? Brett, I've searched Mariejoia for several days, but I haven't seen any trace of the experimental base you mentioned!"

"You didn't find it just because you didn't look far enough."

Brett said so.

Sure enough, it is not particularly reliable to leave this matter to the tea dolphin.

Of course, the world government is also preparing for the navy's actions.

Jia Ji patrolled so arrogantly, it’s a shame that he could be found.

But this guy still found out some information.

For example, the World Government mobilized some troops to surround Yang Shu Eve, as if it wanted to do something.

Bratt figured out what Wulaoxing wanted to do after just a little guessing.

Probably because he wanted to destroy Yangshu Eve and completely cut off the sunlight on Fish-Man Island.

This can be a bit troublesome.

If the sunlight disappears from the deep sea, then the only choice is to move the Fish-Man Island to the surface of the sea.

Even if fish people and mermaids can survive in the deep sea, it doesn't mean they don't need sunlight.

"What do you mean?" Jiaji frowned.

Is this bastard looking down on himself?

Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin felt annoyed.

"Britt's knowledge is unusually powerful."

Seeing Cha Dou's expression of disbelief, Lieutenant General Gion introduced, "He can easily find many things that we cannot detect at all."

Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin's eyes were empty.

This explanation makes me feel even more angry, okay?

Although it's just a matter of seeing and hearing, doesn't this also mean that in Gion's heart, he is far inferior to this guy?

Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin felt annoyed.


He sneered and said, "Well, Brett, have you seen anything that I can't see?"

"You can't see it, but you can hear it."

Brett's lips curled up slightly.

A base with tens of thousands of people exists here, so what is the most important thing?

Of course it is the transportation of materials.

If the base of the scientific force really existed here, then Brett would have known that a large amount of supplies would be transported from Mariejoia to that base every day.

So no matter how far away that base is, you can trace its whereabouts as long as you pay attention to Mary Joa's voice.

The time he was wandering around Mariegioa just now was not just a wandering. Brett was carefully listening to the sounds of the city.

Then finally something was gained.

"Come on, come and see with us."

Brett smiled.

But Jiaji fell into silence.

How can I go with you?

Who knows what is waiting for me next!

That's what Jiaji thought in his heart.


Brett grinned, "By the way, Miss Gion said that if you come with us, we can go on a date with you later."

Miss Gion gave him an annoyed look.

But still he didn't say anything.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go quickly!"

Mr. Jiaji was right and strict in his words.

In the Panguchang conference hall.

The sudden speech of the long-bearded Five Old Star made the kings gathered here look confused.

What does it mean that the world has reached its most dangerous moment, and what does it mean that we have reached the edge of the cliff?

Are you talking about the neo navy? Or the revolutionary army?

Has the strength of these two groups troubled the government to this extent?

"I'm sorry that I didn't let you know until now,"

The bearded Five Old Star took a deep breath, "Next, let me introduce to you in detail the most dangerous man in the world! A man who intends to subvert the entire world and seize everything on the sea!"

"That's what that fishman Brett did!


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